The Pearl Knowledge Project The CPAA NEEDS YOU!

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The Cultured Pearl Association of America has under taken a project to educate the jewelry sales personal and the community as a whole. They have developed a “FUN” and ENTERTAINING way to teach and learn about cultured pearls with a “flash card” system. Each laminated card will be round in shape and since many questions pertain to all pearls there will be a visual indicator such as a cluster of pearls which means the Q & A refers to all pearls. If for example, the answer applies to only a Tahitian pearl then the visual will show a Tahitian pearl only. These visual aids will help in memory retention. A question will appear on one side and the answer on the reverse. Sales associates can even play and test each other, learning becomes fun and tests prove more knowledge is retained when done in an environment of fun!

The CPAA NEEDS YOU….the CPAA is reaching out to the pearl community asking for assistance is developing the best questions and answers for the cards. Go to the Forum section of the website where you can submit any questions regarding cultured pearls.

What are the questions on peoples minds regarding pearls….whether you are a Jeweler, Retailer, Manager, Sales Associate, Pearl enthusiast …….no question is foolish, for instance many people think “cultured” is a variety of pearl, the CPAA’s goal is to share accurate information in a fun and easy way to learn. Pearl by pearl we can all make a difference.

As a special thank you, the CPAA will give a complimentary set of cards to each individual whose Q & A is selected. Additionally, the committee Chairman, at his discretion will award a copy of Elisabeth Strack’s book, Pearls, to the individual whose contribution was most significant in accomplishing this goal.
You can post new questions answer the ones I put up but they are just to begin the process.

It is an open process we just want to see what develops. Your help will be greatly appreciated. The more perspectives the better.

We are looking to develop the very best educational tool we can. I will assure you all those that help me will get their own game of trivial pearlsuit
Doesn't this duplicate information that can already be found on
Some PG-ers will know that in my spare time I also teach at the Open University, which is a distance learning university in the UK. So I am used to teaching adults and also teaching at a distance.
I have to say that flash cards are a bit simplistic for adults as well as not being anywhere near the best possible way to inform and educate. They are cheap though.
These days specialist CD rom educational materials or online resources are showing the way to education.
But they have to be written by people who know what they are doing and their production costs money. After that delivery is very cost effective
If you want the best educational tool you can get, forget flash cards and start work on e-delivery
What a good idea - a lot of work to set up correctly and this should go through many iterations in a Draft form to verify the accuracy of the information - but it could produce a useful tool.

There's an exciting application for a physical "set" of cards in a very real setting: The sales counter at the B&M store with the average consumer and salesperson.
Hi Peter
You means like these definitions?

1 A ring of coral encircling a lagoon, often created by volcanic activity..
5 Unit of weight historically used in Persia to valuate natural pearls.
6 The Japanese term for luster.
8 An algal bloom which is devastating to pearl mollusks.
9 Author of The Book of the Pearl published in 1908.
10 Historical Persian quality factor describing natural pearls of a yellow color.
13 Removing the outer layers of a pearl in the hopes of finding a better quality pearl

These are just a few examples from a crossword puzzle Jeremy wrote for us. There is now a vocabulary section on the P-G that has the answers, but when he first did it, we had to look them up for ourselves.

I loved doing that puzzle and I think a lot more of them can be made, from easy to hard. This puzzle had a lot of hard to answer questions.

Is this the kind of Q&A you are looking for?

How about this one?
"Who actually developed Mikimoto's culturing techniques?"

Most jewelers don't know the answer to this one.
Those are some pretty tough questions. Pearl peeling is a fairly advanced concept but all is ok. May hope is to hear what kind of information is lacking at the retail level. But the crossword puzzle is similar. We already have more advanced DVD and interactive material. I can just imagine sales staff playing with the deck of questions when it is slow.

I like the crossword idea who wants to give one for the next news letter?
William Saville-Kent

Nishikawa and Mise

but the questions have to be posted in the right thread Jeremy does it
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But where are the answers of what Caitlin quoted ?

1 A ring of coral encircling a lagoon, often created by volcanic activity..
5 Unit of weight historically used in Persia to valuate natural pearls.
6 The Japanese term for luster.
8 An algal bloom which is devastating to pearl mollusks.
9 Author of The Book of the Pearl published in 1908.
10 Historical Persian quality factor describing natural pearls of a yellow color.
13 Removing the outer layers of a pearl in the hopes of finding a better quality pearl
Some PG-ers will know that in my spare time I also teach at the Open University, which is a distance learning university in the UK. So I am used to teaching adults and also teaching at a distance.
I have to say that flash cards are a bit simplistic for adults as well as not being anywhere near the best possible way to inform and educate. They are cheap though.
These days specialist CD rom educational materials or online resources are showing the way to education.
But they have to be written by people who know what they are doing and their production costs money. After that delivery is very cost effective
If you want the best educational tool you can get, forget flash cards and start work on e-delivery

We understand and Imperial had taken the route you propose
Hey Peter, we know who the real top level pearl expert at Imperial really is... :D
1 A ring of coral encircling a lagoon, often created by volcanic activity. An atoll.

5 Unit of weight historically used in Persia to valuate natural pearls. abas One abas is equivalent to 0.91 carat.

6. The Japanese term for luster. clue: similar to Jeremy's brother's name.

8 An algal bloom which is devastating to pearl mollusks. red tide

9 Author of The Book of the Pearl published in 1908. George Frederick Kunz (and Charles Hugh Stevenson)

10 Historical Persian quality factor describing natural pearls of a yellow color.Nabatee.

13 Removing the outer layers of a pearl in the hopes of finding a better quality pearl underneath- peeling.
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I recreated the crossword for Bo Torrey and it is going to be in the next issue on Pearl World. It is slightly easier than the first one. He figured it would be impossible otherwise. I also shortened the clues and changed the wording so the glossary would not be an answer list.

It still is really challenging.
Well, when you have to research to get the answer, it increases your memory retention.

I think all jewelers should have a copy of "Pearls" by Elisabeth Strack. For under $150. US, including shipping, it is a major conduit to pearl knowledge. Even if they start with cultured akoyas and CFWP, It will exponentially increase the owners' and the salespeople's knowledge. Who knows..... they may even get hooked on pearls!

That and the long awaited revised GIA Pearl Course.
We distributed a more than a hundred copies. Still have a few left and are trying to get a reasonable price for a reorder. We distributed a more than a hundred copies. Still have a few left and are trying to get a reasonable price for a reorder. I gave to best customers last year. If anyone needs a copy I think you can have it for $125 or I will give you a copy if you are the on that contributes the most to the Pearl knowledge Project
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