Who is Michael Mikado Pearls?


New Member
Oct 26, 2008
Does anyone know anything about this pearls brand Michael Mikado? I can't find anything on google about them but they say they have been in business for 30 years and are very well known.

If someone can also explain to me what it means if pearls are cultured in Deep Fresh Water I would appreciate it. Why is it better and more valuable that regular freshwater pearls? This is a variety of pearls sold my Michael Mikado and they told me it was a sort of proprietary method of growing pearls.

Thank you for answering my questions.

M. Hampston
Castle Rock, WA
Do they have a website we can take a look at? Is it a brand your local store carries? So what were they offering? Size and cost? Did you see the pearls in person? Sounds like just hype to me-----
Thank you for looking at this Pattye.

The website is mmpearl.com. The part about deep fresh water is in the supreme collection.
Well, they do appear to have pearls for sale. I tried to google the company also, no result. They certainly are not well known in the US. The info here on the guide about how freshwater pearls mussels are grown is factual, no special Deep Water Secrets!

Nowhere on their website do they explain their grading scale, what AAA or AA means.

Their photos are not very detailed or close up. They use the same photo for white Supreme 12-13mm as they do in 10-11mm. I counted the pearls! Most assuredly you will not be receiving the pearl strand in the photo.

Most pearl purchasers have some interest in the subtle characteristics of body color and overtones of the pearls they are purchasing, especially when spending a considerable amount, such as those larger strands. I see nowhere on their site any reference to this.

Nowhere does it say these pearls are tissue nucleated, or if they are bead nucleated (not very likely).

Are they willing to email you photos of the actual strand you are considering purchasing? Are they giving you the actual mm size of the pearls on the strand?

I compared their 10-11mm chocolate strand at $640, to The Pearl Outlet strand 10-5-11-5mm at $495, both described as AAA.

So--you might decide to take a chance, if so, be sure to charge it, they do offer refund policy.

If you have the time and interest, I would strongly recommend you continue to read here about the pearls of interest to you, and check out the websites of the online sellers who post here, of which there are a quite number, and compare prices.

As far as their marketing practices, as a "mature" woman, I find it annoying that mmpearl is using lovely young models only in formal attire showing the pearls. That is so NOT recognizing the way pearls are being worn today---

These are just my opinions----I hope some of the others will comment here, too!

Should you decide to purchase from them, we would be most interested in your experience!
Perhaps the deep waters thing relates to water temperature.
Big, big thumbs down for that site.

Deep freshwater is a made-up thing. The Michael Mikado brand is made up as well. I checked the About Us page and something looked very familiar. It took me a while to find it but I did.

Check this:

Now check this:

Notice any similarities? The last paragraph, especially. The stories about how they started are completely different as well, even though it is clearly the same outfit. Personally, I would not trust a single thing on either Web site as the lying is pretty blatant. This is something you see on eBay a lot, but never on a serious Web site. It is a here-today, gone-tomorrow site (like we see every year just before Christmas).
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Thanks a million, Jeremy! "Always smile, smile always" because we know enough not to buy from them!!!!
The alphabet pearls are getting into double letters! Mpearls is all used up, so it is mmpearls. We can probably look forward to more doubleletters <grits teeth>
Thanks for the links and the information. Wow! That is pretty low-down business. I'm glad I didn't fall for it.
"Always smile! Smile always!"

Puke... right now!
After reading your feedback about Michael Mikado pearls I sent them a letter telling them I thought it was quite dishonest of them to be stating their best pearls were cultured in Deep Fresh Water because I researched their claims and the practice does not exist. Today I received a reply to my email from the partner owner (woo-hoo!).

To whom it may concern:

I am Michael Mikado, the partner owner of mmpearl/Michael Mikado Pearl. Finally, your email is forwarded to me today from our marketing department in the U.S.! Thank you for your comment & criticism! I have ordered our VP of marketing to correct the mistake! Sorry for the confusion! You must take back your words of " very dishonest of you". You have no right to insult Michael Mikado brand like that! It is a insult! Why you so quickly to get conclusion like that? We just start our business practice in the U.S., there are many things we shall and have to learn! We welcome any criticism with goodness! However, we will fight any criticism with malice!


Michael Mikado

The only thing I can attest is that I am quite pleased with myself for being cynical. They are not the sort I would ever want to buy from.

Many thanks to those of you who responded and saved me from falling victim to this company.
Wow. That is all I can say. They were right about one thing, that's for sure. They have a lot to learn about business practices in the United States. I have a feeling they will soon find out that they've just learned their first lesson.
That is an interesting response! Almost like they used a translating program!! The message was vaguely menacing!!! Sort of a cross between an apology and a threat!!!! At least, that's my impression!!!!!! :eek: !!!!!!!!!
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Congratulations, M. Hampston!

You've just earned your badge and are now officially a member of the Pearl Police! ;):D:cool:
Nice. That'll go well. Americans love being scolded.

Since he advocates smiling always and always smiling, are we to conclude that he grimaces while fighting criticism with malice? :)
I must say that I was certainly surprised as well as puzzled when I received his reply.

According to dictionary.com, malice is a remarkably strong word to use.

1. desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness: the malice and spite of a lifelong enemy.
2. Law. evil intent on the part of a person who commits a wrongful act injurious to others.

I concede to being a bit cantankerous when I feel someone is being intentionally deceptive, ergo my comment to Mr. Mikado, but a simple apology and a change to the offending statements would have been the simple approach.

Many thanks to everyone here for their help and for my new badge of honor:D The Pearl Police!

I am still on my hunt. Any comments on this piece? I am leaning toward it.