Green ring...


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
I found this ring earlier today, and I thought I just had to post the link to it here. I think it's very unique and wanted to share.

What's your opinions?

I like it but I'm sceptical, I don't think the plant would be too happy if you wear it a lot! And how long will the plant live for? What happens if it die, where can you find another? No such information...

I think it could probably be easy to make but no idea what plant they use.

If you turn a flower pot up side down the soil and the plant falls to the floor, so I assume there might be some special soil/plant involved...
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Yes, easy to make.
Wonder if you get a crop from it - say if you can see a tomato emergency in your dietary future.
I think it is prob just a fun gimmick - I can't see any plant lasting in such a small 'pot' for long. One pic shows a special spray for it, so I am guessing it is in the paraphernalia of that plus growing medium and new seeds that the money is to be made
Moss can also grow on earth, you often find it on grasslawns. (It can grow in water and on trees as well.)

In which case, I think it would make more sense if this type of moss was growing on stone in the ring, not sure if it does... Would seem a lot more durable that way, but also harder to make yourself. How do you plant moss on stones for example?
Looks like moss to me. Got to say, it kinda grosses me out -- kinda like having a chia pet growing on your finger.:eek: Just my humble opinion:rolleyes:
LOL How funny! But if it didn't say "what's for dinner," "mommy I'm hungry," bark or meow in my house, it died. So like my mood ring which turned black, I'm sure this ring wouldn't last through a week of me.

It appeals to me becuase I like the idea of carrying a plant with me everywhere I go, just because I like flowers and nature a lot. I think it'd be a way of expressing myself.

Also, wouldn't it be good if you're lacking oxygen? Like, imagine if you're being shut in in a room and there's no air and you have 1000s of rings like that, you could probably survive... (Just joking!)
oh boy, that is too weird!! fun too! Imagine that. I'm not surprised to see it, it's incredible, there is always someone out there thinking this stuff up!

It appeals to me becuase I like the idea of carrying a plant with me everywhere I go, just because I like flowers and nature a lot. I think it'd be a way of expressing myself.

Also, wouldn't it be good if you're lacking oxygen?QUOTE]

I kinda like it. It's pretty.

It's acceptable to the medical field that animals and plants can help people stay healthy. Petting an animal can lower your blood pressure so why not feel good to see a little green growing thing traveling around with you?:)

On the other hand,:p (no puns intended), if it got damaged by normal wear and tear you might be distressed because you had formed an attachment.

Ever see the movie "Invasion on the Body Snatchers"?:eek:

This makes me think, ChChCh Chia... and as a companion to the ring, would one need to also purchase a mini mower?
:) m