Octavia Visits Pearl Paradise

  • Thread starter Thread starter GemGeek
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First, if you haven't met Octavia, you can meet her and check out her visit with the abalone pearl here: https://www.pearl-guide.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2488

This little story will take several posts to complete, so hold off on comments until the end. ;)

Octavia received a special invitation from Jeremy Shepherd to visit Pearl Paradise
on Monday April 7th. It’s a 130 mile trip from San Diego to Santa Monica, so we
left a little early in case there were any delays. Seeing none, we stopped at my old
stomping grounds – South Coast Plaza -- to kill a little time.

Octavia heads for her favorite department store – Nordstrom!
octavia does nordstrom.jpg

It wasn’t long before we arrived at Pearl Paradise and were taken on a tour. Octavia admires the framed photographs…
Octavia eyes photo.jpg

And she checks out her reflection while sitting at the VIP table…
octavia at vip table.jpg

Here’s the vault – yes, it really was a bank!
octavia sees vault.jpg

Octavia immediately started making friends…
octavia makes friends.jpg

More photos coming...;)
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She just couldn't wait, so we went in the vault to see some pearls.
octavia w tray.jpg

Octavia gets her first "taste"!
Octavia in workroom.jpg

"I'm just doing the tooth-test, really!"
Octavia gnaws.jpg

Jeremy shows Octavia the Tahitian pearls that will go into the monthly special bracelets.
jeremy feeds octavia.jpg

Octavia gets to work selecting a set of seven pearls for my bracelet.
She was sorry that she didn't get a chance to pick pearls for Miss Pattye, too.
Octavia picks pearls.jpg

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After selecting the pearls, Octavia decided that it was time to see the
rest of the operation. Here you can see her operating the camera.
octavia does photo.jpg

Octavia inspects the next batch of pearls waiting to be photographed.
photo pearls.jpg

And on to Jeremy's office where he shows us the new version of
Pearl-Guide that's almost ready to debut.
new pp.jpg

And here is the Pearl Paradise Korean website.
pp korea.jpg

Then Jeremy brings out the BIG necklace. This one.
Octavia with big and blacks.jpg
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Here is the monster necklace shown with those same
Tahitian pearls.
big pearls w tahitians.jpg

In my hand.
big pearls1.jpg

I think you need a better look.
big pearls.jpg

It's Octavia's turn to play with the big pearls. I hope this isn't the tooth test again! ;)
Octavia compares size.jpg
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It could almost be a crown. Octavia wouldn't mind a crown.
Octavia models necklace.jpg

We decided it might be a good idea to feed Octavia before the
inventory disappears. ;) Besides, it's hard work looking at all
these pearls. That led us down the street to a Japanese/Korean
barbecue place. Octavia inspects the grill that is built into the table.
Octavia inspects grill.jpg

First a little edamame appetizer.
Octavia does edamame.jpg

Then some soda.
Octavia has a coke.jpg

The couple dining next to us made friends with Octavia and shared
their sake with her.
Octavia does sake.jpg

Can this get any better? :D
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And back to the office, where Octavia watches Jeremy drill the pearls for the bracelet.
Octavia waches drilling.jpg

And a close-up.
the drill.jpg

Octavia checks out the pearl bracelets.
Octavia inspects the bracelets.jpg

There are endless possibilities for earrings.
tahitian earring pairs.jpg

Jeremy puts Octavia to work distributing inventory.
Octavia assists with white strands.jpg
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Be careful-- doesn't she have a place where she can hide pearls?
Octavia does tahitians.jpg

And the last strand, an almost-exotic that goes so well with her own pearl.
octavia w almost exotics.jpg

Thanks Jeremy! We'll be back for more someday. ;)
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Hi Blaire,
Thanks for the extensive effort to post this. I've seen the youtube version of the fashion reporter at PP, but I've never seen "in-depth" pictures like this. I am so jealous.:D The pictures are so clear, I feel like I was there... well almost.

Sounds like such lovely trip. Maybe it will be my turn one of these day.

Is Octavia at a legal drinking age? ;)

Who are the 2 PP employee on the phone? I don't recognize them from the "Meet Our Team" page.
Hi Blaire - that was fun just looking through your post! Thanks for the light relief to my evening. But it must have been GREAT fun for you and Octavia! Definitely worth the drive! But where is the picture of the big whites ON YOUR NECK?? Come on, admit it, you MUST have put it on, surely?
Jeremy, thank you for the insight into the PP operation - looks fabulous, and those pearls!! I'd love to come and play, too!
I just love Octavia doing the tooth test! She has such an expression-- those eyes definitely "have it!"
:D I love it!

Gyah, I'd pay a hundred dollars to see you go into Tiffany's using Octavia to do all the 'talking' in a squeaky little oyster voice, asking to see the most expensive pearls, of course. :D
This is great! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us. I think the Tiffany's idea is fantastic - Octavia can "shop the competition" as we say in retail (and no, I do not think T's is any competition for PP - it's only a saying!!).
So "Octavia" is now bumming drinks from people next to her at restaurants, you say? Sake, eh? Tisk, tisk.

Glad to see Octavia had so much fun at PP! Too bad she was only allowed to lick all the pearls. But at least she got her mineral quotient for the year.

Thank you Blaire and Octavia. The pictures are so great. I felt like I was there. Octavia, you are a gal after my own heart.
Hi Blaire and Octavia,

You two DO have the most amazing adventures!!! It will be hard to top this one! I can just see Octavia doing the tooth test at Tiffany's!!:D

so many pearls, so little time
First, let me say, I'm certain they don't allow cameras at Tiffanys, although that is a terrific idea. Heck, I would pay a hundred dollars to see Octavia shop on camera at Tiffanys. ;)

Octavia is 23 years old. She says she was born in June.

Oh, the necklace! Jeremy tried to talk me into putting it on, but it was too HUGE for me. And I would have to take out a mortgage to buy it...

Hanalei Mom, Natalie is holding the strand of pearls in the photo. I think it's Marina with her hand at her face.

Octavia thanks everyone for their comments. I wish you all could have joined us! :cool:
Hi Blaire,

Thanks for the lovely photos and story. It really picked up my spirits. I just received some tragic news from a dear friend, and a little light-heartedness was needed right now. So with all sincerity, thanks for the timing.