Sins of pearl wear


New Member
Apr 20, 2007
OK, maybe I'm overreacting with this, but I can't understand some things when it comes to wearing pearls. For instance, why do people insist on wearing white pearls on black clothes? That way luster almost totally vanishes and pearls look like some ordinary white beads. Black makes too high of a contrast, which makes pearls even more white i.e. color becomes most noticable surface feature, and we know pearls aren't really prized for their color (luster is surface feature which makes the biggest price diference). Now, I'm not saying it should always be white on white, but lesser contrast makes pearls so much more beautiful (white on champagne or white on rose for instance). Darker colors of pearls don't have such a problem, cause luster is more prounounced against ther dark body color, but I think folks should be more careful about what to wear with white or pastel ones.

m4816k said:
...we know pearls aren't really prized for their color (luster is surface feature which makes the biggest price diference).

Hm... the bit about lustre makes perfect sense, but ... are you sure about the color bit?

Hm... the bit about lustre makes perfect sense, but ... are you sure about the color bit?

Maybe we're not talking the same things here. What I meant was; you can have 2 pearls of the same variety/shape/size/luster...but of diferent colors, priced exactly the same (especially if we're talking freshwaters). I remember reading once that pearl is one of the very rare gems (amber is maybe the only other) which can be costly without having a specific color, while a single shade diference in (let's say) sapphire makes a big price diference. My point is, if I want a great color, there are many other gems to choose from, but if I want a satiny shine and mirror-like reflection, there's only one.
Personally, I think white pearls against black look very elegant and have always enjoyed the look. :( I don't really wear a lot of black anymore, but I see no problem with it. I certainly wouldn't criticize anyone for doing it, let alone consider it a sin. For me, a sin of pearl wear would be dragging your pearl bracelet through marinara sauce or a balsamic vinaigrette.:eek: But as far as fashion choice, I just enjoy seeing people wear them with anything, even the occasionally t-shirt and shorts.
LOL I just wore my exotics with a (very nice) T-shirt and jeans, in sneakers no less ... how high do I rank in the book of pearl crime?
m4816k said:
Maybe we're not talking the same things here. What I meant was; you can have 2 pearls of the same variety/shape/size/luster...but of different colors, priced exactly the same ..while a single shade difference in (let's say) sapphire makes a big price difference.

Aha! Got it now: color may not be a big price factor for pearls, although they are certainly appreciated for the variety of colors.

Freshwater color do not appear to make much of a difference for price - except for some unusual colors, but for other types...

I've been living with the impression that the intensity of color overtones on pearls make allot of price difference: the pink overtones on white South Sea pearls, and the shades of golden South Sea, and I used to think that the depth of color and intensity of overtones for Tahitian pearls too. Perhaps these factors are simply obscure - since vast quantities of commercial quality pearls of either type are not really concerned with color overtone intensity, unfortunately. :o

The analogy with sapphire sounds interesting - never thought of that!
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Well I've heard the phrase never wear pearls with plaid before but I see nothing wrong with black.
I agree with you on the matter of white pearls on black cloth. I notice that the pearls don't look as good in the black velvet lined box it came in. Sort of like skulls/bones. Personally, I think pearls look great on skin and makes me feel fantastic. :D Hence, I tend to prefer necklaces.

I don't prefer them on cloth (regardless whether it is lighter or darker coloured) because I find that it takes away the beauty somewhat (IMHO/YMMV) and turns it into a fashion accessory rather than a centerpiece but others have worn ropes and matinees and operas and they look great. So, it's a matter of personal preference and great dress sense.
LOL I just wore my exotics with a (very nice) T-shirt and jeans, in sneakers no less ... how high do I rank in the book of pearl crime?

