Really pathetic

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One hundred and thirty shells. Even that paltry number was fair game for some greedy imbecile(s).

Endangered pearl mussels killed

Illegal fishers destroyed 130 freshwater pearl mussels

Illegal pearl fishers have struck in Angus, destroying large numbers of one of Scotland's most endangered species. Wildlife experts have discovered 130 opened freshwater pearl mussels at the River South Esk, downstream of Brechin.
The area has one of the world's largest populations of the mussels - but the culprits have killed about a third of those in that part of the river. One expert said it was probably the largest kill he had seen since a ban was introduced 10 years ago.

The indications are that mussels were taken from the bed of the river in the summer and opened to see if there was a pearl inside.

The River South Esk has been designated as a Special Area of Conservation for its populations of freshwater pearl mussels. The fine for killing just one mussel can be as high as ?10,000.

Largest kill

The crime was discovered during a survey at the river.
Survey leader Dr Peter Cosgrove said: ''We worked hard to find these mussel beds - and dead shells - suggesting a similar effort must have been needed by the pearl fishers. This was not an opportunistic half an hour in the river and away effort.

''The pearl fishers would have to have systematically been in large areas of the river for many hours/days to find the mussels, plus the time taken to kill them and look for pearls.

"In all my many years of experience of doing this type of survey, I think the scale of this illegal fishing incident on the South Esk might be the largest pearl fishing kill I've seen since the 1998 ban.''

The shells were forced open to see if they contained pearls. Alan Stewart, Tayside Police's wildlife and environmental crime officer, added: ''Investigating crime against the extremely endangered freshwater pearl mussel is one of the wildlife crime policing priorities set out by government and police through the Partnership for Action against Wildlife Crime (PAW).

''The penalties reflect the seriousness, in that for each mussel killed the potential fine is ?10,000.'' In 2005, a study found that the condition of pearl mussels in the South Esk was classed as "unfavourable" due to the low densities, illegal persecution and water quality.

Rhona McInroy, from Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), explained that the most recent kills were a major setback.

"Much time and money has recently been put towards improving conditions for salmon and freshwater pearl mussel further up the river by the Fishery Board, SNH and the European Union," she said. "This illegal fishing frustrates this recovery. Freshwater pearl mussels act as biofilters, filtering out particles and maintaining water quality.

Researchers have calculated that, on average, two populations are lost every year and this has been happening for the last 30 years.

Police have appealed for anyone, particularly anglers, who have been on the River South Esk and saw anything suspicious to come forward.

Greedy and clueless. Hope they get caught and fined as stiffly as the law allows.
I am sorry to read this story.
Someone who thought he could make a quick fortune, no doubt. Thank goodness he/they quit at 130 shells- unless they took some home too.
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How remarkably upsetting. I certainly do hope they are caught and fined stiffly. What a waste.
Greed is such ans evil thing and at the cost of so much in the long run for a little instant gratification and a quick buck now.

Hope those involved do get cought! It is very sad to see that many wonderful species are going the way of the Dodo.

oooh, ouch!

It does demonstrate that you can have plenty of laws and punishments in place but there is always someone out for a quick profit (and even if they did find some pearls, for all the effort involved it might have been easier simply to get a few hours work!)

If anyone offers me natural pearls I shall summon an officer immediately
How very sad- I wonder if they'll start having parts of the river under periodic survelliance to try and stop this from happening again, or will they continue to rely on surveys and fishermen to be their eyes?
Why can't they do the decent thing and kill the mussels outright, instead of letting them die of slow death?!

DK :rolleyes:
Hi Ashley - don't put something else in this country under surveillance - this is the surveillance capital of the world...cameras everywhere. ick
Even when the cause is good.
I agree,Wendy,more surveillance camaras in Britain would be horrible. It certainly is disturbing,though,to hear of such abominations in a beautiful country like Scotland.( I feel it especially as I used to live in the village of Aboyne, just to the north of where the river is "born".) Maybe here on the pearl-forum we can do our little bit to encourage people to love this amazing planet and not just go for the fast buck or quick quid!
Maybe here on the pearl-forum we can do our little bit to encourage people to love this amazing planet and not just go for the fast buck or quick quid!


Oh! You are a man after my own heart! You took the words from right under my typing fingers(all two of them)! Sigh(batting my eyelashes).

.. don't put something else in this country under surveillance - this is the surveillance capital of the world...cameras everywhere. ick
Even when the cause is good.

Wendy, I was thinking less surveillance and more booby traps. But that would be rather very evil of me, wouldn't it?---and what with me being such a nice timid kid and all. Although...if you seriously think about it, being electrocuted vs. getting boils vs. two active root canals---I don't know what would be worse. And maybe if the punishment were dealt out right away(sound of someone being jolted with a goodly amount of electricity), instead of wishful thinking(bring on the boils), it could possibly work as a great deterrent!! But, still, there's always the odd asinius stultissimus around somewhere.

That's not just robbery, but silly robbery, I would think: maybe stressed mussels produce more pearls... but still... what could those fellows hope to obtain from 130 mussels? :rolleyes: Jail sounds more likely (un-likely such as is) then a single notable pearl.

Any idea how many pearls might still be in the wild in such a small population of relatively young mussels beds? (assuming they are 'young', since the beds only just recovered from near-wipe out)

Someone should inform those bastards to fish where both they, and the local mussels stand a chance :mad:
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Someone should inform those bastards to fish where both they, and the local mussels stand a chance :mad:

Well, they've probably got away with the former, and it's plain they don't give a jot about the latter.

However, with all the bad vibes being sent their way, the scum will surely get what's coming to them.
Hopefully there were no pearls at all in those mussels and the poor fishing is making news in the right circles already.... Darn stuff.

It is easy to wish that everything having to do with pearls is fun, good life, happiness and romance, but...
Here's more info:

"Only two Scots jewellers are licensed to sell freshwater pearls and they can only trade in pearls collected before the ban.

John Lochtie, manager of one of the licensed dealers, Cairncross jewellers in Perth, said poached pearls would be very difficult to sell on the black market.
He added: "A good pearl could be worth ?150 with a really good necklace making ?15,000. But since the ban, no jewellers have been allowed to buy loose pearls."

It's a long shot, but, if anyone can help, here's the contact info:

Information can be passed to police at 0845 600 5705, or directly to Mr Stewart at 01738 892650.

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Wendy, I was thinking less surveillance and more booby traps. But that would be rather very evil of me, wouldn't it?---and what with me being such a nice timid kid and all. Although...if you seriously think about it, being electrocuted vs. getting boils vs. two active root canals---I don't know what would be worse. And maybe if the punishment were dealt out right away(sound of someone being jolted with a goodly amount of electricity), instead of wishful thinking(bring on the boils), it could possibly work as a great deterrent!! But, still, there's always the odd asinius stultissimus around somewhere.


Hey Slraep, shame you're not running for prez, I like your style;) We need a "nice,timid kid" like you in office:)