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  • Yes, I will "friend" you very soon! It wasn't just me that missed you terribly. A little bit of soul was missing without you, so please make sure you can go next year. ;)
    Ahh, mermaids. Yes, that is also an obsession. But fairies still top mermaids, due to all the Flower Fairies and Disney Fairies books. Plus, it's much easier to run around with wings than a tail! Your tattoo however, is among the most beautiful I've ever seen.
    Your FP pics and your Kamoka thread are awesome! That is my dream and I'm determined to make it to Kamoka as well! Next time you go, stop in Hawaii.
    Great photos Sheri! Funny how you had all the enemies of our oysters too; pufferfish, triggerfish, rays and turtles. You also have a pic of my old grafting cohort Thierry. See you soon.
    Enchanting photos! I will be content (at my age) to live vicariously---and delight in your adventures!
    Hi Sheri! Your necklace and I would like to be your friends!! Still drooling/procrastinating over SS purchases, keep finding interesting options, though!

    Warm regards,
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