golden AAA value?


New Member
May 28, 2007
As allways, I am scouring the planet in my quest for SS pearls. I have located 3 matched goldens in what looks like AAA in the range of about the size of an asian thumb. I am told between 12mm-14mm. nice color as well.
Any general idea of value?
3 pearls

3 pearls

This is an image of the 3 goldens, 2 are AAA, 1 is AA-AAA


  • GoldPearl.jpg
    19.7 KB · Views: 104
Hi There,

Why don't you have a gauge with you so you can measure the exact size? There's a big difference in value between a pearl in the same quality, but from 12 to 14 mm.
An Asian thumb???????
so many pearls, so little time
For a blemish free, 12-13mm with that medium to dark golden color and with good luster, a good wholesale price would be below $400 each. Wholesale in the US would be closer to $600 each.

Make certain you know the exact size before bartering. You should always carry a digital caliper and an analog caliper along (incase the battery dies in the digital), when you're shopping for pearls like this. Never rely on someone's thumb. :eek:
Have you asked for three matched pearls, or did they just happen?

If not asked for, the good match seems a bit curious to me. Or is it? Just asking myself...
thumb size, the new rating system?

thumb size, the new rating system?

yeah funny, I have a friend in asia looking into it and the vendor too is a bit silly. First it was 30mm, than went to 20mm, and now thumb. The seller is not a pearl dealer just a pawn shop type of store.
Soon I will get more exact sizes.
Either way sounds overpriced. They are asking over $500 each.
I will give thumb updates.
I never find a Round Golden pearls with Blemish free can go bigger than 18mm. Thus, please really measure the pearls size before buying!!

Also, please ask if it is natural color or dyed/processed. Its also made a great different.
How much does the color affect the value? I love the deep orangey-gold color but, I haven't really seen a full strand. I've just stumbled across individual pearls. I'd love to find a baroque strand of dark orangey-gold pearls.

Then again, I'm a natural blonde with pale skin and pink undertones. Think I could pull it off?
the dark goldens are worth A LOT more then the light yellows and champagne colored South Seas. They look great but you'll pay a hefty price for a good quality full strand.
theamericanlotus said:
yeah funny, I have a friend in asia looking into it and the vendor too is a bit silly. First it was 30mm, than went to 20mm, and now thumb. The seller is not a pearl dealer just a pawn shop type of store.
Soon I will get more exact sizes.
Either way sounds overpriced. They are asking over $500 each.
I will give thumb updates.
Hey, what happened? Did you ever get the correct informtion on sizes? I was kinda curious as to how ths ended up.:cool: