Precious metal price trends

I think the gold and oil prices and stocks in general now only depend on what the dollar does. If the dollar is down, everything else goes up. Gold and oil from a technical standpoint had a strong breakout and should go up until the end of the year. I think commodities all went up because people are running away from the dollar. But the market is very manipulated right now, so it is dangerous.
Sounds like a very interesting article- taking it home for further in-depth reading; thanks for the post! I've been watching gold prices skyrocket for it seems like almost 3 + years now- wondering when we'll see the plateau... (and kicking myself for not buying gold 5 years ago, but such is the way when you have only zinc dimes in your pocket lol)
I read that article. Scary.

I googled "tungsten gold" and got a lot of hits- all from blogs and small news sites telling the sto. The link on this thread is the best I've seen so far.

So the mainstream has not touched this story! Hmmmm
Let?s not hope that this is going to drive the global economics (not China?s) into a state of chaos and ultimately poverty for all of us!
Kitco is very main stream though specialised in PM s.

China is holding massive USA cash.
They are buying whatever they can with it.
This flood of dollars drives demand down for the currency lowering the price.
Near zero interest rates drive the dollar further down.

A lower dollar is not in China's interest.
Maybe so, but it hasn't hit the major outlets. Where is the NYT or even Fox? Not even the Huffington post has weighed in on this. It should be a major subject like the housing bubble.

This is not a partisan issue at all. We all need to know about these massive frauds and robberies, it's everybodys' $$$
This story has been floating as a rumour for about 18 months now, in some of the more obscure and unverifiable conspiracy oriented publications online.

The GFC has never made sense to me, especially the enormous run up on the oil price.

Now this tungsten business- that makes sense and if the fraud is as large as suggested in the article this could be the smoking gun.

Even the victims of a fraud like this might keep it quiet, as it would affect them adversely.

Speculation on this subject, while fascinating, is pretty far out on the fringes.
That is why I am amazed to see it coming from Kitco.

Whatever the truth is, the public will be the last to know if relying on the wretched bought and paid for hack media.
a humourous speculation from this thread:

"It would be a nightmare to assay every brick that comes to a bank.

It now seems that the Chinese asked for an assay on some of their bricks and lo and behold, some were filled with Tungsten. You can imagine the nightmare that this presents itself.

Who has been buying gold lately?

India bought 200 tons of the 403 tons....

India said it was keen to diversify its reserves away from the US dollar, which has weakened in recent months.

USA: "You wanna diversify away from the Dollar? Sure, please hold one minute for our customer service rep. He will be with you shortly".

USA to Federal Reserve board: "Hey, we got India on hold wanting to diversify away from the dollar and buy some gold. WTF are we going to do now"?

Fed Board: "Hey, we still have some of those gold plated tungsten bricks! Lets unload 403 tons of that shot on them, they will never know. We will make it look like the Chinese did it"!!

The IMF only offered it to other Central Banks. I wonder why? If the Central Bank discovered the fake bars, would they even say anything? Or would they let people assume they have real gold?

My suspicion is that India is getting rid of a few US Dollars obtained in international trade and buying the gold, before the dollar slides further.

Take into account that the value of all the Gold mined in history only amounts to about $5 Trillion if sold at todays prices (give or take a few million).

The US has -$65 Trillion in debt and bullshott assets......

Something stinks."
Regarding the Kitco story--Where is the evidence? (minus hugh inferential leaps and assumptions). Before you panic--examine this story critically.
Good advice CN. I have been checking this out everywhere I can and it appears so far, the guys at kitco are the source. I didn't see any proof either and none of my friends have heard about it. So I put that in my bag of "prove it" stuff.
Here is an upcoming radio talk tomorrow on the subject. This guy has been talking about the tungsten/gold thing for a while.

[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif]The Real World of Money[/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif]featuring [/FONT][/FONT]Andy Gause

[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif]
Logon @ 10 - 11 AM CST [/FONT]

[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Many say gold in Fort Knox was changed to salted tungsten fake gold bars during the Clinton Administration - Cliff High forecasted same six months ago. What does Andrew Gause think?

[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Andrew says "End The Fed Movement" is a False Flag...what about "Audit The Fed"[/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]What would a hot war against Iran do to gold, silver, oil prices and the value of the dollar?[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Andrew Gause, is a nationally recognized currency historian and money expert and is not afraid to defy the conventional wisdom and call it how it is by backing it up with facts. When it comes to the privately owned Federal Reserve, monetary systems, social security, the national debt, economic policy or private issues there is no better expert than our own true patriot.

Andrew has done over 1,000 TV and radio appearances and publishes a weekly newsletter "The World of Money." His first book "The Secret World of Money," challenges a wide range of topics dealing with the history and future of money. His second book, "Uncle Sam Cooks The Books" predicted the great calamity of 2007.

Andrew can be found LIVE every Wednesday 10am -11am CST on One Radio Network with host Patrick Timpone so if you are not tuned in you lose out! [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif]
There are so many links and byways I was going around in circles, I had already read so much of it. They all quote each other. As for the naysay reporter who said a Chinese Co. did it and the Gov't quashed it. That was a single unreferenced source? Where did he get that info? So back to work tomorrow! If this did happen and people want to suppress it, nothing is better than a logical explanation-- but only if you can back it up.