Where to find one Tahitian pearl for a pendant?

Precious Pearl

Community member
Mar 28, 2009
Does anyone know where I can buy one loose Tahitian pearl (for a pendant)? I have seen that www.pearlparadise.com has some loose pearls, but would like to know if there are other suppliers as well?

I also wonder if there are any pearl farms selling pearls to end customers?
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Hi..Nerida has some Kamokas and so have I, plus some other loose one. What sort of shape and colour do you want?
Hi..Nerida has some Kamokas and so have I, plus some other loose one. What sort of shape and colour do you want?

I am looking for a round or almost round pearl (maybe 10-12 mm). Colour is difficult but I am thinking of "teal blue" or a greyish pearl or one with silver overtones.
Thank you all for contacting me! I have not yet made the final decision but I think that I have found a pearl for my pendant!!!!!
The pearl is on its way and I'll post picture of it once it arrives- I am SO exited to get it!
I got the pearl today- the most beautiful Kamoka pearl (AAA, 12.5 mm) selected by Jeremy and I just love it! This pearl is perfect! Unfortunately I realized that I had to charge the camera battery after having taken just one (!) photo so pictures will follow later.

Thank you so much Jeremy for helping me to get this beautiful pearl for my pendant.
Oh my, hardly did I know how difficult it was to take a picture of a pearl... Anyway, here are some pictures of my Kamoka pearl. I also attach some pictures so that you can get an idea of what the pendant will look like.

Once again, thank you so much Jeremy!


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I am glad you contacted me and we were able to find the perfect pearl! I look forward to hearing about the completed pendant!
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I picked up the pendant from the jeweller yesterday and I love it! Once again thank you Jeremy for finding me the perfect pearl!

Simple and elegant, imho. :)

Very nice:). Is the pearl removable from the setting?

Good question!!! The design is similar to diamond rondelle. But if it has a snap to make the pearl interchangeable, that's even better.

EDITED: Back to photos from post #9, it looks as if it's an enhancer and can be opened and closed.
Thank you Nerida, GemGeek and SpaceNeedle!

The pearl is removable from the diamond setting and I hope to get more pearls (maybe a SS pearl and an exotic pearl) for it in the future.
Thank you Heidi- I have a pair of Tahitian earrings already that I will use together with this pendant. The colour is not exactly the same but I think that it works anyway. I guess that a SS pearl is next on my "wishlist" but I am currently saving for a bag (!) so it might take some time until I can buy more pearls...

It is correct that it can be opened and closed Hanaleimom. I think that TPO has a pendant in similar design where the pearl is removable.

I am happy that you like the pearl/pendant Miriam Reed!