Please help a novice with pearl-buying decision!


New Member
Mar 7, 2009
Hi Everybody!

This is my first post and I'm a complete newbie to pearls and the pearl forum - though I've definitely been lurking the past few days!

Could you please give me your advice?

I'm interested in buying an opera-length strand of pearls and I have some questions.

I have a matinee-length strand of 6 to 6.5 mm Mikimotos, which I never wear because the length seems awkward to me. I've sent them out to be repaired and restrung to Mikimoto. The pearls are about 20 years old.

I got an estimate from Mikimoto that to add 9 inches to the strand (and make it opera length) would be $760.00. I'm assuming the pearls must not be great quality, since just a 7-inch bracelet of A-quality runs 900 dollars, according to their U.S. website. (They're also supposed to be pink, but they look yellowy-peachy to me - would pearls yellow in 20 years? I'm afraid I just kept them in their soft velvet container all these years - now I'm worried that since they haven't been surrounded by moisture, that I've damaged them in some way, especially if the nacre is as thin as you say on Akoyas. Also, since I don't like yellow gold on me, I was thinking of switching out the clasp to white gold - there's no charge for this - but would white gold look odd with peachy-looking pearls?)

If the pearls are nothing special, does it make sense to increase the length to opera-length, especially since they're a smaller size?

Anyway, I was thinking of just leaving the matinee-length left alone, or perhaps shortened to a choker length and make a bracelet out of the remainder, so I'd start wearing it more.

From the info I've gathered from your forum, instead I was thinking of just getting a 36-inch freshwater strand from some of the pearl vendors you endorse, since it appears it would be cheaper than increasing the length of my Mikimotos There's a monthly special on Pearl Outlet where I could get the 8mm Gem Fresh freshwaters for $280.00 plus 98 percent of that price to make it 36 inches.

I don't have a huge amount of money to spend, but I'd like to make sure I'm spending it wisely. And all of you seem to really prefer the full-nacre freshwaters to the Akoyas. I just want a beautiful longer strand of pearls to wear!

I plan on calling Pearl Outlet on Monday, but I'd like to know your thoughts! You forum members are so knowledgeable,and I'd appreciate your advice, especially with what to do with my Mikimotos. I hope I haven't overwhelmed you with all my questions!

Thank you so much for your help and time!
I say go for the high quality freshwaters. You'll be so happy when you get them home. A 36 inch strand of Gem Fresh 8mm pearls sounds like a no-lose proposition to me. They will be a much better investment than increasing the length of the Miki strand. And calling Pearl Outlet will reassure you on the overtone/color choice. See? You really did your homework! ;)
I'm one of those who does not prefer freshwaters to akoyas (they're very different, both have their place, etc.) so I'm going to jump in fast and point out that the large vendors here could probably help you match akoyas to lengthen your Mikimoto strand. That way you wouldn't be paying the Mikimoto markup, which might mean you could afford both approaches.

Good luck! :)

Welcome and just keep asking questions! Yes, it is possible your pearls have changed color, but doesn't necessarily mean they have been damaged.

Sounds like you want a pinker overtone and longer and larger pearls, so I would vote for the freshwater. With a little care they will last more than a lifetime, even if you wore them every day! Calling both vendors and talking to them about what they have in stock and the overtones will just further your education. Plus a 36 inch strand can be worn double--so versatile!!

Akoya and freshwater are like apples and oranges--each with different characteristics. You can always have the Mikis shortened later.

Good luck!
If you still have all the paperwork and stuff to go with the Mikis you could probably sell them on eBay and fund much pearl purchasing (I'm only suggesting this because from what you say they aren't really talking to you)
My 2p.

I had my fingers burnt trying to sell fine jewellery on eBay before, and will not do that again.

If the Mikimoto strand has sentimental value, then I would give it to another female family member, or keep it for the next generation.

I would consider having it lengthened only if it would cost signicantly less than 780 USD, as a brand new 18in of 6.0-6.5mm strand AA+ Akoyas would cost less than 200 USD!

I would jump to the chance to get the TPO's monthly special and have a 36in 8mm new gem quality CFWP at less than 560 USD, as I believe it is excellent value for money - you cannot beat gem quality CFWP for value for money IMHO :D

DK :)
Thank you everyone for being so helpful and getting back to me with your advice! Unfortunately, I don't have any papers for the Mikimotos - just the pearls with their distinctive clasp, and the Bailey Banks and Biddle pearl holder I got with them, so I don't think I'll try to sell them. They were a gift and have sentimental value, even if I'm not that crazy about the color and the length. (And frankly, Ebay kinda scares me!)

