TPO Mother's Day sale!!

Hi Callire! I keep looking at that strand but since I bought the AAA 7.5mm gray strand, I'm not sure I should go for a second strand this month. Although... it is a great deal...

I like this forum. I think it is very useful and interesting at times. But I have to say something about these promotional threads by a few members here. Now I just looked at Callire's threads. If you look almost every one of them is about what sales the Sheperd bros. are having. I like these guys. And I appreciate the forum. But if we are going to promote bussiness here why not just do it and stop all this fooling around? IMHO :confused:
I like this forum. I think it is very useful and interesting at times. But I have to say something about these promotional threads by a few members here. Now I just looked at Callire's threads. If you look almost every one of them is about what sales the Sheperd bros. are having. I like these guys. And I appreciate the forum. But if we are going to promote bussiness here why not just do it and stop all this fooling around? IMHO :confused:

Thank you Mikeyy... well said. Nothing more to add.
I have posted new stock photos in the past, when I thought the pearls might be of interest. I'm hoping that you aren't including me. Point is taken though, and I won't again (though I don't run sales)
I like this forum. I think it is very useful and interesting at times. But I have to say something about these promotional threads by a few members here. Now I just looked at Callire's threads. If you look almost every one of them is about what sales the Sheperd bros. are having. I like these guys. And I appreciate the forum. But if we are going to promote bussiness here why not just do it and stop all this fooling around? IMHO :confused:

Ohhh now I understand what you were really getting at when I posted a pic of my blue Akoya studs. :p

I'm not one to "promote," simply for the sake of promoting, however if I think the customer service is amazing, and I had a great experience with the product and seller, guess what? I'm most likely going to provide POSITIVE WORD OF MOUTH. You may not have heard of it but customer satisfaction tends to do that and attract loyalty. Who knew?!

I like to show pics of the pearls relevant to the thread and original post whether I like it or not. If it makes you feel better Mikeyy, I ended up returning last month's special of the Tahitian studs from PP despite posting a pic. I also posted pics of my Tahitian Kamoka studs I ended up buying from Pearlescence b/c they were just gorgeous.

IMHO, it seems like everyone and their mom sells pearls on this forum and I must's a strong conflict of interest when sellers are ALSO the moderators. I've always had that impression and I still do. Then you have crabby sellers who don't get all that attention b/c they don't have monthly specials and jab at loyal customers out of jealousy. Go ahead and flame me for this but it's already been started.

Mikeyy, it seems like you're really bent out of shape over this whole "promotional" thing but if you were busting out fabulous monthly specials and had people getting excited every month after waiting in anticipation for your pearls, I doubt you will be singing the same tune.

Also, if you like to make snarky remarks about what I post, I suggest you PM me if you have a problem with me instead of leaving trailing sarcasm. Yeah I know it's your thing to be sarcastic but I can dish it out too. Thanks.
Ohhh now I understand what you were really getting at when I posted a pic of my blue Akoya studs. :p

I'm not one to "promote," simply for the sake of promoting, however if I think the customer service is amazing, and I had a great experience with the product and seller, guess what? I'm most likely going to provide POSITIVE WORD OF MOUTH. You may not have heard of it but customer satisfaction tends to do that and attract loyalty. Who knew?!

I like to show pics of the pearls relevant to the thread and original post whether I like it or not. If it makes you feel better Mikeyy, I ended up returning last month's special of the Tahitian studs from PP despite posting a pic. I also posted pics of my Tahitian Kamoka studs I ended up buying from Pearlescence b/c they were just gorgeous.

IMHO, it seems like everyone and their mom sells pearls on this forum and I must's a strong conflict of interest when sellers are ALSO the moderators. I've always had that impression and I still do. Then you have crabby sellers who don't get all that attention b/c they don't have monthly specials and jab at loyal customers out of jealousy. Go ahead and flame me for this but it's already been started.

Mikeyy, it seems like you're really bent out of shape over this whole "promotional" thing but if you were busting out fabulous monthly specials and had people getting excited every month after waiting in anticipation for your pearls, I doubt you will be singing the same tune.

Also, if you like to make snarky remarks about what I post, I suggest you PM me if you have a problem with me instead of leaving trailing sarcasm. Yeah I know it's your thing to be sarcastic but I can dish it out too. Thanks.
I am not bent at all. And I am not promoting my site. I am not in any compitition with anyone so I am very happy that Terry and Jeremy continue their success. All power to them. I have not made any attempts to draw PG'rs to my site because I didn't feel it was right to show up on someones site and start trying to push product. And that is easy for me. Not to mention its sort of a rule here. So when I see thread after thread that only seem to promote one or two companies I have to wonder. Then when I looked at Callires profile and checked her threads I saw that probably 95% are promoting sales at these two sites. I suggest you take a look. Then after you do perhaps you can tell me if it doesn't seem a bit over the top.

