what is this? shell or blister pearl?


New Member
Jul 2, 2008
I was not certain where to post this. I found this baby ring when cleaning out my childhood jewelry case from my parents' home. I have had this ring forever. I know that I had it before I was five or six. No one who knows about the origins of this ring is still alive. I either remember ( or maybe my mind has just filled in the blanks--cannot be certain) that my Aunt or Uncle gave it to me when I was young. My Aunt visited my Uncle in Florida who had been in the Navy all over the world. I think that one of them gave it to me when she stayed with us on a return trip. I just remember thinking it was odd and my Mother telling me that it was unusual, and I cannot tear it up. I have always thought and still think, that it probably just some kind of shell, but I have begun to wonder if it some kind of a blister pearl. I know that it is not valuable. My pics are not great, but maybe I can get better photos if necessary. Experts will probably be able to look at these even poor photos and concur that it is indeed just a carved out piece of shell. One of those nagging childhood things that I would love to know just to "end the story"

The ring is silver, the central "object" is about 13 mm long and 8 mm wide at its greatest width. The "blister" or bump is about 9 or 10 mm long and 6 mm wide at its greatest width.


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This "gem" is cut from the shell of an abalone. The red color that you see is on the outside of a Red, Pink, Flat or similar abalone shell. They were fairly common at one time, usually set in silver, though I've seen a few in 10K gold.
Thanks Marcus. I had concluded.that there was a very high probability that this piece was carved from a shell. However, there is not much specific information in my references or on the web, and I do appreciate you sharing your expertise with a confirmation and the additional information about its origin .