Who were the lucky ducks who got the fireballs?

I was the lucky duck who got a natural akoya :)
But OK...I already have fireballs...
How many of fireballs was there available? I did not look, being concentrated on akoyas (which are also sold out within half an hour...)
grrr i just got the sale email now, missed out on the gorgeous akoyas! enjoy them! :)
What fireballs, what akoyas? I missed out totally. I have just been paying waaay too much attention to school.
How did you guys find out?
I was wondering about the same thing, but I think they were talking about the TPO sale. I only just got the email (long delay) so check your email and see if you have it...
Yeah, I'm talking about TPO. AH! They were so pretty. I saw the natural akoya, but I would've wanted the fireballs more. :( Maybe they'll get a few more in stock ??
Can one predict when Terry sends out these e-mails? As I would like to make a note in a my diary to go home early to check e-mails in the future! :D

I was tempted by the natural akoya, good job it was sold out! :)

DK :)
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Terry has monthly sales and it's the beginning of the month. It could be anywhere from the 2nd or the 5th or the 8th, depending on when he decides to put it there. But from time to time he adds other sale in addition to the monthly sales, such the the Summer blowout and the Fall sale. If you really have time, you can check the page daily. Go to the home page and scroll to the bottom. The sale link is at the bottom. For example, currently it says "Fall Sale". I hope this helps.

Yahoo emails get delayed a lot. If you have hotmail, you receive the sales notice much earlier in the day. One time, my yahoo account did not receive the sales email until 6PM on the day of the sale.
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Thanks Cathy for the tip about where to find the sales page ;)

I received my mail at 14:52h UK time, which was probably soon after it was sent out in the US. However, I did not get home until after 20:20h, and checked for e-mails at about 21:00h. By that time, some of the items on offer had gone! :rolleyes:

DK :)
Thanks, Cathy. Good to know these things. The TPO emails go to my yahoo mail, and I've been wondering why some items were already sold out even when I went on as soon as I received the sale email. Now I know!
Does anyone have pics of those? I did want some fireballs, but ended up not checking my email before bed.
I was the lucky duck who got a natural akoya :)
But OK...I already have fireballs...
How many of fireballs was there available? I did not look, being concentrated on akoyas (which are also sold out within half an hour...)

Olmander, you have the most beautiful collection of pearls in the world. But still, I wish you had gotten some so you could show us.

They were sold out when I got the email... and there were still like 3 akoyas left at that point.

It looked that way to me yet they were already out when I went to the merchandise page. Alas! Both the fireballs and those Akoyas caught my eye.
By the time I saw the email the akoyas and fireballs were gone, but I only looked out of curiosity-- I would not have been buying them. I have a number of things that still need stringing; in fact that's what I was doing today. (Pictures to be posted to my thread after I finish the matching bracelet.)
Hi Callire,

Well, gee, uh.....now I feel a little guilty about scoring on those outrageously gorgeous fireballs.

Tell you what. If they don't suit me (I'm generally not a pastel person, but these caught my eye) I'll let you know. Since you were the first to express an interest, Terry may just give you first dibs.

Or should throw them up in the air like a bride's bouquet......hmmmm.....;)
A barbershopper who is into pearls!!! ;)

Me too!

Oh. My. Stars. Another BARBERSHOPPER?! *starts gesticulating wildly*

I've attempted to attach a photo below, but I'm not overly optimistic.

But let's see.....judging by the tenor (heh) of your posts, guessing you are a hmmmm.....tenor...nah...definitely not a bari.....Lead. Bass a close second. :)
