Just adding a couple of bits to the story:
Recently, a thread about precisely this topic run into some rather interesting Canadian stories on GemologyOnline:
There were a couple more like this on the topic.
A DTC survey found only a small % of buyers aware (i.e. let alone concerned) about the bloody issue. Would have taken that with a grain of salt 'cause of the source, but the movie came and went and already failed to have an sizable impact. At least, none newsworthy.
Cute, no?
NOT a promotional piece for the Kimberly process, but could well be, I would think. ['Vero' pendant by BKK]
'Bet there are some dark issues about pearls too. And rubies, and any other precious bit starting at the bottom of the global food chain only to be made useful at the top. I'm not sure how that bit of fact sounds in a sale pitch - 'out of place' most likely. If not worse.
Just think of the reeking moral value of asking someone to pay extra for acting moral themselves (this once, for making a 'moral' shopping choice).
If it works, WTH: all is right in love and war and commerce

and hopefully everyone is well aware of that already.