I was joking with the title of course, and I forgot to mention that I'm talking formal wear here. Of course, people can wear whatever they find nice, I just don't like seeing very valuable pearls "stripped" of their shine when worn with certain clothes. Whites sometimes look almost plastic, just plain, dull, white beads - give them a diferent background and they "light up":)

I always thought this:
or this: White 806wh-.jpg
looks somewhat better than this:

But that's just my taste.
m4816k said:
Whites sometimes look almost plastic, just plain, dull, white beads - give them a different background and they "light up"

Personal taste or not, I think you have a point there anyone can see: strong contrast is harsh on pearls! If they have strong overtones, good... if not :o

If you dig a bit, there's some tradition for showing pearls on red (Middle East, Greece) or green (Spain, Portugal) background rather then black, but as all traditions it is giving way... I've thought that this type of presentation is cheating a bit, since the subtle overtones are swamped by the background. Well, and the cream pearls appear whiter on red. Lustre shows anyway.

White seems to be used only for matching. Strange that... Not one jewelry shop I've ever went to showed pearls on white - if any special substrate was provided. It needs to be a rather sophisticated shop to lay out something for the pearls - many just drop them on the counter anyway. The street address of the shop and the age of the jeweler :p seems to make more difference there then the price of the pearls, LOL!
I can't understand some things when it comes to wearing pearls. For instance, why do people insist on wearing white pearls on black clothes?

I guess some people like to dress like Chanel.........remember the "little black dress" with a strand of pearls. :p

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While I think the real sin against pearls would be to not wear them whenever you are so inclined, I do agree that black doesn't best complement mine. When I wear pearls with black (I wear a lot of black), I choose a shorter 18" strand that falls more on skin over a longer 36" strand that lays more over the black. I've wondered why the velvet in some of my pearl boxes (the ones the strands are shipped in) is black- it doesn't seem to do them justice. Our brick & mortar jeweler uses emerald green, and while it works for stones & gold, it turns ivory/white pearls an unattractive yellow. Color is so relative.
...I think the real sin against pearls would be to not wear them whenever you are so inclined....

I agree with that! And I think it is really unfortunate to store them carelessly with other jewelry that will scratch them, and to expose them to perfumes and other luster-dulling cosmetics.

Other than that-- enjoy!
I've been living with the impression that the intensity of color overtones on pearls make allot of price difference: the pink overtones on white South Sea pearls, and the shades of golden South Sea, and I used to think that the depth of color and intensity of overtones for Tahitian pearls too.

Oh, I have never seen pink overtones on White SSP. I have seen slightly bluish overtones but they are so subtle I couldn't even tell.
OK, maybe I'm overreacting with this, but I can't understand some things when it comes to wearing pearls. For instance, why do people insist on wearing white pearls on black clothes?

Black and white are traditionally elegant colors together. White pearls seem to spruce yp any outfil and who woudl not want a little black dress to be spruced up by a strand of white perarls. when it comes to adornment contrast and complimeting the oututfit are the key to sucesss..

White pearls do contrast the black outfit and compliment it as well as say "I have class"

Also from my years in retail I quickly figured out "the masses" really do not care about overtones that much only if they are real pearls.. and the best.

Thay is why I love this site so much we know better an dare willing to share information with others!
White pearls do contrast the black outfit and compliment it as well as say "I have class"

Exactly. White pearls compliment black outfit, but black outfit doesen't really compliment white pearls. I guess it all depends on what you want to compliment more.
I think white pearls look fabulous with black - I'll often layer a couple of different white strands, different shapes, different lengths, with the classic LBD - always they seem to be noticed and commented upon.

I attended a yoga class Thurs evening with a different instructor to my usual - this one is definitely going to become my fave, as she managed to do the whole class with a lovely strand of fat FW's - not fabulous, but impressive - around her very elegant and flexible neck! A yoga instructor with true class!!
Whatever happened with those pearls seems so wrong in so many ways, I'm not sure where to start. Des this sound strong? Take a look for yourself at these IHT slides (slide 5 and 9). Obviously, the photographer wasn't the sympathetic type, and that was a mask party, but still...
I saw something I really liked the other day. It was done with Akoya I think and usually I prefer CFWP but the maker took an 18 inch black strand and an 18 inch white strand of similar, high luster, and put them on a double clasp and twisted them into a torsade. It was a great look with the loops of the torsade alternating black and white!