Prix Golay

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Did you know of this one? LINK

The cool part: at least fo the last few editions the competing designs have also been posted, not just the winners. Lots and lots of very interesting (and some way weird) things done to pearls ;) :eek:

For, example - what would you do with 3cm (right, 27mm) SS baroque? here's what they've done:


I've ended up with different favorites, especially when wearing comes into play.
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Does anyone else feel the need to break into Golay's pearl evolution page and liberate the lovely SS baroques from all those silly sculptures, or is it just me?? As for Karim Rashid's oversized pearl helmet---no comment. Someone can maybe pair that up with a pearl thong.

Slraep said:
Does anyone else feel the need to break into Golay's pearl evolution page ...

No. But I was thinking of something else - turn the lovely design into something wearable.


Love pearls 'naked', but they can get dressed too...

Michael Good makes some crazy beautiful things! (I tink) :)
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The right-side up baroque looks like a half-shucked ear of corn.
Slraep said:
This has nothing to do with Golay but is related to weird jewellery on a less pricey scale.


Oooh! :cool: There are LOTS of things there right up my alley... Seriously!


The 'Pizza' author has some concoctions of golden thread an pearls ... perhaps not exactly what I could take to work, but certainly inspiring. It is harder to come up with a good idea then with a good (read 'expensive') technique of making it happen :rolleyes:

Another shop does anodized Niobium and pearls.. just not both together. Maybe someone should direct Ruth Braid to that other thread with colored metal flowers and pearls...

Thanks for the link!
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effisk said:
check this necklace out

Lovely idea - reminds where pearls come from.

Wouldn't mind the real items either: LINK (pearls with water-borne things). ;)
effisk said:
check this necklace out!

"Marine Symphony" by Golay. SSP, Tahitians, Sapphires and Topazes on white gold.

Hi Effisk,

Now that's a little over the top, no? I don't find that a fiesta of coloured stones does anything much for the multicloured(on top of the fiesta) pearls. Maybe it would look better after a couple of drinks---but I don't drink. I know you would't wear that either, Effisk(heheheh).

If I were to wear something over the top, it would be from this place. That super-bling of a pearl necklace and earrings in the Jadau collection maybe. Yah, that's the one. Only in naturals.

Hm... maybe I should clarify a bit: I meant to praise the concept, not necessarily the precise item. With so many interpretations of sea life in jewelry, it is easy to think of others that seem more inspiring and pearl-friendly.

Cannot agree that color company cannot do justice to pearl ever. When colored stones pick up the overtones of pearls there's some wonderful chemistry there. Even in the necklace, the little pink sapphires (?) seem fit the neighboring dark pearls just so... Redish bits next to black pearls look as god as anything red & black. Not so sure about the 'findings' bulit in there. 'Bit cartoonish? ;) Bet the price is anything but.

Anyway... random thought. Those subtle pearl colors and overall charm are so darn easy to smother, methinks

How about THIS ? I could live w/o the butterfly clasp keeping the idea of clustered red dots for a band collar. Something rather achievable, actually. Hm...

Slraep said:
Originally Posted by Slraep
If I were to wear something over the top, it would be ...


Those are exotic alright! Fairy tale jewels! Can you imagine that worn with a black pantsuit? :rolleyes: ... I think I can! :eek:
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The Picture Looks as if the Piece was inspired by some of the Ajanta Cave paintings.. Pearls and Diamonds.. WOW..

Valeria101 said:
Those are exotic alright! Fairy tale jewels! Can you imagine that worn with a black pantsuit? :rolleyes: ... I think I can! :eek:

Worn with a black pantsuit, very low cut blouse and some killer shoes. Yes, I can imagine that exotic look! I think my boss would love to see me in that outfit too, as long as he wasn't the one forking out the bucks for the necklace. I still go the office once a week for an hour or two.

I'm not big on real diamonds so they'd have to be some good substitutes. I wonder what Jaipur Gems is selling that set for? Yes, a fairy tale indeed.

Slraep said:
I'm not big on real diamonds so they'd have to be some good substitutes. I wonder what Jaipur Gems is selling that set for?

Those backed table cut diamonds seem to have some soul left in them. Not sure there are lots of followers of this taste, but every now the look makes news: have you seen THIS? The thought that those stones are in their natural shape (perhaps polished a bit? or maybe not...) is a pleasant one. Otherwise, I like diamonds as a precious stone among others - the more color, the better ;)

I would imagine that the Indian necklace uses similar flat rough foil backed in the traditional style. I might be the only one to think that those work better with pearls then the blinghy version... but I am biased to begin with anyway.

Thanks for the moths! Would have never imagined pearls set that way... Awesome, methinks :) And there are even more interesting way with pearls where they come from!
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Valeria101 said:
The thought that those stones are in their natural shape (perhaps polished a bit? or maybe not...) is a pleasant one.

Thanks for the second link. Believe it or not, I was just looking for some dodecahedron carbon-spotted rough diamonds because my jeweller exploded a couple with the heat from her torch while making something for me. I like the rough stuff a lot better than the blingy perfect cut. I rarely use it though because of the mass destruction diamond mining causes to the environment. Even many famous jewellers who previously refused to work with diamond substitutes for commisioned work, now oblige without batting an eyelash.

I'm seeing a lot of brushed gold with pearls lately. I like the look very much.