But I was wondering if there would be a difference in value if I changed out the length on the Mikis - for example, do I lose value by breaking the matinee strand up into a choker and bracelet?

I'm leaning towards not having Mikimoto increase the length and getting a strand of the high-quality freshwaters. From the photos I've seen on this forum, I thought the gem quality freshwaters looked a bit similar to the Akoyas, but then again, I'm not an expert, and I haven't seen many real pearls in the flesh - just the strand I own. Will there really be a huge, noticeable difference? I admit I like luster and orient!

Thanks again for your help - this forum is the best! :)

forget you very small Mikimotos, let them be in their case, later on you can have them shortened as it is not easy to get new Akoyas that would match your yellowed pearls.

If you are clever you buy yourself either 36" monthly special FWPs, size 8 mm or even better go for 9 mm, you won?t regret it!

Should you go for the Akoyas, be prepared that they are a lot more expensive than fine quality freshwater.

The biggest difference between the two types would be the luster if we talk about looking at them. Akoya has a much more metallic kind of luster, while the freshwaters glow in a much softer luster. As Akoyas are bead nucleated, the best purchase most certainly would be freshwaters. In both cases you can tell the seller which overtone you want - rose - silver or cream and it is available either in the Akoyas or the Freshwater pearls. However, if you choose Akoyas you should definitely buy from one of our vendors here on the net, as Mikimoto will charge you a premium just for their name!

Look at the photos under "Show us your pearls", then you can see all kinds of pearls.... Let us know what it will be and hopefully also photos later on.
I agree with Inge that the pearl size of your Mikimoto strand is quite small, and would probably suit a child or a young lady, or someone who is petite.

With the top quality CFWP being so affordable at present, it is unlikely I would pay full price for a top quality Akoya strand.

Lauren would shoot me for saying this, however, I would probably get a very good strand of fakes if I were to go for a strand with glassy/metallic luster and pay a lot less :p :D ;)

DK :)
OK, I just ordered a 36-inch strand from The Pearl Outlet of the 8mm GemFresh TPO monthly special. It sounds like the color is going to be just fine - I'm so excited! (I'm 5 feet 2 inches, so I'm hoping the 8mm will be big enough - I think the price jumps up quite a bit to go to 9 mm.)

I still don't know what to do with my Mikis - leave the strand at matinee-length, or shorten into a choker and bracelet - if I do that, will it change the value at all?

Anyway, thanks for all your help and advice. Once I get them in, I'll give you my newbie impressions. (But of course, I'm hoping to be wowed!)

Thank all of you again for all of your kind help!:)
I still don't know what to do with my Mikis - leave the strand at matinee-length, or shorten into a choker and bracelet - if I do that, will it change the value at all?

I really don't know how breaking it up would affect the value except to note that most of the value of a Miki strand lies in the clasp, not the pearls. Unless you have another Miki clasp for the bracelet, you will lose a lot of the value of the pearls used in the bracelet and probably with the choker as well since it will have fewer pearls associated with the clasp.

Of course, since you state that they have sentimental value, if you would be more likely to wear them as a choker and bracelet I might be tempted to go that route anyway since they will maintain their sentimental value (if not their resale value) and you will get to spend more time with them on rather than languishing in a box.
Welcome to the forum Tamlin.
You could always look for another strand of (used) Mikis - similar size pearls - and string them all into one long rope.....

Or wear your princess necklace as it is together with other pearl necklaces of varying lengths.
(Trust me, you will acquire more pearl necklaces now you've found the slippery slope.....:D )
OK, I just ordered a 36-inch strand from The Pearl Outlet of the 8mm GemFresh TPO monthly special. It sounds like the color is going to be just fine - I'm so excited! (I'm 5 feet 2 inches, so I'm hoping the 8mm will be big enough - I think the price jumps up quite a bit to go to 9 mm.)

I still don't know what to do with my Mikis - leave the strand at matinee-length, or shorten into a choker and bracelet - if I do that, will it change the value at all?

