Solution for Pearl Engagement Ring: Opinions?

As a thought - if and when you replace a pearl with its sister then you could get that pearl full drilled at the same time and retire it to a charm bracelet or charm necklace, so it would not be lost
Wendy, I love the idea. Hadn't picked you to be sentimental!!

Sincerity - if you go down this path (which I think sounds perfect!), remember to get a couple of extra extras for a lovely pairof earrings...

Regarding settings, didn't we see some in another thread which encased the pearl a little more?
Instead of round pearls you could use half drilled good quality buttons - which would stand less proud so perhaps be less likely to be bashed about.

Nerida, I can be soppy!
Might also take a peek at the art nouveau design Cliclasp just put up on her guessing thread. It is gorgeous, but has protection for the pearl built into the design----
I love the few pearl rings Richard Wise has on his site. If you look under Contemporary Jewelry, then Rings, there's a lovely enameled pearl ring, an 18k ring with a FW pearl, and a Southsea pearl ring. One of these days I'm going to get one of the 18k FW rings!
Usually when someone mentions a pearl engagement ring, they forget all about the wedding band and how it will with the engagement right. Then you said claddagh. Here's a couple of options. The pearl could close the claddagh. I think that would look pretty. Here's another. The band for the pearl could be in the trinity knot. The three knots could rise up at the shoulder of the ring where the pearl sits and could be prong mounts which secure and protect the pearl. By the way, that's my dream ring. One of these days ....
Sorry I haven't really gotten a chance to look to much at the suggestions, I just kind of skimmed (busy day).

However, in response to J Marcus I actually like the setting where the pearl is cradled more than the bezel setting but I kind of threw that idea out since I didn't think it would be to safe, but I'll look into that again.

The pearl could close the claddagh.
What exactly do you mean by this, I'm a little confused

The band for the pearl could be in the trinity knot. The three knots could rise up at the shoulder of the ring where the pearl sits and could be prong mounts which secure and protect the pearl.
I do really like this idea!

I'll spend more time tomorrow actually reading what all was said but thanks for the opinions, and I really do like the idea of using the first pearl as a charm, great idea Wendy!
So this is probably my favorite setting. I like how it cradles the pearl, but I don't know if this would look right next to a wedding band. (I am also partial to the yellow gold, pink pearl ring, but I don't know if that would look right to wear day-to-day)

However I think something like this on a ring might be okay, its rather simple and it would allow for the pearl to be removed rather easily... I think. Basically it would be a star that is folded up to hold the pearl on a simple band.

What do you think?

Might also take a peek at the art nouveau design Cliclasp just put up on her guessing thread. It is gorgeous, but has protection for the pearl built into the design----
Were there any rings because I couldn't find any?
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I also love settings similar to that which preswine had made but I am unsure if the pearl could be replaced in these.
Hi Sincerity,

Check post 186 (permalink) in How old is this pearl? thread. I tried to copy it for you here, but couldn't. It's on page 13.
Hi everyone I'm new to the forum.
Sincerity I love your idea of a pearl engagement ring, do you want a row of small pearls or one big single pearl?

I think a pearl e ring will complement this type of claddagh ring:


The above image is taken from this website:
The first ring in that post really does seem to protect the pearl! However, I am now a little hesitant after hearing J Marcus suggested that the setting might wear out after all the replacements. Do you think there would be some way to make replacements easier?
I suppose all in all I should probably talk to a jeweler who could tell me if this would be a problem.

I was wondering earlier someone directed me to thread "pearl rings- whats hot and whats not" where a ring made for Reese Witherspoon was designed for the pearl to be removed and a new one put on. Maybe I could do something like this. Anyone have a jeweler to recommend who knows pearls.

By the way kelluvpearls I LOVE that band its gorgeous, he two colors seem to go well together and it wouldn't tie me down to a specific metal (sometimes it looks bad when you wear yellow gold with silver...) when the time comes this will definitely be a candidate. Oh, and I want a single pearl ring.

What I did was click on the word "Permalink" on that post. That altered the URL on my browser window to specify that post. Then I copied and pasted the URL from the browser's window's address field onto my post.

When you post your reply, instead of the link showing up as "http: etc etc", it shows up in the post with the name of the link (in this case, "How old is this pearl? Play again!")
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I was wondering earlier someone directed me to thread "pearl rings- whats hot and whats not" where a ring made for Reese Witherspoon was designed for the pearl to be removed and a new one put on. Maybe I could do something like this. Anyone have a jeweler to recommend who knows pearls.

I believe Jeremy ( made that ring for Reese; you could contact him if you want them to make a ring for you....
Last update for a while!

Last update for a while!

I talked to Kirsten from Pearl Paradise (they really do have amazing customer service). Basically I asked about the possibility of having them make a ring with freshadamas that cold be replaced when necessary. She said it would be no problem!

So I guess I am done with my pearl research for a while and hopefully I'll have some pictures to post in a year or two (or may be more, it's kind of a joke between us about when its actually going to happen) :)

Thank you for everyone's help!
I am sorry I missed this thread when I couldn't get online. Though it is "problem solved", Pearl Paradise has a designer on staff, so you were correct to talk to Kristen.

Another thing. Altough I LOVE your freshadama idea and it will be easier to get in pink, I know of several natural pearl rings that have lasted extremely well. First, Antoinette Matlin's natural pearl engagement ring- now into many years of wear. Also my mom had a natural Bahraini pearl set into a kind of oyster shell abstraction. It has been worn for 60 years since then. It is still great, the gold is pretty battered, but the pearl is pristine. I found a photo.....why it looks like a gold Octavia!


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I do realise its almost a year since the last post on this thread, but since I'm new here, I'm only reading it for the first time. So.....? is the problem solved?
Nerida has seen my pearl cage ring in the flesh, & whilst its very 'contemporary', and not really meant to be an engagement ring, here 'tis. You can see the pearl can be very easily replaced, in fact, it is only held in place by the wearers finger! Perhaps not too practical for every day use, but great to change the colour of the captured gem to match an outfit.
I am now very self concious of showing my pearls here, when I bought them, I had such limited knowledge, so I chose on my own most desireable criteria: lustre, (and of course, what I could afford at the time...)


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