Tucson Feb 2008: Pearl Walk Schedule


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2004
Show dates Tucson 2008
The first day is the best day for seeing the best selection or if you want to buy from our favorite small dealers.
Pearl walk days
  • Friday, Feb 1 10AM The Pavillion at River Park Inn is open. There are a lot of food booths. Drusy Designs is located at this Pavilion.Sat, Feb2
  • Sat Feb-2- Fri Feb 15 G&LW shows are open.
  • Tuesday Feb 5- Sunday Feb 10 The GLDA runs.
  • Wednesday Feb 6- Mon Feb 11. AGTA and GJX shows are open.
  • Sat Feb 9th: 9:00AM Strack lecture and pearl walk with Jeremy.
  • Fri Feb 2-Sun Feb 17. GIA in town with paid and free seminars
Here is the LINK to the entire list of shows. I haven't been to most of them!!!

You will need professional credentials to get into any of these shows. A tax license or resale license and a business card with your name on it is sufficient. If you aren't pre-registered, I think sign up starts at 9 or 10 for the AGTA. It may be crowded, but the lines are efficient. Again, maybe because the shows start Tuesday and Weds. those days will not be as crowded for getting passes. Those of us with credentials cam bring a limited number of employees and guests on our registration, so if you don't have pro credentials and can't get them, there is still hope.
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Tucson Feb 2008

Tucson Feb 2008

Would those of you who are pros at the Tucson shows and Pearl Walks give some advice to first-timers, please? Where to stay? Is a rental car a good or bad idea? What about parking? What's the best shopping and buying strategy... that type of thing?
Hi E
Traffic is usually really bad here during the shows, but people from LA, for instance, don't think it is so bad.

There are free shuttles between most of the shows which are spread out all over town. They run hourly or so and can be inconvenient and also leave you out in the weather if it is not nice.

It is usually nice weather here in Feb, though. There is parking at the dowtown show for $4, first come first served. there is also parking at most of the other big shows, some paid, some not.

One of my favorites is to park at the huge free parking near the Holidome complex in the G&LW show. That show is mostly commercial pearls, findings and gemstone beads so not everyone loves it, but it where I do most of my buying. Then take the shuttle from there.

I like to get to the Community Center early in the AM on the day of Strack's lecture (Sat Feb. 9 at 9AM) and park there at least one day while I do the AGTA and the GJX.

Dinner is the biggest problem, especially if you want a sit down place. I don't have any advice for that, except many of the hotels have restuarants....

The Starr Pass Marriott has free parking down a ways, then a free shuttle up to the hotel. We had dinner there last year. It was OK.

I know this is just a beginning, so ask away-if I know I'll answer.
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Caitlin, are you willing to lead a Pearl Walk? Are others interested?
Did somone say Care Ehret shows at GJX? Are her wholesale prices similar to her eBay prices? I feel a strong need for some of Douglas's pearls!;)

I hope you can do a Pearl-guide pearl walk of some sort. I live in Scottsdale and I would drive up for that event. I would love to see some of the dealers that are pearl-guide regulars if possible. It would be so much fun to get together with other pearl lovers and tour some events.
Fingers crossed,
You aren't the first to ask that and I think it is a great idea. Check back to my first post for the updated Pearl Walk info.

AGTA and GJX shows dates are Feb 6-11.
The GLDA runs from Feb 5-10

The above three shows have the higher quality pearls.

G&LW shows are open Feb 2-16. This show have everything a bead stringer could wish for including all shapes sizes and colors of commercial grade pearls, stone and gemstone beads of shapes and sizes.
Link to complete list of shows

My Pearl Giude email caitlin@pearl-guide.com .
The earlier the better for cacthing Bay of Cortez pearls- they leave when they've sold out.....
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Hi Blaire
I meant to answer you yesterday, but my satellite broadband was blinking out.

I said Drusy Design's, Care Ehret has a booth in the wholesale "Pavillion at the River Park Inn"- a very easy walk from the GJX. I just can't quite remember if she is in the GJX too,but I don't think so.

Anyone wanting Bay of Cortez pearls can get them unstrung from the producers in the GJX and jewelry made from them from Care.

For the best picks of these two sources get here the sooner the better.
So Far I have
Feb 1 for the Pavillion at River Park Inn
Feb 2 the G&LW show
Feb 5, the GLDA
Feb 6 The GJX and the AGTA shows, which are right across the street from each other. Parking is bad.
Feb 9 Strack's lecture. A good time to go to the AGTA show again and the GJX again.
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Do you want to start a new thread about pearl walks. We should have one big one and I will fly out for that. Maybe it could coincide with a lecture. Is Strack giving another?

