Your colour preferences for Tahitians and why?


Well-known member
May 3, 2024
Hi all, would love to hear your thoughts please!

I’m usually a monochrome kinda gal but I’ve been admiring everyone’s colourful pieces, and it’s got me itching for colour. However, I’m stuck because I’m concerned that intense colours don’t look against my skin / are hard to pair with clothing.

As such, pearl pennies for your thoughts on:
1. What are your favourite pearl colours to wear and why?
2. Do you think the more intense (saturated) the colour the better, and why?
3. What are your thoughts on single-colour strands vs multi-colour strands?
4. For multi-colour strands, do you value having a wide range of colours? Do you like it when consecutive pearls “jump” in colour?

Forgive me if my terminology on describing pearl colours is not right! Images to illustrate what I mean from CMW’s website:

1. High colour intensity (saturation), high colour variation (white, orange, blue, green, purple etc), colour jumps

2. Lower colour intensity, high colour variation, colour jumps

3. High colour intensity, low colour variation, colour jumps

4. High colour intensity, low colour variation, no colour jumps

5. Low colour intensity, low colour variation, no colour jumps

Thank you!
I like and own various Tahitian strands. Some have more color contrast, some have less, some are darker overall, some are lighter overall. Some larger, some smaller.

The one thing they have in common is that they are not uniformly anything. None are perfectly round, and none are perfectly matched in color. While such strands would certainly cost more, I don't care for the look (luckily for my wallet).
I'm with Pearl Dreams. I actually don't care for perfectly round, perfectly matched Tahitians, although they are the most expensive. They just look boring to me. I love baroque and circled T's because they are more colorful. I love everything from pastel strands to intensely colored strands. Even grayish baroques, which look boring in the box, look great against my skin. And the older I get, the more I reach for T's for everything I wear. They seem to go with everything from jeans to dresses, without looking as formal as white pearls.
I'm a, the more color the better kind of gal. I love all the various colors of Tahitians. I have single color strands that I do find I wear way less than my multi-color strands. I must be an odd ball because I never worry about how they look against my skin tone. It's just something I don't think about. If I like them, I wear them lol.
My only strand of Tahitians is multi color. But how much of the color you can see depends wildly on the light. Being worn, it looks mostly like #4 but I bet you could make it look #1 with perfect lighting conditions. So keep that in mind.

Matching to what I wear is not a problem since I wear black. If you regularly check out 'Show us your pearls in action', I think you will find that most pearls can match pretty much any clothes and any other pearls. That is one of things that is so fascinating about them. It's like that being pearls, they match anything else that is a pearl.

I find that I prefer strands that are not too colorfull and doesn't have a high degree of color variation. My heart loves them but there are a lot I wouldn't wear. A multi color Akoya strand would be amazing but I would probably hardly wear it. I don't have a good reason. I do yearn for an ombre strand, though. It's more subdued.
My favorite pearls are "Black Pearls" (Cortez, Kamoka, Fiji, Tahitian)...I especially love drops! Smaller, erotochromatic pearls are my favorites, especially with intense blue or red overtones.
My favorite pearls are "Black Pearls" (Cortez, Kamoka, Fiji, Tahitian)...I especially love drops! Smaller, erotochromatic pearls are my favorites, especially with intense blue or red overtones.
I could not agree more! :)

I am also partial to multicolor strands. I tend to wear my matched strands a lot less often, though my first tahitian necklace was a matched strand from PP back in the day...I think the beauty of a multicolored strand is that it will likely match any skin tone and any outfit! (And I'm definitely drooling over all of those CMW strands.)
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I like and own various Tahitian strands. Some have more color contrast, some have less, some are darker overall, some are lighter overall. Some larger, some smaller.

The one thing they have in common is that they are not uniformly anything. None are perfectly round, and none are perfectly matched in color. While such strands would certainly cost more, I don't care for the look (luckily for my wallet).

Thanks, yes I hear you - non uniformity adds visual interest indeed!
I'm with Pearl Dreams. I actually don't care for perfectly round, perfectly matched Tahitians, although they are the most expensive. They just look boring to me. I love baroque and circled T's because they are more colorful. I love everything from pastel strands to intensely colored strands. Even grayish baroques, which look boring in the box, look great against my skin. And the older I get, the more I reach for T's for everything I wear. They seem to go with everything from jeans to dresses, without looking as formal as white pearls.

