Pinctada maxima cultured pearls grown beadless in the mantle


Pearl Paradise
Jun 22, 2004
South Sea pearls grown in freshwater fashion!

Hanni H. (2008): Pinctada maxima Cultured Pearls Grown Beadless in the Mantle. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 46, pp. 175-176.

I just read in G&G this morning that pearls submitted to SSEF labs in March were determined to be mantle-grown, beadless Pinctada maximas!

This would make them similar to the South Sea keshi we all know, except that South Sea keshi are typically grown in the gonad not in the mantle. The size, shape and "double" pearls found suggest that they were intentional.

There is no mention in the article where they may have come from, however.
Hi Jeremy,

I also read this article. I was fascinated by the pictures of these pearls; the SS pearls look exactly like baroque beadless Chinese CFWP, including the flat bottom.
Excluding the pastel color and only comparing white pearls, I'm not sure I can tell the difference.

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Don't get G&G for the photos, but obviously the question is whether round is possible (Freshadama style). Jeremy, you once told me it was all in the seeder's wrist?
I imagine that round could be possible. But they are so rare even in freshwater that it would take a lot of grafted P. max to make that happen!
Quality has improved in part in freshwater pearl production due to the technique of twisting the tissue during insertion. All in the wrist;)
What a thrill! I love it! I remember asking a few years ago why they didn't tissue nucleate sea pearls! Yippee for today's answer!
Anyone wanna bet on whether such things would stand lab testing for origin?
Why is that exciting?:D Do you want to see me go out of business?
Anyone wanna bet on whether such things would stand lab testing for origin?

I would imagine Hanni tested for the absence of manganese to determine the pearls were of saltwater origin. The fact that they were "twin pearls" would point to intentional growth.
How are our chances looking for getting some pirated photos? ;)

I would love to check this out (have not read the G&G yet- stress on yet!). Too bad the company/farmers aren't identified in the article- I would kill for a chance to see these pearls in person, like at the AGTA Faire Vegas... I wonder if the luster and transparency of the crystal is much improved by the absence of a bead...?