Red dyed CFWPearls are becoming more popular every year

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I just picked up a few, and they look fab! Keep your eyes peeled...

You took a hiking trip to Lake Lop? You must be in much better shape than the Chinese explorer Yu Chunshun, because he perished walking across Lop Nur in 1996. Yikes.

Wow! Lop Nur reds! Can't wait to see them. Caitlin and I have been searching and searching...but it has been futile so far.

Can you tell us how big they are? I never buy any dyed freshwaters but Lop Nur reds I just gotta have.

Wow! Lop Nur reds! Can't wait to see them. Caitlin and I have been searching and searching...but it has been futile so far.
HEY, Me too!
HEY, Me too!

Hi Pattye,

That means that only you, Caitlin, the Dalai Lama, someone unmentionable, and me, are going to have some. As a consequence of this recent abundant availability, I think the price might have gone down to something more reasonable than only Bill Gates being able to afford them.

Also, the reds should give us enormous power and together we can rule the world. Hahahahah(maniacal laugh). Or so a certain infamous pearl scholar wrote..

" Still, red pearls are very rare and highly sought after. In the Far East they are considered the ultimate symbol of wisdom and power and in the Western World they were considered the symbol of ultimate royalty.


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So, if you three and the Dalai Lama are going to rule the world with the Lop Nur Pearls; does that mean we will finally have peace?
I thought the Lop Nurs were from Tibet.

The mythical Lop Nurs are suppose to be from Kashgar, Chinese Turkestan. But the infamous pearl scholar also wrote that she bought up every last one(what else is new).

That is why Terry's find is making me drool in anticipation.

And the girls and I are first going to materialize all the niftiest pearls in the world at our feet. We'll think about the peace part later.

Here is a photo of Z's faux, faux, Lop Noors (Z's spelling) The lake is a traveling lake so I can't guess how the mussels survive long enough to produce a non graduated strand. ( They truth is, they don't) This is ZD's fan-ta-z. They are dyed Chinese cultured freshwaters.


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Thanks, Caitlin.

Thanks, Caitlin.

Thanks for the brilliant photo,Caitlin! I couldn't understand what all the fuss was about until I saw that! Is it true that they only come from that particular lake? Why can only those specific FWs take the red dye. Please explain someone,thanks.
Pearlesence has Lop Noors. But be quiet about it. I don't think she knows they're Lop Noors. She thinks they're dyed Christmas Reds.
Hi Andrew!

I just changed the post above that misled you. Let let me explain more: Those Lop Noors are faux Lop Noors because they are just beautiful, dyed, red Chinese CFWP!

ZD gave them a faux name, so though the pearls are not faux, the name for them is. Anyone else recognizing the faux use of the name, but likes the pearls and buys some, are buying faux, faux Lop Noors.

Now we just call the biggish bright red CFWP Lop Noors, even though they are faux, faux. It is a standing joke around here.

Actually the bright reds and lighter cranberry reds are highly desirable and fairly scarce. They have never been closer that a couple of thousand miles from the actual traveling lake of Lop Noor, that never stays in one place long enough to allow mussels to get established- let alone producing matched shape, color and large size pearls!

Got it straight now?;)
Also, the reds should give us enormous power and together we can rule the world. Hahahahah(maniacal laugh).

" Still, red pearls are very rare and highly sought after. In the Far East they are considered the ultimate symbol of wisdom and power..."

This is obviously a bunch of malarkey. Were it true, Lops would *certainly* have been mentioned in Dragonball Z!!!

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Hi Carolk
You got it!

But Slraep is right too. These bright red pearls are Dumbo's feathers of the first magnitude and one just wants to project power into them! Enough people doing that and you never know what can happen! :D
Terry, how about a private offer for the reds? Could be a new speed sell-out record!
Terry, how about a private offer for the reds?

Since you asked, sure thing. I'm leaving Hongkong today, so give me until the end of the week. I'll post a link on this thread to them after we have pictures, and I won't post any links on my site to them.

So much for the red and emerald green idea I had for Christmas... I may have to keep one strand just to play with.
Argh! Make it October!!! Credit card billing cycle resets Oct 2!
^ I agree with the above post. October!! xD
Wait... EMERALD??

PLEEEEASE? I don't think I can pull off red pearls... They might look like bright red legions or something. But Emerald... It's only my favorite color ever. Not mixed. Just Emerald.