Gold headpins?


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
I need help with findings nice headpins in gold (Karat doesn?t really matter, just not lower than 14 k.). I`ve looked at Firemountain and the ones they sell are too thin I think, and I?ve looked at Bellafindings but those have flat ends which I find unappealing. Any suggestions? If any of you know a place that sell rose gold pins then I?d be very happy but yellow gold is fine too. brought back a bad memory. Finding WHITE gold head pins. :( Finally had to pay out the wazoo at Rio Grande. They seem to be more prevalent now. I get mine from Bella, Rio, G&S, or Stuller. I find them stiffer to work with than sterling, and appreciate an extra 1/2 inch or so to help with wrapping loops and such.
Oh, I found one. But it?s only one inch... Forgot to say I prefer pins over one and half an inch, although with rose gold, I?d be happy with everything, even one inch. I looked at Stuller but they only sell to companies apparantly. Isn?t Rio the same?

Also, would it look weird to mix yellow gold with rose gold? Since I can?t find any rose gold pins. I`m wondering what the companies that sell them actually think when they put rose gold findings (earring findings, jump rings etc...) in their assortment but no rose headpins? I think it?s so weird.
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Now I?ve looked around on Riogrande, and I can only find gold filled and silver head pins. I`ve started to wonder if this might be because people actually don?t use golden head pins? Do you use gold filled instead in your designs? Please help me, I?m confused...
Now I?ve looked around on Riogrande, and I can only find gold filled and silver head pins. I`ve started to wonder if this might be because people actually don?t use golden head pins? Do you use gold filled instead in your designs? Please help me, I?m confused...

They do sell gold headpins; you may want to request their findings catalog. I just got some within the last few months.

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I was going to order the catalogues but realised that I?m going to stay in England 4 more weeks and I have to call to make them ship to my non Swedish adress. How long does it take for the catalogues to arrive?
Thanks Panda! I also got the idea to make looppins out of rose gold wire (If I can find any.) and use them. Head pins would still be better but at least this way I can make some designs I have in mind, I just love rose gold...
Let's throw a party...
It'll have to be indoors, though....:(