Sign o' the times...

Pearly Shell

New Member
Sep 5, 2008
Looks like the economic climate has forced Tiffany & Co. to close their subsidiary, Iridesse. Here is the article that was up on National Jeweler: http://www.nationaljewelernetwork.c...t-reports/e3i615140fc749e4798b33afa2e05abd67e

Sad to see such a great venue for pearls and pearl jewelry disappear. I know that Tiffany has been taking other measures to trim costs and drive business. Its a trying time for all in the trade.
Very big sigh here. I think you hit the nail on the head with "sign o' the time." There were lots of factors that played into the decision to consolidate the pearls back into the main stores, not the least of which was the economic climate. Very sad.
They aren't eliminating pearls. They are moving everything back to Tiffany's, scaling down the mall stores and concentrating on internet sales. There are still jobs to be had even if you don't work in the retail part of it. And, of course, there will always be the need for us lowly stringers.
Your absolutly right Knotty, Tiffany is not eliminating pearls from their assortments but focusing on Tiffany designs and the use of pearls in those designs. Iridesse did feature pearl jewelry from other designers and not just Tiffany designs. Tiffany is also launching a new type of mall store that is focused on their fashion lines of jewelry, like the all their "Return to Tiffany" & 1837 lines. Its a more value oriented assortment.

As for jobs at Tiffany, at the branch level, I would say that sales is the best opportunity. Tiffany has recently announced a reduction in their workforce by offering early retirement to their qualified employees.


I have also heard of layoffs beyond that with their opperational personnel.

Times are tight and they are definitly hunkering down.
Since Tiffany and Iridesse are one and the same as far as employees are concerned. Iridesse employees are being incorporated into Tiffany stores as best they can. The attrition will hopefully create more vacanies than there are people to fill them. There are dedicated pearl buyers, merchandisers, etc., on both sides of the Tiffany fence and it will depend on each individual as to how well their particular skill set translates to other areas of the business. For instance, can a store manager whose focus has been on meeting strand quotas adapt to a commission-based salary? Plus, their hiring focus has been less concentrated on gemologists and more on people who can sell regardless of the product. They changed their sales strategy and now it's all about the dollars and less about the image. I don't think you will see seasonal help any longer nor ambassadors in any but the really high end stores such as London and Fifth Avenue.

Tiffany has a liberal return policy and has never been too concerned with where the sale was made i.e., if the product isn't in this particular store, have it sent to your home from another store who is credited with the sale. I expect all that will change too.
Unfortunately for me, I've always found Tiffany's to be almost too focused on image... my sales track record is and has been really very good, but because my shoes aren't Prada and I didn't have perfect hair, they've never been all that interested in me. I hate Rodeo Dr.
Iridesse was never so picky, if you ever visited a store. Their staff didn't wear suits and had a more casual attire.
LOL! C'mon in with your frizzy hair! Sigh- I think I need a chemical straightener and Jessica Simpson's stylist! Along with maybe 2-3 hours in the morning to get it done right... I hate my hair. And Rodeo Dr. And Jessica Simpson. Oh- and super early mornings. :)
I hate my hair.

I have not come across a woman who does not dislike her hair :p

I have given up on mine ages ago, when the first grey appeared when I was about 14yo. I tried semi-permanent colour before about 12y ago, and found it to be too high maintenance.

Because it is very straight and strong, a perm does not last very long, and it caused the hairs to break near the scalp. I tried that about 10y ago as part of my bridal "experiment".

Now, I just keep it short by having it cut once a month. It is nearly completely white now, and I love it, even though I am only 43 :D

Off topic, sorry! :o

DK :)
Mine is a frizzy, mostly curly poof ball. I straighten it once a week with a blow dryer, but don't want to risk damaging it by heat too much. It won't grow past my shoulders ever, no matter what I do. :( And I'm scared to death of rogue stylists and dye. I (thankfully) am a natural blonde and stick with Sun In for the summer, always wanted to try going dark brunette (to look more serious), but am terrified at the thought of having to bleach out the brown since my hair is already brittle from the curls. I can't wait to have Silver/White hair- I think it looks distinguished and sexy! My b/f is only 30 and he's going George Clooney on me woo hoo! :)
A few people had actually asked if I dyed my hair to make it look grey the way it does, duh!!! :rolleyes:

DK :)