"Virtual Pearls" in Second Life


PG Forum Admin
Aug 26, 2005
Well, to me this is the most bizarre experience ever. I found my pearls -Cortez Pearls- for sale in the most bizarre place ever: Second Life.
For those of you that are not into the world of PC gaming (I have to clarify this point: I don't play this game nor do any form of online gaming, but I have a good understanding on the subject) this game called "Second Life" allows you to use a character (your avatar) and interact in a virtual computer world, where you meet other people, have a job, relationships, pets, shop... a Real Life but in a "safe haven". :confused:

Anyway, I don't want to delve into this subject...but I found that a group of jewelers called "Los Texanos" sell virtual "Sea of Cortez Pearls", designed by none other than Jacon Cortez... please visit this link (or view image):


Anyway, they seem to produce more "Cortez Pearls" there in this virtual world than we do down here in the Gulf of California...also, the pearls seem much darker than mine so I believe they are produced in the Panamic Black-lip Oyster (Pinctada mazatlanica). Those pearls just don't have the colors of my precious Rainbow Lips :p

My question is: are we famous now??? :eek:
I don't know how to feel...perhaps amused...


  • DuquesaDuval.jpg
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You're right - completely bizarre! I have never done anything in second life (despite my considerable geek tendencies) but it's good to know I would have pearly options if I did! You are correct, however - yours are much prettier! :D:D
How fun! I've heard of Second Life. Wasn't there a woman who was charged in real life for murdering her Second Life husband? I might have to research that. Anyway! You were always famous to us. But now we have real life contacts in alternative spheres of reality -- and I'm really confusing myself!

Ahhh. Here it is. She was married in virtual world (Maple Story apparently a Second Life-type game) to virtual guy who served her with virtual divorce papers, so she off'd his avatar! But she was charged in the real world. Geez! http://www.nowpublic.com/culture/wo...urder-does-time-real-jail?comment_sort=recent
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wow, an interesting and bizarre thread!! Doug - glad you are famous in all worlds... maybe you should tell them just how much more beautiful your real pearls are, though!
Knotty - one needs a stiff drink to digest that story!!

I wonder if you get more time in a day in Second Life? That would make it all worthwhile!!
'Thought they had made some graphic object with realistic pearl looks!
Considering that the things are admired for rather subtle properties, 'bet that would be quite a feat.
Well, they are doing a much better job at matching the pearls than I do...I can tell you that.
It also seems rather entertaining...you dress up, learn stuff, interact with others (including killing your avatar's hubby), trade and in the case of this "Second Life" option...you can actually become a Pirate Hardy Harr!!! :D

I still remember -with a big smile- when Josh, Sraelp and many others joined into to form a "mutinous gang of pirates". Here is a chance to really do it!!! :rolleyes:

Nah! Nothing beats Real Life. :cool:
IMO there is too much drama and stres in the real world why would anyone seek it out in the vurtual???? Too much blending of teh real with virtual... Matrix here we come..
this just seems as if people are not thinking clearly and inviting trouble with open arms no less....

Wasn't there a CSI or Law and Order episode, that had something similar although it was a real life murder connected to a second life type online game? There may have been a couple...

I find it more rewarding to do things in real life.

I like some "techno stuff" but things that blur and blend reality with virtuality not a fan at all.

Sorry techno-geeks on the list..


I am sure there are many who do just fine... there are others who are "easily inflenced" when the grass looks greener.... It generally turns out to be a matte painting...

