I do have a photo. I didn't know where to actually post this, so Show Us Your Pearls seemed suitable.
How many of us are collectors and how many of OC Disorder regarding pearls. And is there a difference or when does one stop and the other kick in. Personally, I think I have a Pearl Addiction as much as any drug or alcohol addiction. Pearls, that is just about all I think of. Maybe I should have realised this when nearly every strand of gems I designed just had to have pearls added. At first I just had to add the odd pearl here and there. Time goes bye. Then most of them had to be pearls with just a few precious gems thrown in to compliment the pearls
I have been trying to rework a necklace I started some time back with only Green Garnets and 18 k gold. But of course NOW that just doesn't do it for me and I have trouble designing without adding pearls. So, a thought just came to my head. I am not kidding. I was going to try and add Moonstones but instead deep green garnets or emeralds look fantastic with Tahitians so why not go for it. Thing is I cannot keep all of these beauties I design. I have to sell. So add Tahitians to Tsavorite (I have even forgotten how to spell it) garnets and 14k or 18k and we have a huge price leap, so what do I do????
Really bearing my blemished or is it artistic soul here guys. When a customer needs a price bracket and I try to keep down to it but it really pains me to do so. Not because of the customer but because of ME. I pain myself. Last 2 pairs of earrings. One was already made up - hurrah. The other was Huge FW pink pearls with to keep prices down Vermail but I agonised over them for 3 weeks to get them just right, perfect as far and and then further than the budget would allow. So because I took so very long getting them to her,
I added a pair of large FW Pearl Studs and an extra pendant to make the earrings. How the hell am I supposed to even break even with a mind set like that.
I do know why Van Gough cut off his ear. It was not some lover, it was his love of his art.
Often when my husband comes to visit (that is when I have been productive in designing) he will also be my stringer. Very handy. But I am so bloody picky on everything has to be just so. It has to be on the thread that way not this way, to keep the balance. No wonder I drove him nuts. A pearl, a bead, has to be postioned just so. Otherwise it all has to be undone and done again. Not that I tell him that. I just hide it until he has forgotten the time he put into and redo it myself or give it to him as a new project
When I am productive I can design many, many a week and these are all in my head as I could not draw to save my life. So, all in my head and then on fishing line but then I hang it to see if it "pleases me" totally.
Just realised this has been a rather me, me post but then I am a pearl lover, a designer, and an artiste so I am a little insane which I think many of you can at least understand if not Totally understand.
So what am I, what are we. Do I have a disorder which totally takes over my mind. The Pearl disorder. I think I do have.
I was born in the sign or Cancer which is the Sign of the Pearl. Check how many of you were born under Water Signs. Have a good think about why we are so B attracted to pearls.
Okay photos 4 of them. One without pearls
just to show that I can actually design quality without pearls. I just don't like too.
Me, Bodecia (bearing my Soul) - now the photos - I meant to just add one but I ended up adding 4. Sorry. I guess 4 to 1 is the most I can go without pearls.
How many of us are collectors and how many of OC Disorder regarding pearls. And is there a difference or when does one stop and the other kick in. Personally, I think I have a Pearl Addiction as much as any drug or alcohol addiction. Pearls, that is just about all I think of. Maybe I should have realised this when nearly every strand of gems I designed just had to have pearls added. At first I just had to add the odd pearl here and there. Time goes bye. Then most of them had to be pearls with just a few precious gems thrown in to compliment the pearls

I have been trying to rework a necklace I started some time back with only Green Garnets and 18 k gold. But of course NOW that just doesn't do it for me and I have trouble designing without adding pearls. So, a thought just came to my head. I am not kidding. I was going to try and add Moonstones but instead deep green garnets or emeralds look fantastic with Tahitians so why not go for it. Thing is I cannot keep all of these beauties I design. I have to sell. So add Tahitians to Tsavorite (I have even forgotten how to spell it) garnets and 14k or 18k and we have a huge price leap, so what do I do????
Really bearing my blemished or is it artistic soul here guys. When a customer needs a price bracket and I try to keep down to it but it really pains me to do so. Not because of the customer but because of ME. I pain myself. Last 2 pairs of earrings. One was already made up - hurrah. The other was Huge FW pink pearls with to keep prices down Vermail but I agonised over them for 3 weeks to get them just right, perfect as far and and then further than the budget would allow. So because I took so very long getting them to her,

I do know why Van Gough cut off his ear. It was not some lover, it was his love of his art.
Often when my husband comes to visit (that is when I have been productive in designing) he will also be my stringer. Very handy. But I am so bloody picky on everything has to be just so. It has to be on the thread that way not this way, to keep the balance. No wonder I drove him nuts. A pearl, a bead, has to be postioned just so. Otherwise it all has to be undone and done again. Not that I tell him that. I just hide it until he has forgotten the time he put into and redo it myself or give it to him as a new project

Just realised this has been a rather me, me post but then I am a pearl lover, a designer, and an artiste so I am a little insane which I think many of you can at least understand if not Totally understand.
So what am I, what are we. Do I have a disorder which totally takes over my mind. The Pearl disorder. I think I do have.
I was born in the sign or Cancer which is the Sign of the Pearl. Check how many of you were born under Water Signs. Have a good think about why we are so B attracted to pearls.
Okay photos 4 of them. One without pearls

Me, Bodecia (bearing my Soul) - now the photos - I meant to just add one but I ended up adding 4. Sorry. I guess 4 to 1 is the most I can go without pearls.