Carolyn Ehret, her pearls, and Josh in Tucson...

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Hi Guys! I miss y'all! I made it into town, and was surprised to find I lost an hour here. I guess they are on Daylight Savings time all year and California is not. But I got to the Riverpark Inn, parked out in the boonies, but had pre-registered, so walked right in.

I beelined for Care Ehret's booth, and who should I find? -- Carolyn and Josh! Notice, she's wearing Sea of Cortez and Josh is wearing an amazing strand of his own colorful pearls. I should have taken a closeup...Saturday?

Care and Josh.jpg

Let's get to the pearls before my battery dies. The wireless network wouldn't work inside my room, so I'm out in my car, posting this! ;)





You may recognize some things from her ebay shop. They're all better in person!

More coming...
More of Care's pearls... I'd write comments, but you can see how lovely they all are. I truly wish you could all be here. Where's the Star Trek transporter when you need it?





Of course, you know I had to make a purchase....
As always, Blaire,

Fabulous photos! Thank You! Just what we needed! So glad Josh got here ok.

so many pearls, so little time Josh proves that a man can rock the pearl strand look.... ;)

Thanks, Blaire!! I am SOOO jealous of you all - I hope you are having a blast :D
Let's see, I had to get this cutie pearl bird that her husband made diamond eyes for...




So sweet! ;)

I had to take night photos, so bear with me on the colors, they'll be yellowish...
So, Blaire,

Just what was it you couldn't live without? ;) AAAHHHHHH!

so many pearls, so little time
And a faboo pendant and ring. The background pearls are a hank I bought from another vendor and that will be another post....

Care pendant and ring.jpg

Care pendant and ring 1.jpg

Yes, I may never retire. I'll just have to sell a lot of jewelry to finance my habit! :cool:
Squeee! I love the birdie! One of my baroque akoyas was like that (well, kind of marshmallow peep-ish, anyway) so I made an adorable little pendant of it. No diamond eyes, though...
Oh GemGeek, I'm drooling over my computer. The pendant and ring are sooo beautiful!!! The little pearl birdie is adorable. I love the diamond eyes.
I feel guilty having fun without you, but I did only have three hours of sleep, so that made it a little less fun... I hope the photos made you feel like you were there.;)
Gorgeous purchases - I'm green (or perhaps peacock) with envy! The little bird is wonderful. Is that a mabe Sea of Cortez in the ring? If so, it's one I've been lusting after for a while, you lucky gal...

Good I'm not there...I'm still recovering from my Tahiti pearl frenzy.

If any guy can pull off a strand of pearls and still look manly, it's Josh...

Sheri (la corsetiere)
Wow! Thanks for posting those photos. I love seeing her work. You picked some very nice pieces. Lucky you :)
Great pictures - thanks so much for posting them.

Josh, you are outdoing me... I need to get a pearl choker now for myself. If you can do it, I should be able to, right??? :p I blame you!

Super pics and enjoyed 'meeting' Care and Josh. Many thanks!

John, it just doesn't get any easier, does it?
The ring is fabulous! And I like those fat cool Tahitians on the first pictures. See myself immediately in a ready-to-attack position :)
I feel guilty having fun without you, but I did only have three hours of sleep, so that made it a little less fun... I hope the photos made you feel like you were there.;)

Hi Blaire,

did you buy the ring and the pendant? And it is the pendant with a green Sea of Cortez pearl? They do look lovely as do all other pictures and it is so nice to acutally see what all of you look like!

Have a continuosly nice visit to the Tucson Fair, all of our members!
Hi there Blaire,

So, will we get a pic of you wearing the little birdie? How cute it that? I think I wuld have bought it too. Love it!
Oh wow, thank you SO MUCH for posting these pics!! I just love Care's jewelry; I've bought several turquoise pieces from her. I so wish I was there!!!
Yikes, Blaire !!!

Fabulous photos of even more fabulous pearls...
They are all gorgeous.
Wish I was there too.