Wedding Day Pearls

As to the overtones, I requested (and received) my Freshadamas with a silver ros? overtone, so you can certainly get the ros? look, but it won't be outright pink as the pearls in your photo were.

As to orient, I have to be honest, I really do not see orient in my Freshadama strand, but I believe that is because they are round. One would see orient better in a baroque shaped pearl. But the luster is lovely.
I'm editing this on 1/9/08 because now for the first time I have noticed some orient in my Freshadama strand-- in some of the pearls-- by viewing them under a daylight spectrum lamp on a white sheet of paper. The overtones really jump out more viewing them this way, as well.
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Hi, congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I have both a AAA akoya pearl strand (from American Pearl) and a Freshadama freshwater pearl strand (Pearl Paradise). I also recently purchased and returned a Hanadama strand. I returned the Hanadama strand because I actually thought the quality of my AAA was better.

If you love mirror-like luster and a strong rose overtone, AAA or Hanadama akoyas are your best choice. The Freshadamas, while beautiful and more affordable do not have the mirror-like luster or strong rose overtone. Its luster is softer. The akoyas are more eye-catching while the Freshadamas are more understated. I love both.

Regarding the American Pearl Hanadama strand, please note that the pearls are not white. If you read the details, it states that the body color of the pearls is pink. This is quite different from a white pearl with a rose overtone.

I wish I could take a picture of my AAA akoyas next to my Freshadamas, but I gave the Freshadamas to my mother for Christmas. :) I ordered another one for myself, but it has not yet arrived.

Good luck in your pearl search,
Mikimoto is generally overpriced.... IMO

Would be wary of comparing gradign systems since ther is NO set standard one company may cal a AAA grade waht another calls AA grade.. its a sticky issue

Suggestion go to any one of the vendors here on this site and looksie. The vendors here area all very helpful and knowedgable, and deal ONLY in pearls! so they really know their pearl information.. Good luck! and Congratulations!

Requesting color

Requesting color

I think that the comments to your question have been quite thorough. I will add though that if there is a particular overtone that you are looking for, you can always include that information when ordering online. Especially with the Freshadama pearls. Because often times more off-round pearls hold orient, sometimes the luster is compromised in order to have a rounder shape. The more descriptive you are as to what it is that matters most when selecting your pearls, the better companies are able to fill your request.

Like Pearl Dream said, you can request a silver-rose on a Freshadama. This assures you that the pearls will be whiter in body color (less ivory) with a hint of pink.
Well I don't know what's going on with the pearls anymore. A girl can only dream.

I want to say thank you to everyone who has helped with all of the advice.
I really appreciate it.
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Ah, yes, sometimes one has to wait for one's ultimate strand....but remember, there is no rule that you can't get some pearls for yourself in the meantime! The wedding strand can still come later.

PearlParadise's monthly special for January is a 16 inch strand of gem quality freshwater pearls that are 8-9mm, for $305, with a choice of overtones:

Recently I was in a local boutique that had an 18' strand of freshwater pearls for $100...the luster was a little less than the Freshadamas and they were slightly less round, but they were very attractive nonetheless. For that matter, even T. J. Maxx carries freshwater pearls of varying shapes, color and quality.

Pearls can be enjoyed at many price points. They don't have to be expensive to be beautiful.
Pearl_dreams said:
PearlParadise's monthly special for January is a 16 inch strand of gem quality freshwater pearls that are 8-9mm, for $305, with a choice of overtones:
Pearls can be enjoyed at many price points. They don't have to be expensive to be beautiful.

I agree. Today, I received the PP monthly special and I have to say that I am impressed. The pearls are quite lovely.

ONe of these is a certifed hanadama, the other is the first freshadama Jeremy brought back. In a poll we had about them, around 30 people guessed wrong and only about 5 guessed right. Which is which?


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I would say the reverse - the bottom is the Freshadama (?)...
That's the point. It is very hard to tell. When you include the fact that Freshies have orient and hanadamas don't, there is only one choice for me.
I think PP would most definitely be able to attach a clasp to the strand you want. The inclusions on diamonds found on a clasp would be negligible - small diamonds are not worth much in the first place so even if you think you find a high grade diamond clasp they would not be using the "top" diamonds as those would likely be cut in higher carat weight to maximize the retail value. Although I must say I do like unusual clasps and they are hard to find.
Here is the comparison picture from the poll:

Which one is the certified hanadama and which is the Frreshadama?


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I remember this poll from back when, Caitlin, but I can't remember which was which! Bad me.

Sphereical Flower, I had a chance to visually compare the hanadama and freshadama side-by-side in real life. The hanadama was lovely, with a more metallic shine to it. Very blingy. The freshadamas (which I ended up buying) are softer and just glow from within. I really like them a lot. They are a great value. Regarding the clasp, just give PP a call and see what they can do. They might be able to order something for you from Stuller or some other place that would satisfy you and your fiance.
Here is the comparison picture from the poll:

Which one is the certified hanadama and which is the Frreshadama?
You might also say:
Which one is the $2565 certified hanadama and which is the $315 freshadama? (assuming 7-8mm freshadama, 7.5-8 hanadama, 18 inch strands)
Oh, and raisondetre...the baroque strand of freshadama you re-posted is soooooooooo fabulous. I am going to have to order some for myself sometime soon.