Really pathetic

  • Thread starter Thread starter Slraep
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Hey Slraep, shame you're not running for prez, I like your style;) We need a "nice,timid kid" like you in office:)

Hi Julie,

That's funny. Oh my, thanks, no, not me as prez. King Midas would be perfect, though.

Very nice Slraep, enjoy your booby traps. On a duller note, couldn't they simply cover the mussel beds with a net, that when tampered with, sounded an alarm at the police station. Or have the beds watched?
Only 200???:eek: It's a wonder they were discovered before they all died.
I think it must have been similar to how many of the US rivers were fished out. I don't remember reading anything so detailed as that article, but that it was often a summer's weekend activity for the family, I think before the 40's, though.
I remember reading an old cook book by M.F.K. Fisher, a famous foodie, where she writes about the extrordinary abundance of shellfish and other seafood from Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the US. She could never have imagined what it is like now. A big toxic dump of an estuary with even the crab having a had time surviving. She would have been incredulous. It was not that long ago.,0,6795363.story