You can dish it out all you wnat I can take it. :D
I am not bent at all. And I am not promoting my site. I am not in any compitition with anyone so I am very happy that Terry and Jeremy continue their success. All power to them. I have not made any attempts to draw PG'rs to my site because I didn't feel it was right to show up on someones site and start trying to push product. And that is easy for me. Not to mention its sort of a rule here. So when I see thread after thread that only seem to promote one or two companies I have to wonder. Then when I looked at Callires profile and checked her threads I saw that probably 95% are promoting sales at these two sites. I suggest you take a look. Then after you do perhaps you can tell me if it doesn't seem a bit over the top.

You can dish it out all you wnat I can take it. :D

It doesn't bother me when users who are not vendors post pics or rave about vendors. I think that's really helpful for other users. What I do get a little peeved about is when a user posts a not so great experience with one of the "favored" vendors on this forum, and everyone jumps on that user saying it's inappropriate, unfair, etc. I think that if you can rave about a vendor, you should also be able to post a LEGITIMATE complaint. I think that's fair. Plus, that's the nature of business, and I think it's also helpful. You can't please everyone 100% of the time. I've purchased from Pearl Paradise and Pearl Outlet, and most of my experiences have been wonderful. However, I have also had a few not so great experiences (one of them was really bad) that I haven't posted about mainly b/c I didn't want anyone there to get in trouble. Like I said, most of the time the customer service and merchandise are fabulous, and I'm going to put the not so great experiences in perspective with the fabulous experiences.

That being said, I've also purchased from a couple of the vendors that have been ragged on, and I've had wonderful experiences with them as well. However, I do take the complaints that have been mentioned on this forum into account when purchasing from them.

I also think there's a fine line between advertising and sharing something interesting that can be breached when vendors post pictures of "interesting" or "unique" pieces. There's really only one vendor who I've felt has done this and used this forum for advertising a little too much in the past.

ETA: The only thing that does bother me about these type of threads is that it encourages people to buy before I get a chance, so everything I want sells out. :)
Hi guys:
I am not a vendor and so am perfectly biased in this case toward Callire. I love seeing her pearls and am myself a fan of the Shepherd brothers pearls. They do nothing to encourage this other than being who they are.
So Callire, please continue to post your lovely pictures and thank you for the many sales you have alerted me to.
Anybody else, like Pattye, may post any pics she has too, as I love her pearls also. In fact, I love everybody's pictures, the more because I am hopelessly inept at posting any myself.
Hi guys:
I am not a vendor and so am perfectly biased in this case toward Callire. I love seeing her pearls and am myself a fan of the Shepherd brothers pearls. They do nothing to encourage this other than being who they are.
So Callire, please continue to post your lovely pictures and thank you for the many sales you have alerted me to.
Anybody else, like Pattye, may post any pics she has too, as I love her pearls also. In fact, I love everybody's pictures, the more because I am hopelessly inept at posting any myself.

Thank you.

They don't pay me, I don't get discount codes, and I'm not a troll.

Anyway, in my own defense, I am an inexperienced user, and I mostly create sales threads because 1) It's what I'm interested in talking about and 2) everyone up until this point seemed to enjoy my idle chatter. When we get a monthly special, I like to create a thread to see what everyone thought about it, who bought what, etc. etc. etc. because it's just like going out shopping with friends. I don't post anything from other pearl websites, mostly because they don't send me any emails, so, therefore, I'm not usually drooling over xyz product. I'd be perfectly happy posting sales from thepearler or any other site if there was something I wanted to chat about.

(btw- is it open/ready to go? I wasn't sure if it was ready for orders because some of the links are a bit glitchy).
I am a very new member of this site (as is evidenced by the status of Young Spat) but have been lurking and reading for quite a while now in an effort to learn much more about something I love - beautiful pearls. I want to know how they are grown, where, what is involved. Vendors and posters can share so much of their knowledge with me and I really appreciate that they took the time to further my education.

I want to know where good values can be found. Once I order from them, I will form my own opinion of their products, customer service, etc but if other posters don't share what they are finding, how will I know where to look?

I LOVE looking at what others are buying, creating, dreaming... I'm like a kid in a candy store in that way so please, don't anyone stop posting pictures! I also like seeing everyone's web addresses in their signatures so that I can find additional places to bookmark and shop.

