New PP Email!

sorry for the thread hijack...

It's not too bad-- we're still talking about deals... and I'm trying to not think about the akoya sale. It's funny how one can get sidetracked-- a year or so ago, when I was buying my first strand of pearls, I knew I wanted black akoyas to be my second, maybe third purchase. And here I am... 45+ PP strands, many from beader's special, white, silver, lavender strands, other pieces from various places, stuff I've strung... and no black akoyas.

Getting PPs emails always makes me curious about what everyone else is selling, too... I admit I'm just naturally pearlmiscuous. :D

So now I have another bit of spam to send people-- this one is from Nerida's store. Check out this strand, then hit the currency calculator on the left. Holy ****ake mushrooms!
Maybe Caitlin can move this part of the thread to where we are covering this kind of stuff--it is sooooo helpful to be able to find again--

Nerida, that is just fabulous! Beautiful! Elegant! So great that you and Mikeyy could work together on the photo posters.

How was the market described? Jewelry? Gift?

Thanks in advance, Caitlin!
Hi Pattye, and yes, I agree... please put it where it belongs Caitlin..
Not a market Pattye - very stringently applied rules for trade only customers, and run by the Gift & Homewares professional association... about 600 vendors, selling everything from furniture to baby rugs to jewellery (lots of it) to kitchen gadgets. And a huge financial investment to participate. I covered my costs of goods and stall, then some, but mostly did it for the "break" into the market and the exposure. Very hard work!!
Your stall looks great, Nerida. And I see why they liked Mikey's photo. Glad it went well for you.
Congratulations to both of you. Wow, does that space look faboo! ;)

(Something for the little guys to aspire to.)
Bernadette, you're a genius! What wonderful thinking outside the box! Thank you, thank you!
Thank you everyone for your kind words about my stall and Mike's photography skills..
Bernadette, I think those earrings are just perfect. Just how I would like to wear them.
As soon as I see the words ' shell scheme' on any exhibition prospectus I add a couple or three 000 to the on-costs!
lovely stand, great job
Does anyone know if the tahitians for the Mother's Day sale will include any round pendants? I'd like to get a pendant to go with the earrings on special this month, but I'm worried about the set matching if I buy them separately. On the other hand, I don't want to buy the pendant right now if they're going to be on sale in May.
Hi pearlysmile! Welcome to p-g.. I see your dilemna - maybe it is worth a call or an email to the good folks at Pearl Paradise... they are sure to be more able to help...
Thanks Nerida! Bad news is that pendants will not be on sale. Good news is that I can purchase the set now!:D
I'd be curious to know if PP tends to put very popular things on sale after getting a big supply, or if sales often call attention to items that aren't moving as fast as they'd like.


I hope you don't mind me answering this as best I can. Since I don't know Jeremy personally, having only spoken to him on the phone a couple of times over the years, I can't say for sure. However, from experience purchasing from his sales I can tell you that he almost always has very unusual things on the sales here on the Pearl Guide for us that we may never see again, at least in the quality that he gives us and the prices of his sales are a steal. Natalie at PP once told me he practically gives these things away and I know from reading his posts that he spends months gathering up the pearls he sells on his 'specials'.
As to the sales for the general public. It looks to me like it goes both ways. For instance I once saw a pair of beautiful white SS earring go for $400.00 and something. They should have been over $800.00. I wouldn't have minded getting that 'left over' item myself.

For myself the trick is to know what I really want, save up what money I can (pearl budget), and wait for a sale where the right pearls and the right price come together. When that happens I buy.

I also purchase for people in my family which eats into my pearl budget a little too.

Hope this helps a bit. I think the simple answer is both yes and no. Depends on the sale. I have never seen a sale to his "Pearl Guiders" that looked like anything left over. It's always something great we couldn't have imagined. He seems to get a lot of fun out of it!

It really is a combination of both, but most of the time (at least for monthly specials) it is because we purchased too much of one thing (typically in order to secure a mixed lot with other things we need), or we got a really good deal on another (like the 800, 8-9 mm Tahitian pairs).

It is rare when we post a special for something that is just not moving. But we have done that in the past in order to turn over stock. Every time we put a product on that side bar, it is the best seller of the month. We could not believe how quickly those freeform baroque akoya sold. We thought we had sufficient supply for a month, but it wasn't even close.

The pearl-guide specials are where I usually have the most fun. They are also them most difficult to put together so they never go public.