Time to show off my dark strands


New Member
Apr 25, 2009
I have 3 dark strands in my collection. The flameballs are from the
TPO sale, the black FW are from ebay and the Tahitian just arrived
an hour ago from the PP sale.

I reach for the flameballs quite a bit...they seem to compliment
my coloring and provide a casual look. At some point, I am going
to restring them and remove the single "dead" pearl from the front.

I am not sure about the Tahitians yet. I think they need to
grow on me a bit.



Wow. They are all awesome. I do see pinkish/light purple on the Tahitian. I don't have a flameball. The photos from TPO pages were quite pastel. I did not realize they are "spice" colors. If I knew that I would have bought a strand. Enjoy!
I would keep the Tahitians myself, and like that one the best out of the three :)

DK :)
Wow. They are all awesome. I do see pinkish/light purple on the Tahitian. I don't have a flameball. The photos from TPO pages were quite pastel. I did not realize they are "spice" colors. If I knew that I would have bought a strand. Enjoy!

Spice colors usually refers to natural-color freshwaters. Those fireballs are color-treated.
I like FW colors, especially the exotic. I am in love with intense Tahitian colors. Then there's the allure of white, lustrous South Sea. And so on, and so on. I am in so much trouble.
The Tahitians are already growing on me and I think they will quickly become a favorite.
The Tahitians are already growing on me and I think they will quickly become a favorite.

The Tahitians are my far-and-above favorite. They are so lustrous and yummy-colored! That said, they are all very pretty. I have no problem with dyed/treated pearls as long as they are not misrepresented as being colored by nature. I like the way the three different strands make up a pearl wardrobe and I think they all look nice on your skintone. Thanks for the wonderful photos! ;)

they are all lovely, but the Tahitians are the finest in my opinion. Such beautiful dark colours and the lovely rose overtones! I do like the colours of the fireballs, even though they are treated.
The Tahitians are already growing on me and I think they will quickly become a favorite.

It didn't take long, eh? They are so lustrous, clean with intense colors. It would be hard not to love them. ;) I am glad you posted a photo of the flameballs. It looks prettier on a model.
Those Tahitians are fantastic, Annie! Definitely my favourite of your strands ... amazing colours!
They all look great against your skin - congratulations!
Your Tahitian strand is gorgeous!! You picked a great one. I'm still waiting for my strands. UPS lost my package from PP.:( I'm hoping they can find it.
Love the Tahitians! I do agree the flameballs are more casual and probably get more use. But dark pearl colors are the best!

So I'm not the only one having trouble with UPS ... I had a lot of grief with this same shipment - they buzzed the once on first delivery, but didn't do so on the second attempt nor did they leave a message even though I was home that time. When I went to the depot after calling to say I would collect it, the package went out with the truck again. I wasn't rude to the guy at the depot, but he seemed very offended that I was upset about the situation. Seriously, if you don't understand the problem you shouldn't be in customer service.