Interesting point about the formality of white pearls! I was at a wedding yesterday and saw strands of white pearls on a quarter or a third of female guests, but no Tahitians. It was a pretty informal wedding and I would’ve loved to see some T’s!
I'm a, the more color the better kind of gal. I love all the various colors of Tahitians. I have single color strands that I do find I wear way less than my multi-color strands. I must be an odd ball because I never worry about how they look against my skin tone. It's just something I don't think about. If I like them, I wear them lol.

Hehe I love how you have so much fun with your pearls!
My only strand of Tahitians is multi color. But how much of the color you can see depends wildly on the light. Being worn, it looks mostly like #4 but I bet you could make it look #1 with perfect lighting conditions. So keep that in mind.

Matching to what I wear is not a problem since I wear black. If you regularly check out 'Show us your pearls in action', I think you will find that most pearls can match pretty much any clothes and any other pearls. That is one of things that is so fascinating about them. It's like that being pearls, they match anything else that is a pearl.

I find that I prefer strands that are not too colorfull and doesn't have a high degree of color variation. My heart loves them but there are a lot I wouldn't wear. A multi color Akoya strand would be amazing but I would probably hardly wear it. I don't have a good reason. I do yearn for an ombre strand, though. It's more subdued.

Thanks @KarinK, I think you’ve verbalised what I’m struggling with - I think the intense colours look amazing against a white/grey background, but I’m just not sure how it looks against my skin, especially since T’s look so different in various lighting!

I’ve been thinking whether to buy a colourful strand and make an ombré myself, but I don’t have the confidence to do so, especially if it means buying a strand and wasting half the pearls!
Tahitians are my favorite pearl. I love every shape, every color, every size… I find that I wear my multi-colored strands over more uniform colored strands more often.

Thanks jeg, your pearl collection is TDF :love: do you find whether you reach for highly saturated strands (high colour intensity) or less saturated strands?
My favorite pearls are "Black Pearls" (Cortez, Kamoka, Fiji, Tahitian)...I especially love drops! Smaller, erotochromatic pearls are my favorites, especially with intense blue or red overtones.

Hehe thanks Douglas! So rare to see a pearl with intense red overtones!
I could not agree more! :)

I am also partial to multicolor strands. I tend to wear my matched strands a lot less often, though my first tahitian necklace was a matched strand from PP back in the day...I think the beauty of a multicolored strand is that it will likely match any skin tone and any outfit! (And I'm definitely drolling over all of those CMW strands.)

Thanks! Very interesting that you think a multi coloured strand matches more skin tones and outfits, as I am concerned about the opposite!

I guess what I’m trying to figure out is whether I “need” a strand of multi coloured pearls when I’m very happy with my peacock strands already… and now that CMW seem to be updating their website daily, the temptation is strong!
"Ombre" style is my new favorite right now.
Thanks @KarinK, I think you’ve verbalised what I’m struggling with - I think the intense colours look amazing against a white/grey background, but I’m just not sure how it looks against my skin, especially since T’s look so different in various lighting!

I’ve been thinking whether to buy a colourful strand and make an ombré myself, but I don’t have the confidence to do so, especially if it means buying a strand and wasting half the pearls!
In most cases, Tahitians never look as colorful in real life as they do in the perfect light of the photos. The truly colorful ones are very expensive, as far as I know, so the price alone should give you a hint. There is no reason not to go for a medium colorful strand. It will look almost uniform a lot of the time but it will still shift its main color according to your clothes and the light. You can always test the concept by buying a strand with a dealer with a good return policy. I think it will give you a lot more information :-) Just don't buy one you aren't ready to keep :-)
Pomelo, when I was pulling out some of my tin cups, I thought maybe you could start with a tin cup as an introduction to multi-colored Tahitians instead of a full strand? This is one I made with extra loose pearls I had, but you could choose individual T’s with lots of color and contrast to make the colors pop, or keep it subtle, and it doesn’t take many pearls. They could be arranged in an asymmetrical fashion as well. Because of the open links in the chain, I can also adjust the length.