The credit card is called centurion, but with a large group I am sure we will need even more advance reservation. I can take care of that when we have a day set.
Elisabeth Strack is giving a lecture at the NAJA (National Association of Jewelry Appraisers) Conference on Monday, but the AGTA doesn't open until Wednesday.

I'll bet she'll do more than one presentation on pearls. There is an AGA (Accredited Gemologists Association) conference on Wednesday and from Wednesday onward, the AGTA will have seminars. I'll post if any pearl seminars are in the schedules when they are announced.

I know that Betty Sue King is giving a pearl lecture on Monday the 11th and she's a wonderful speaker.;)
Caitlin Williams said:
I think this may continue to be the master list, but I will start a list for Pearl walks and link to it here.

And we probably need to start another one for good lectures and their dates.
That's Monday Feb 4th. When and what time? What do we ned to get in?
(at least some of the AGTA lectures are open to all for free)

Good question. It's $600 to attend the two-day NAJA Conference for non-members, $395 for members. Most AGTA lectures & classes are free for registered attendees.
Tucson gem shows 2008- Pearl Walks

Tucson gem shows 2008- Pearl Walks

If you are interested in a pearl walk, please contact me by my Pearl-Guide.com email: caitlin@pearl-guide.com
I will be going to the show just about everyday, so if what is listed so far doesn't suit you, pick another date.
Friday, February 1. the Pavillion at the River Park Inn is open.
Wholesale. Needs tax certificate to register. Drusy Designs (Care Ehret) and Pacific Pearls (Fuji Voll).
Also, even though most other BIG shows are not open yet, the frontage road that River Park Inn is on, is cram packed with all kinds of booths from all over the world. It is a fun walk that can take just about all day long. Here is where to get your fossil fishes, amethyst geodes, and any kind of crystal you heart desires and of course every kind of gem.

At one of those hotels on the frontage road is the United States Pearl Company. Did I get the name right? Anyway, the one owed by the Peaches from Big Sandy TN. Great source for American river natural freshwater mussel pearls. They want a minimum order for most things. This booth has the shells. They have an upscale booth at the GLDA.

Saturday Feb2 Pearl Walk:
I will be going to the G&LW commercial pearl show.
I will be at the registration tent at 10AM. I am preregistered and I can bring 4 guests. If you have a resale or tax number, bring it. It will get you in everywhere. AGTA and GLDA also want a business card. If you don't, let me know and I'll use one of my guest slots to get you in.

G&LW is at the Gem Mall at 4475 S Country Club FREE parking.
This is a great place to park for free and take the free shuttle downtown or to any of the other outlying shows. Food not too great in this show.

Though this show does not have a lot of really good quality pearls, it does have some, plus it has acres of commercial quality pearls at unbeatable prices unless you go to China yourself.

It will have the sticks and crosses and coins and off rounds dyed in every imaginable color- some of which are wonderful. There are many great finds to be had.
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Wednesday February 6: AGTA show opens

Pearl Walk 10 AM starting at the GJX downtown across street from Tucson Community Center (TCC) where AGTA show is.

Thursday FEB 6th all shows open
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Friday February 8th

Saturday February 9th 9:00AM. Elisabeth Strack seminar in the Maricopa Room.
Pearl-Guide intros. Let's meet in person directly after Strack is through.

Sunday February 10th

This is the BIG weekend. Everything is going full blast.

When we get the lecture schedules, we'll post them here too.
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Here is your chance to hear Betty Sue King:
Pearls 101: Saltwater & Freshwater, Natural & Cultured
(Monday, February 11, 2008 Mohave Room, 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.)
Betty Sue King, King’s Ransom. Basic. Take the fear out of pearls by learning the basics about what makes pearls tick and how they click in today's market. Gain in depth information and practical advice for a core understanding of pearls. Betty Sue King passionately weaves the technology and romance of pearls with humankind’s natural obsession for beauty. King will energize you with visions of glorious pearls to inspire your dreams and fuel your cash flow. PowerPoint, handouts and hands-on experiences.
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I just noticed that Elisabeth Strack will be giving a seminar at 9 A.M. on Saturday, Feb. 9, 2008 at the Convention Center (Maricopa Room). The seminar is called "Distinguishing Cultured Pearls".

Looking forward to seeing P-G members!