I am only 5'2, however, I am far from petite and need to wear substantial jewellery in order to get the balance right. Small, delicate pieces disappear on me :rolleyes:

In addition, the older the person, the bigger the pearls/jewellery she can carry IMHO :)

If you can afford to do so, go large! :D

As for breaking the Miki strand up, it will cost you to have it re-strung as 2 separate pieces for a start. You would need to get a new clasp, and it is unlikely to match your existing original clasp (I could be wrong about this one).

I can't comment if the strand will decrease in value if you break it up. However, IMHO, if you do not intend to sell the strand, and can get more wear out of a shorter length necklace and a bracelet, then it is worth breaking it up.

Good luck with your CFWP purchase :)

DK :)
Sueki writes:
"(Trust me, you will acquire more pearl necklaces now you've found the slippery slope..... )"

This is exactly what I'm worried about - I have a feeling this forum may be dangerous to my finances! :D

When I was looking at the "Show Us your Pearls" thread recommended by Jerin, I saw so many beautiful types of pearls! There were some lovely silvery-blue natural color akoyas - and gorgeous baroques and South Seas, sigh.

With dkan168's comment, I wish I could go larger, but it's just a little too expensive for me right now - and it appears the 36-inch 8mm gemfresh strand was a real bargain at around $550 (U.S). I can't wait to see them!

As for my Mikis, I'm going to see what the quote will be to shorten them to make a choker and bracelet. If it seems expensive, I'll just go with the restringing and keep the matinee length. Maybe I can even look for a freshwater choker, too, if it looks like it will be less expensive. (See, I'm already wanting to make more purchases!:))

Again, thanks for all your comments - you've all been so friendly, helpful, and welcoming!:)
Lauren would shoot me for saying this, however, I would probably get a very good strand of fakes if I were to go for a strand with glassy/metallic luster and pay a lot less :p :D ;)
DK :)

I would never shoot you... lest I deprive you of the day an akoya pierces your heart with orient like a magical rainbow mirror! ;) :D

But the freshwaters many PGers endorse above all other staples are no consolation prize, to be sure.
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Maybe I can even look for a freshwater choker, too, if it looks like it will be less expensive. (See, I'm already wanting to make more purchases!:))

Have you thought about getting 51in of pearls with Mystery Clasp, as listed on TPO's site under their Akoya section?

TPO's Akoya Mystery Clasp 51in Necklace

It can be done with CFWP too.

BTW, the TPO Special is now 8.5-9.0mm at 350 USD for 18in necklace, and I am not sure if the 8mm one at 250 USD is still available or not.

Better ring them up ASAP to avoid disappointment!!!

DK :)
I would never shoot you... lest I deprive you of the day an akoya pierces your heart with orient like a magical rainbow mirror! ;) :D

If I have 8k+ USD to spend on jewellery, then I would get a strand of nice round Tahitians or white baroque SSP, or a pair of diamond earrings :p

One day I hope I can compare the best CFWP with the best Akoyas so that I can see the difference with my own eyes, and decide if I would pay the extra for a strand of the latter :)

DK :)
One day I hope I can compare the best CFWP with the best Akoyas so that I can see the difference with my own eyes, and decide if I would pay the extra for a strand of the latter :)

DK :)

If memory serves correctly, Jeremy showed me Hanadama and Freshadama strands side by side last July. I could not tell the difference (but I am not an expert). Too bad I did not take a photo of that comparison.
If I have 8k+ USD to spend on jewellery, then I would get a strand of nice round Tahitians or white baroque SSP, or a pair of diamond earrings :p

One day I hope I can compare the best CFWP with the best Akoyas so that I can see the difference with my own eyes, and decide if I would pay the extra for a strand of the latter :)

DK :)

I actually agree 100%-- gem CFWP are the way to go for white staple pearls or long strands, and I'd go for SSP, Tahitians (or Kasumis!) first if spending that much.

When expressing love for akoyas, I'm mainly talking about unusual specimens and untreated colors. Also black akoyas because they are a different "black" than CFWP or Tahitians... I'm not a peacock devotee because the colors are often a bit on the warm side for me. Perhaps white akoyas are more metallic than CFWP, but they aren't "add a zero" more beautiful/feasible for me at this point in my collecting. :D

My two favorite strands of akoya total about $450. I bought a stunning silver strand on eBay from a woman who needed a new AC. She included the receipt for $1k. They definitely aren't hanadamas, but their orient is amazing and they helped form my opinion of akoyas. The other are Vietnamese untreated blue-silvers from Druzy, $300. When I have a little time, I'll see if I can get a really true to life photo of them.