pearl farm & best places to buy FW pearls

Lani Going

New Member
Apr 29, 2007
hello to all,
I live in South Africa and am going to China in September. A few places that will be visited are Shangai, Xian, Suzhou and Beijing.
I would like to know if anyone can tell me where to buy good quality freshwater pearls in any of these cities. Also if anyone knows where to go to visit a FW pearl farm - would really love to see "how it is done"...
thank you very much
warmest regards
Lani Going
You will be able to find pearls in all of those cities except Xian. Well, you may find them in Xian, but they are not from Xian.

There are large pearl markets in Beijing, Shanghai, and Suzhou. You will find quality in all of them, and lots and lots of junk. You just have to be able to distinguish between the good stuff and the bad stuff.

The farms are not far from Shanghai and Suzhou. You could probably take a day trip to see a few of them. But you will need the assistance of a local, someone in the business. You can probably ask for this assistance when shopping for pearls. If you are buying from them, that is.
Specific pearl companies?

Specific pearl companies?

Dear Jeremy,
Thank you very much for your reply - it is very much appreciated!
Could you perhaps recommend specific companies in Shanghai for instance that one should rather buy from? I saw on the net that there is a place called "The Pearl City" in Nanjing Road with many shops, it makes it very confusing as I'm far from a gemologist, I need all the help I can get! Also any other advise you could give would be most welcome and appreciated!!
Warmest Regards from South Africa
Lani Going
The only seller in Shanghai I will personally recommend is Ling Li Lin. Her store is Ling Ling's Pearls. We have been friends for more than 10 years. She is a good, honest seller.
jshepherd said:
The only seller in Shanghai I will personally recommend ....

Could THIS be the same place & person ? Or simple coincidence...

Second, speaking of coincidence: THIS isn't you, right?
jshepherd said:
Yes, that is the same Ling Ling!

We have no affiliation with Gemwow.

Hi Jeremy,

Do you know her store's phone #or web address? cause I am going to SHA next month and there are so many people has the same name. I would love to visit her store.
Hi Shelley,

If you click the first "this" in Valeria's post #5 you will see a phone number.

so many pearls, so little time