Natural Abalone Pearls

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Incredible, no price would adequately compensate the risk and chance involved in finding those pearls (unlike those who sit at the drainage end of an abalone cannery sifting through the offal!). In any case, you'll need to measure and weigh the pearls professionally, and obtain a photo that captures more of the color overtones of the pearls, as it appears your photo may not be doing justice. Look forward to the results.

5 pearls

5 pearls

Hi, thanks for the responses. My neighbor up the street is a Jeweler and can weigh / measure the pearls if I ask him, but where could I send them to be professionally appraised? Everyone on this site seems to be a Pearl Expert and "Iknownothing"(Shultz Hogans Heros). Thanks in advance for any advice. I really appreciate it! BTW do people really sit at an Abalone outfall ? That's got to be the slimiest place on Earth. Thanks again, Jim
yup pretty darn rare to have one abalone in those shapes let alone 5 in one shell. I think you'll be suprised at their worth.
Hi Jim,

You might want to call Sharon Wakefield in Boise ID, she is an experienced pearl appraiser, and gives honest advice. If she knows of someone QUALIFIED in your area, I'm certain she would refer you to them. Here is her information, I have personally used her service, and she has been recommended elsewhere on the forum:

Sharon Wakefield, BS ChE, GG, ISA-CAPP
PO Box 8243
Boise, ID 83707

ph 208-362-3938
fx 208-362-2889


Keep us in the loop, Jim! That is a very great find!!!!

so many pearls, so little time
5 pearls

5 pearls

Hi, I just talked to Sharon and I'll be sending the pearls to her in Idaho.I'll post the info. later,Jim
Wow! That abalone! I'd just like to touch it. And I totally forgive all those diamonds, even the ones supposedly paisley but looking more like anteaters.
Incredible pearls and pieces, offering a sense of perspective from both an historical as well as qualitative point of view. Thanks for the post?
Red Abalone makes Guiness 2008: Really a nice specimen as well as being big.
Sorry all, turned out to be a scam.
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Isn't that a sort of forum on the GWR website? The pearl seems to belong to a poster unrelated to the records book content.

Wish the fellow gave a bit more detail...
You mean I got scammed? Wow! I did know it was a forum, but I didn't know it was a fabrication. Sorry everyone. I'll delete the link.
It's been taken off of eBay. Didn't say why.

Have you considered approaching one of the major auction houses like Sotheby's, Christie's or Bonham's & Butterfield's? That's what a pearl dealer I've known for around 15 years advised me. I have been told that they end up with about 50% to 60% of the sale price, even though their official commission is somewhere in the range of 30%. Or so, again, I've been told. If they can get you enough, then it might be worth it. After seeing the kind of money that seems to be handed over for important pearls in the middle east, I wonder if there might be a way to access that market? Perhaps one of the auction houses would know something about that. considering the size of the jewelry that's showing up in the fashion mags these days, I would think that in the right market, even here in the USA, it might gain some real traction. Another idea might be for you to search out jewelry designers who have access to these high end markets and see if they might want to do a little "joint venture" with you. Good luck! That's a real beauty you have.

[By the way, about an hour ago it was announced that eBay just sold Butterfield's & Butterfields to Bonham's. . . But then--It seems there already was a Bonham's and Butterfield's. . ? Could this be a name consolidation move? . . . or are these auction houses just sort of an incestuous bunch like the European royal families?]

J. Marcus
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Abalone Anomalies--Berry Blisters, etc.

Abalone Anomalies--Berry Blisters, etc.

Say "Abalone Anomalies" 10 times in a row as fast as you can!
OK, couldn't resist.

As I mentioned at the end of the "Abalone Gone Buggy" thread, I've found some very interesting oddities in some of my abalones. When I've come across these in the past, I've usually set them aside to look at in the future, but hadn't given them a close examination or much thought. In cleaning and examining them to photo, I began to notice some interesting things about some of them. I've begun to search through all my stock of cut out blisters and shells and am finding more anomalies leading to more questions. I've come across at least two classes of solid blisters and maybe more. It may take me a while to photo, post and attempt to analyse these so it's not going to happen all in one posting or even one day.

When I first laid eyes on this first one it brought back a very clear memory of one very much like it that I had seen when but a young lad. It was in a piece of vintage jewelry, perhaps even my mothers' though I didn't see it when we went through her things after she passed away--maybe one of my aunts or even of my grandmother. It made an impression on me, that's for sure.

This first one I purchased from a local man who does a lot of inlay work with abalone shell. He cut it out and finished it himself and not the way that I would have done it at all, but still, I was glad to have it and he may have accidently exposed some of the answer to how these came about. The cluster measures 14mm X 10.3mm and the largest "bump" measures 6.5mm X 5mm. The back is the natural, original shell. The little ring you may see on it is glue that he used to attach it to a dop stick.

J Marcus


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Here's the second "Berry Blister." I found this and the next one in the same day in two shells that came in the same box. I haven't tried to do anything to it other than cut it out of the shell and grind off the back. Try not to notice the fingers and nails--making jewelry does terrible things to ones' hands!

Edit: I forgot to mention that the berry cluster is just about 13mm X 11mm.


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