freshwater mollusk conservation society


New Member
Apr 17, 2006
Hi pearl lovers,
is there someone that goes to International Symposium of Freshwater Mollusks Conservation Society, in Baltimore, Maryland on April 19-24, 2009?
There will a special session topics on Pearl Culture.


One has to think that at least 50% of the wives told, "Bye honey, I'm off to the International Symposium of Freshwater Mollusks Conservation Society!" think, "Gah, why couldn't he could craft a better cover story for his torrid affair?"
One has to think that at least 50% of the wives told, "Bye honey, I'm off to the International Symposium of Freshwater Mollusks Conservation Society!" think, "Gah, why couldn't he could craft a better cover story for his torrid affair?"
Ha ha ha Mikeyy likes it.
Lauren, that is the funniest post in a long long while....

:D You'd also probably get a hoot from watching me try to say "ISFMCS" as if it was an acronym as I type this.
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LOL- I love giggles first thing in the morning!

Ricardo- we were just discussing in another thread how there is zero american freshwater mussel farming for the nuclei business... Do you know if there are interests in that direction that will be attending?
Hi Ashley,
i do not know the american situation. I believe that there are people with environment preocupation, and these people should raise freshwater mussel to keep the stock at an adequade level. IN Brazil, the situation are worst, because there are nnot any kind of interprise to do that.

Hi Ricardo
I was thinking of you yesterday, because of the new book about pearl culturing I listed in our books and resources a couple of days ago.

This book The Pearl Oyster by Paul Southgate, John Lucas, editors,

Publisher: Elsevier Science (October 13, 2008)

This book has 30 pages written by Strack with the help of Taylor. It is over 500 pages for $100, not counting shipping, from Amazon. Link to page
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