The Tudors and Pearls


Pearl Collector & Designer
Mar 28, 2007
I don't know if I'm posting this in the right forum, but if anyone gets a chance to view the B.B.C. series "The Tudors" it's well worth seeing for the fabulous pearls worn by the characters.
Costume repros. but nice to see some famous pieces as they might have been worn, rather than in paintings, museums etc.
And very impressive pieces they are, too.
I Sky-plused both episodes to watch I'll know to pay special attention to the jewels as well as the hunky leading man! :D
You'll love it - especially as the leading man (and many of the other hunks ) wears as many pearls as the ladies do.

We just saw the "The Other Boleyn Girl" movie, the 'girls' were covered with pearls all through it. Historically accurate, but note that in one scene Ann Boleyn (Natalie Portman) is wearing FWP with - anachronistically - a basket clasp......... It added and extra flavor to the film. (Though when Ann goes to the chopping block, her pearls are tied at the nape of her neck with a ribbon.)

BTW the gold B pendant with three pearls attached is taken from a contemporary portrait.
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She had a pearl or two, didn't she. How about this portrait? Hair and gown all covered in pearls. I wonder if that is a replica or if the painter took some liberties. At any rate, is it any wonder pearls are THE gemstone of power?


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You have to wonder how she managed to stand up with the weight of all those pearls, never mind the layers of clothes.
Reputedly, those later state portraits were pure propaganda, but... who knows what the actual gowns looked like!

Besides, this weekend I've seen a young, tall lady wearing six strands of freshwater (~6-7mm), graduated in length from below the bust line half way down towars the waist :p ; so it must be feasible :rolleyes:
Reputedly, those later state portraits were pure propaganda, but... who knows what the actual gowns looked like!

Art history considers most state portraits to be unadulterated propaganda; they were done to praise the leader and his family.
Probably the best examples are the imperial paintings of Napoleon and his entourage by Jacques Louis David. Francisco Goya painted the royals in extravagant clothes and jewels, but showed what he thought of them by giving them stupid expressions.

Roman portraits are exceptional because they showed political leaders as they were because age and character were an advantage.
On a close topic: I happened to see recently the Stephen Poljakoffs 'Capturing Mary', and in that film one clearly sees the transition from the British upper class gatherings in the 1950s and in the 1960s. The gathering of the 1950s is really an exhibition of pearl design: the camera moves slowly from one neck to another one, from one pair of earings to another pair and this is pure joy to see. And then the 1960s come, and same characters are already in a different environment, leather skirts, bright colours, no single pearl in sight.

This was really a striking experience!

We have some of our own politicians that seem to love pearls. This isn't an endorsement but I notice Nancy Pelosi has some nice pearls. Even the Pres is stunned by them.

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Art history considers most state portraits to be unadulterated propaganda...

For good reason, LOL!

Those of Elisabeth I make quite the news... not sure if the interest in the topic is a quirk of British historians or just important anyway. The gist of it: from the Maritime Museum. Interesting enough.
Saw her for the first time in those SSP just this week as a matter of fact. I like the harlequin Tahitians better. I haven't seen Hillary and her SS for quite a while. Those babies shine like the sun.
I just didn't know where to put this post, in pets? in Tudor/ Pelosi?

Anyhow yesterday during a festive Philharmonic Concert on the ocasion of the 60 anniversary of Israel, just a minute before Ms. Pelosi - the guest of honor - started her greetings, a little kitten appeared in the concert hall walking around calmly. However, when he realized that he became the center of attention, he got scared and began jumping from place to place. Only after a quite a long time, he managed to escape from the concert hall through one of the many doors that were opened for him.
(PS: I didn't see it myself and the person who told me about it didn't take note of Ms. Pelosi's pearls.)
Hi Amrita,

unfortunately the picture can?t be seen, probably has to do with the owner?s/publisher?s right or copyright something like it...
Stunning! What REALLY catches my eye is that yummy huge drop! Jealous of that long neck--------------so perfect for a choker like that------------

so many pearls, so little time