So, for what it is worth, please - all vendors, consumers and lovers of pearls - do not stop sharing what you have! It is appreciated by this Young Spat!

I think that if you can rave about a vendor, you should also be able to post a LEGITIMATE complaint. I think that's fair...

I also think there's a fine line between advertising and sharing something interesting that can be breached when vendors post pictures of "interesting" or "unique" pieces. There's really only one vendor who I've felt has done this and used this forum for advertising a little too much in the past.

AMEN to these points.

It's pretty obvious when a vendor uses the forum for advertising despite the creativity that is used in the subject heading. Another technique...bumping a thread to continue "showing pieces" or promoting the seller's wares through other threads in a disingenuous manner.

I also think it's interesting how some vendors love to rag on eBay for its feedback system...At least there is a feedback system! Considering the thousands of feedback that eBay sellers receive, surely, it must mean something! It also holds sellers ACCOUNTABLE. Where is the feedback forum for sellers who do not use eBay to sell pearls? I see the eBay forum (and how not to be taken) but what about a forum for all the other sellers? It makes me wonder how sellers on this board would react to that, especially those who happen to be moderators?

I have also received spectacular and less than spectacular items from a seller that always receive rave reviews here. While many sellers let you return an item, one seller w/ an incredibly high reputation does no such thing. The descriptions of their products are full of hyperbole. As much as I like this seller, if I were to write a book on how NOT to describe items, they would be the perfect case study.

Alright. I'm off my consumer soap box now. I apologize for being soo off topic.
I think that if you can rave about a vendor, you should also be able to post a LEGITIMATE complaint. I think that's fair...

I also think there's a fine line between advertising and sharing something interesting that can be breached when vendors post pictures of "interesting" or "unique" pieces. There's really only one vendor who I've felt has done this and used this forum for advertising a little too much in the past.

AMEN to these points.

It's pretty obvious when a vendor uses the forum for advertising despite the creativity that is used in the subject heading. Another technique...bumping a thread to continue "showing pieces" or promoting the seller's wares through other threads in a disingenuous manner.

I also think it's interesting how some vendors love to rag on eBay for its feedback system...At least there is a feedback system! Considering the thousands of feedback that eBay sellers receive, surely, it must mean something! It also holds sellers ACCOUNTABLE. Where is the feedback forum for sellers who do not use eBay to sell pearls? I see the eBay forum (and how not to be taken) but what about a forum for all the other sellers? It makes me wonder how sellers on this board would react to that, especially those who happen to be moderators?

I have also received spectacular and less than spectacular items from a seller that always receive rave reviews here. While many sellers let you return an item, one seller w/ an incredibly high reputation does no such thing. The descriptions of their products are full of hyperbole. As much as I like this seller, if I were to write a book on how NOT to describe items, they would be the perfect case study.

Alright. I'm off my consumer soap box now. I apologize for being soo off topic.
Lol. Mikeyy never said he thought PGers shouldn't be Beatle-screamy fangirls of a vendor from time to time. I think he's just not understanding why "intelligent, extremely successful businesspeople doing their jobs well" or "discerning pros have a great product" is news multiple times a week.

There are plenty of pearl posting threads and "check my galleries" threads, and most I've seen ID the vendor. You "keep it up!" folks know perfectly well that he wasn't saying people shouldn't post their booty. :rolleyes:
Well, I am sorry then. And I am sure happy to know your not a troll. My mistake. But given the general theme of your posts you can't blame someone for wondering. I hope you find more great deals. :)

Oh and my site..Is that still up? :D Yes it is kind of a quirky site. But everything works. And the pearls are all real. I'll have a sale sometime. If I can ever find the right button.
Laurenb, I think you hit the nail on the head... and Callire, I am glad you aren't a troll, but like Mikeyy said, you do have us wondering sometimes!!
Some other useful points have been raised here - for example, the 'no-return' policy that was referred to earlier by an esteemed vendor... if someone new popped up on the forum telling us about their site and they had a no return policy, we would collectively tear them to pieces, don't you think?
And recently a "new" vendor was torn to pieces (and had their posting rights revoked??) for saying they have a patent on a design... some of our favourites have similar strange things...
I know I joined in criticizing another new vendor recently - their site was, to me, blatantly misleading about the products being offered and I thought criticism was called for, but sometimes I think we (all of us forum members) are a little too quick to denounce smaller vendors.
And Wendy, no, I didn't mean you earlier in the thread!! There is definitely a fine line, but a line nonetheless between showing off interesting pieces or work you have, and blatantly advertising. Personally, I think you always keep to the "right" side of that line!!