Lavender pearls for wedding?


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
Hi everyone. Im getting married on May 3rd, and I was strongly considering wearing lavender pearls instead of white. I felt it would be nice to have a little splash of color, but Im not sure because everyone seems to feel like colored pearls are more casual. I thought that maybe since its a spring wedding, it might be nice to wear lavender pearls. Does anyone have any input?
I think that would be real classy. Also it shows off your individuality! The lavenders aren't as heavy lavender as one might think. They are super shiny / metallic looking and probably have the best looking orient or at least easiest to tell orient of any color. I actually like the lavender earrings better than the white earrings.

In case you are looking for what lavender freshadama earrings look like here are pics of mine. (you gotta scroll down a little to see them):

I know someone else here has posted pics of an entire strand of freshadama lavendar you just have to search for it (I tried to find it for you but for some reason I can't - someone else reading this can probably find it), but it looks great.

Best thing may be to order lavendars and whites at the beginning of your credit card cycle and wear them with your wedding dress and see which one you like better - there is nothing else like seeing them on you with your dress, in person.

Let us know what you decide!
When I read your thread title, I literally felt a little shiver -- a thrill, if you will-- from visualizing it. I think it's a fantastic idea!

As suggested, it would be prudent to actually see it with your dress. That's the only way to know for sure.
You should definitely try the pearls with your dress. When I got married, I picked out a pair of earrings I wanted to wear and then decided it was just not right. I decided to stick with my diamond studs and was very happy with my decision. Also, consider your flowers and bridesmaid dresses.

The credit card trick is always a good idea. I just suggested it to someone else in a similar situation.
Well, as some of you have all probably worked out by now, lavender pearls are my absolute fave! I think the trick with colored pearls is to choose the very best quality you can afford, to get the fabulous orient - I think low quality colored pearls have the unfortunate ability to look like cheap beads. However, I totally agree - if you can try on both a good white strand and a lavender strand with your wedding dress it would be a huge help. I recently lent my beautiful niece 4 different strands for her decision making process - the ones she wore on her wedding day were the ones she thought were the least likely choice - 13mm whites which she initially thought were far too big for her- they looked absolutely fabulous with her gown! It took having the gown on, her hair kind of "done" as she was planning for the day, and makeup colors chosen before she was sure which strand was "the one" - the wedding was just 2 weeks ago, and like all brides, she looked amazing!
Hello Nerida,

do you think you could get a photo of her in gown and pearls, thanks.
If the pearls were the only non-white thing you wear, I'd still go for the colored pearls. They'd be great!

Matching earrings would be even nicer. And if I were in your shoes :D I'd match earrings and clasp in a larger purplish-pink stone (kunzite and morganite are the usual suspects - neither terribly expensive).


The dusty pink of some fancy zircon also reminds me of the pinks in pearls... The color is unusual and appealing, but not priced as high as the traditional windex blue:


Linked pictures from the same shop for convenience. The materials can be found in a myriad places, of course. Lembeck's is an old NYC establishment without a proper website - the FleaBay listings is all there is online from them: the proverbial tip of the iceberg...
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PS. Clearly, the post is just a 'stream of consciousness' ... thinking out loud in writing. Wrote of clasps and what not, but... what do you think of pearl strands closed with a bow for a wedding ?
... what do you think of pearl strands closed with a bow for a wedding ?
I did this for my niece's prom. Well, jet black swarovksi crystal drops tied with a black bow. Get ribbon with a tiny wire on the sides to support the bow shape when wearing.
Wow that kunzite looks like an amethyst. Pretty!

I love the idea of lavender pearls on your wedding day. I like it when people to incorporate some color into their wedding outfits with flowers and jewelry. I even like pastel colored dresses and I've seen red dresses but it's pretty unusual.
Wow thanks for all the input! I definitely am leaning in that direction, but I think its a good idea to try both white and lavender. I think it would be different, but still beautiful! Plus, I really love the lavender pearls as well, they are probably my favorite.
Wow that kunzite looks like an amethyst. Pretty!

I love the idea of lavender pearls on your wedding day. I like it when people to incorporate some color into their wedding outfits with flowers and jewelry. I even like pastel colored dresses and I've seen red dresses but it's pretty unusual.

I did it backwards-- wore a floral print dress from Victoria's Secret cataloque, but carried white flowers. And wore 6mm white pearls (Majorica, all I had then) with an enhancer.:D
Wow, this is fun reading all these ideas regarding luckykellyk's wedding! Maybe we should be a collective wedding planning service...
My thought is that the lavender would look great with lots of spring coloured pastels in the wedding photos - particularly in the flowers - a real spring garland kind of look....

Jerin/Inge - here is my gorgeous niece on her wedding day. She is wearing white Akoya stud earrings that I gave her for her 21st, the 13mm CFW's, and she chose (amongst single strand 13mm, double strand 11, 3 strand 8 and 5 strand 7mm) a triple strand bracelet on her wedding day.... I really thought (and had bought especially) that she would choose the single strand 13mm...oh well!

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My, you offered an amazing selection for her to choose from! I love the idea of lavender pearls, perhaps earrings with both white and lav?
In addition to all the lovely spring flowers, there are gorgeous lavender roses!

so many pearls, so little time
Pattye - I do work hard on maintaining my "favourite aunty" status with my nieces...

Back to luckykelleyk's wedding - I have occasionally had strands set with both white and lavender pearls alternating - sounds strange, but actually looks quite gorgeous. Just another thought..
I had some really nice (oval) amethyst earrings with diamonds all the way around them. We are having the diamonds re-set in a round setting and putting white pearls in them. I am also having a ring made with a lavender pearl that I ordered from pearl paradise. I could really go either way. My dress has a white satin ribbon around the waist, and my veil has a satin ribbon along the edge. here is a picture of my dress, that might help...
Beautiful, just beautiful. Is that You in the wedding gown or a model? Very elegant and a lovely bouqet.:)
haha no, that is the model. I am blonde :-) (and short. lol) Thank you though! I love my dress, I can't wait to wear it! So, its hard for me to decide, because based on the satin ribbon, I think I should get white because it would compliment it, but then I consider the fact that there is a lot of white, (including my flowers) so maybe I should get lavender. Decisions decisions!
The shine on the ribbon and shine on lavender pearls may compliment each other nicely, too. I see more of a shine in colored pearls than in white. After seeing the dress, I think either color will work well. Its a very beautiful dress and I'm sure no matter what you choose it will be just lovely. Congratulations and lets us know what you choose. Makes me want to break the seal on my wedding dress box and put it on.