14K Pearl Bracelet, i need info !


New Member
Oct 10, 2007
Hey folks, i was digging through my jewelry stock,
and found this old piece.
There is a name on it that i can't make out.
It looks like S.Gamliet ?
It is stamped 14k also....Can anyone help me here ?
Here are some pictures...


Charles, my buddy, where you been? I was just thinking---it's gettin' time Charles posts another treasure.

You just want some info on it right? You're not selling it.

Slraep said:
Charles, my buddy, where you been? I was just thinking---it's gettin' time Charles posts another treasure.

You just want some info on it right? You're not selling it.


LMAO, you miss me...:)
No, i'm not selling it unless of course there is someone out there looking. I ain't advertising. This was from my Grandmothers jewelry. She raised me pretty much, and left me most of her belongings. It had been put away with gobs of other Sterling,Stones and such. I may come off as a twit, but i am not. Many people would be surprised at the Jewelry and things i have aquired over the years.
P.S. Your a Funny One !
God Bless ya,
Charles :P
Charles the photo of the part where you think it says S gamliet is not clear. I read it sgam usa from what I could see of it. I am just commenting on the photo not on what you said......
Charles, those photos are too big. it is distorting the whole page. Please reduce them to 600 pixels wide and 400 high whichever is less.
Closer Image of Name

Closer Image of Name

I hope this helps.


Charles : The Unknown Comic :)
almost looks like.....S,Gamlift or Gamuer ?
definately not USA on the end.. i'm So Confused !
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Slraep said:
I think Charles might be right. Gamliet or Gamliel.


The last letter looks like an R maybe a P or F. It's kinda rubbed there.

I'm searching the Google but can't find diddle !
I am just commenting on the photo not on what you said......
I am sure what Charles said was correct. I just could not see it in the photo. The new photo isn't much better. ;)

Are those pearls flat on the back?
Are those pearls flat on the back?[/QUOTE]

No, the Pearls are round, and if you look at the picture, you will see the different size by the gaps in the holders.
I'm definately not a pro at this,and your help is always appreciated in every way.

P.S. I Love Everyone !
Kind of Pearls ?

Kind of Pearls ?

Good Evening all, maybe someone can tell me what type of pearls these are ? This was my Grandma's, so it probably got some age on it.

Love Ya'll,
Charles ( The Crazzzy Guy )
They do appear to be Akoya pearls, however, if they are really old, they may not even be real pearls. Do you know for sure that they are real? I have noticed that quite a few vintage pieces used faux pearls with 14K gold.
Charles, please show a close-up of the front of a pearl station and a side-view if possible. It has a modern clasp and no oxidation, so it's not an antique (100+ years). It appears to be in great condition. The better we can see it, the better chance of dating it and determining the type of pearl.
PearlFinderCharles said:
No, i'm not selling it unless of course there is someone out there looking. I ain't advertising. This was from my Grandmothers jewelry.

Charles :P

Charles, buddy! You WERE fibbing to me all along! You ARE selling! Now who would have thought, eh?

I also see you are asking $10,000 for the whelk :eek:[/QUOTE]

Yes, the way i see it, there are no others out there that are Whelk Pearls. Since it is as rare as it is, if it doesn't sell it can go into the closet. It is mine, and the opening bid is as reasonable as it can be.
Slraep said:
Charles, buddy! You WERE fibbing to me all along! You ARE selling! Now who would have thought, eh?


Hey , you know times are tough, and i'm not wealthy as most of you. I work on my hands and knees doing flooring for 30 years. I need the money, and i wasn't going to sell it, but Rent is due, i have no heat...and i really don't need to go on. I don't have the luxuries most take for granted. I've had no Gas for heat, cooking. So, if you were me, what would you do ?
I can't even buy A happy Meal.

Charles ( The Lowly Floor Installer )
PearlFinderCharles said:
Hey , you know times are tough, and i'm not wealthy as most of you. I work on my hands and knees doing flooring for 30 years. I need the money, and i wasn't going to sell it, but Rent is due, i have no heat...and i really don't need to go on. I don't have the luxuries most take for granted. I've had no Gas for heat, cooking. So, if you were me, what would you do ?
I can't even buy A happy Meal.

Charles ( The Lowly Floor Installer )

Now now, Charles. You fibbed to me once so I'm not believing you anymore.

Why would you want a Happy Meal when you can have whelk salad?

Charles, that is an excellent description of the bracelet for an ebay sale. Good luck with it.:)