Two new chokers...


New Member
Sep 10, 2007
Speaking of obsession... I am always looking for new pearl candidates for a choker. I have bought several in the past year. The two news ones are very unusual FWPs from PP: A really splendid 14mm yellow drop and a comparably sized (horizontal) mauve barrel. Great fun, they are...

The drop...

The barrel...

All together now...
They look so pretty, your new chokers! Did you ask for 'something-from-the-back'? I don't see it on the website...

Qn, doesn't sweat and body oils directly impact the pearl drops that are strung onto the leather strap since the drill hole is open? I wear some chokers with leather strap and although I may think I don't pespire or have no oils on my neck, after some time, I find the strap sticky - that's when I throw mine.
Thanks for sharing. Such unique pieces!. I have been contemplating doing something of the nature of your 'golden pear' for my husband but was afraid the metal would wear on the cord. Would you be so kind as to tell us how well it wears in a month or two and how often you wear it please? I love that men are wearing more jewelry now.
Thank you,
Thats a very nice collection. I like the top one with the different color pearls.
How pretty! I love that drop too! Makes me want one too ;)
John, your collection is enviable! Thanks for showing the whole wardrobe of necklaces. ;)
Thanks for the feedback. I need to work on taking clearer pictures, but couldn't resist sharing. They are a lot of fun. I used to wear a lot of ties, not I have some pearl chokers instead.

I should have mentioned what the other pearls are...
From Top
  • Baroque tahitian with two chocolate FWP (gold beads between the pearls) from pearl_society on ebay
  • A Sea of Cortez from Care with a great blue coloring and wonderful orient (wish the pearl itself were bigger!). Barbie, the gold fittings are 22k and yet it has held up really well for almost a year (wear it about once every week or two, all day).
  • 11 mm South Sea AAA champagne pearl from PP
  • 11 mm Tahitian AAA from PP
  • 12 mm FWP AAA from PP
  • The two FWPs I got "from the back" at Pearl Paradise

Whatever next?
Hi John
I like those better than ties---or those turquoise and silver bolo ties (remember those??!!)

The pearl drop is on a new level- like Rembrandt or something, but I love that barrel!