Please advise this Redhead!


New Member
May 15, 2009
Hello everyone! I'm new to the forum and have learned so much, and now must ask your advise!

I'm a very light redhead, with very fair skin and freckles. I had my 'colours' done years ago and was told my pearl colour should be ivory but I'm just afraid that they may look too yellow-y on me. I'm leaning more towards a silver overtone...

What do you think? Any other redheads out there that can advise me? Thanks so much!
Hello crazyforfreshwaters,
Welcome to the forum ! :)

I'm not a redhead, but we have several beauties here who will surely be along later....
Meanwhile, have a look at some of the posts by la_corsetiere.....
Welcome to P-G!

I'm not a red head either, but I always like to suggest to clients that they try on as many different strands as they can. Especially when it comes to the many colors pearls come in, you may find you like something that you never considered. Besides, what could be more fun than trying on pearls!!
Thanks for the great advise! I agree, trying on strands is wonderful but I've got my eye on a double strand from Pearl Paradise in the AAA and just want to make sure they look awesome! Though I'm sure they will, they have such beautiful strands. I do have a strand with a slight pink overtone...but with my skin colour, not sure it's the best look for me.
Hi, crazyforfreshwaters! I agree with the recommendation that you try on different colors of pearls to see what complements your coloring and skin tone. Even among the fair/freckled of us, there can be different undertones to the skin. I look hideous in yellow clothing, but golden pearls complement my skin nicely. I love deep purple clothing, but lavendar and many pinkish pearls look pretty dead against my skin. Silvery tones look nice, sometimes taking on an almost bluish cast against my skin. And dark colors are almost always a good bet, given the contrast.

Just remember, if there's a color you love, but it doesn't look great against your skin, you can always make a long rope and wear it over clothing.

Happy shopping!!!

I adore the lavender shades but they do nothing against my skin..*sigh*! I'm leaning towards the silvery overtones myself, they look so pure, magical almost.

After reading everything I can on this forum I've discovered that I would never buy the saltwater cultured, the freshwaters nowadays are so beautiful and I love the fact that they're solid nacre!
I think Sheri has a great idea. There are a lot of variations of lavender, and when you get to the second harvest "keshi" pearls they come in darker lavenders with gold mixed in. You might find something you can wear in those colors. Otherwise, adding a lavender drop enhancer, or mixed colors might be the ticket. Look, look, look and be advised - you'll wind up with a list of must haves!!!!
Keep us posted.
I know!!! For my first real string, I want a white strand, preferably a double strand. Then I'd love to have a few coloured strands..oh I wish money was no concern!!!
I do have another question..hope no one minds!

Should pearls 'match' your skintone or be the opposite of your skintone? Don't know if I'm phrasing that properly but hope you know what I mean. If your skin is rosy, should you wear a rosy shade or something that would not blend so much?
I think you really have to try them on. Maybe you can go to a store that features many colors, shapes etc. of pearls, and try them on. Then you'll have a reference point. Don't buy them, until you look around though! You can also ask to take pics for reference - they should let you.
I would never buy the saltwater cultured, the freshwaters nowadays are so beautiful and I love the fact that they're solid nacre!

Never say never. Just when you least expect it, a bead nucleated saltwater strand will creep into your dreams and call your name in the middle of the night. Then there are the bead nucleated freshwaters ...
I'm a redhead and I bought some TPO Gemfresh with a rose overtone. See this link for pictures:

I have fair skin with a lot of pink but the rose tone seems to work for me. Part of why I chose rose and not ivory is because the pink undertone seems to give the pearls more depth -- just personal preference though. Any color of peach pearl looks good on me but pink pearls just fade into my skin and unless the lavender is dark with a lot of gold that doesn't work either. Interestingly, a mix of colors seems too work too. Hope this helps!
Alot of great advise, thank you all so much! Your pearls are beautiful, Pearlcat! Your skin tone is quite a bit warmer than mine, but those rose pearls are lovely! I'll keep you all posted on how I make out!
Hi there Crazy! I'm a redhead too ... lol. Your best bet is to try them on, daylight is best but halogen is ok too. You'll just know when you see them on you. I have pure white FW pearls as well as a rope of cream pearls. My skin tends toward the warm tones but I can wear both white and cream. Experiment and have fun!
Karen, that is a beautiful strand! And ivory you say? So lovely and soft looking on your skin! So far, I'm leaning towards the silver overtone, with the ivory as a close second. In my area, there are only a few high end retailers that carry the more expensive pearls (akoya) so it shouldn't be too hard for me to see what I like, however it may be a challenge to find a good selection...that's why I love looking at the photos of everyone else's treasures!! you have any pics of yours anywhere on the forum? Since I'm new it takes me awhile to navigate all the threads!
Thanks Crazy. Yes, they have an ivory overtone, and I too like the way they look on me. But I can also say that I have a strand (that I made) of "platinum" keishis that I think also look pretty good on my fair skin. So the silver overtone would probably work well also. In any case, good luck finding the right color, and consider posting pics when you do! :)
I just wanted to let you all know that today, my husband presented me (for my birthday) a beautiful pair of 8-9mm Freshadama drop earrings in the yellow gold and they are stunning! He said he ordered them over the phone with PP, ordered them in the silver overtone! How could he know? Sneaky, but wonderful man! They are beautiful!
Hello, crazyforfreshwaters! Glad that you have some lovely new pearl earrings. Go yr hubby! I analyse personal colours in my shop ... I added it on cos people kept on asking me hard questions, wanting advice and assuming I was an expert on what colours and styles best suited them. Phew. So I got some training in colour and style, what suits particular colourings, body shapes and even personalities. It has become an integral part of my service, now. BUt having said that, I try very hard not to have preconceptions about what colour ranges suit my customers before I use my special silk scarves for draping. It is fun to work together and be surprised! Photos, emails, faxes etc are too unreliable to work with, and anyway I prefer the face-to-face contact as we work through the details and discover things together!
So why am I answering this? Yes, trying on shades one by one works. Having some idea of what colours definitely wont work for you (and others) saves a lot of time and often money. So updating your colour swatch would be helpful. I have no idea when your original analysis was conducted, but the methods now are more refined than they were, my swatches have 50 colours in them, and give you shades of most colours to wear. As well as degrees of contrast, neutrals to base your wardrobes on, shapes of beads, lengths of necklaces, types of earrings ... there's lots to learn if you want.
Most redheads I have analysed have been in the "warm" skin tones, but a couple have had cooler undertones, and have a combination of warm and cool colours in their palatte. Without a one-on-one, if you are fair, and there is little contrast in your skin/eye/hair colour, then keep your colours on the lighter side. Grief, I'm rambling on farrrrr too much.:o Feel free to ask if you think I may be able to help at all. Ruth
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