Am I wrong?


New Member
Apr 5, 2007
I've seen some bad representations on Fleabay but right now this one tops them all imho. Or am I wrong and should I quickly jump on this?
Newbie in training after all :)

Alain: I don't know, but I think you have a gift. It's a toss up on this one. Obviously the pearls aren't as they are described, but they are knotted and the clasps look larger than the pearls themselves. The clasps could be 6 or they could be 8 mm. The picture looks as though they are really white gold. Hmmm, now I've forgotten, are you bidding on just the necklace or the set? Anyway, for $.99, I'd say go for it. You'd pay $10 for two gold clasps here so the shipping is a moot point. Now, will you really receive what is pictured? Well, that's another question. Can you afford to gamble $11 for kicks and giggles? :)
They look like dyed freshies or faux pearls to me, though the latter are typically larger so I'd guess the former. There are no variations in shade and the gold just looks so fake. Good for costume jewellery assuming the price doesn't go up.
What I was trying to say is I think they are CFWP but they say they are a combination of Akoya, SouthSea and Tahitian.

$11 for 8mm fwp and 2 14k clasp is not bad like panda (or do I call you knotty?) says.

The pearls certainly are not as described. There is not a South Sea or akoya in that set, and I highly doubt the clasps are gold. Based on the gram weight they describe, they would be better off melting down the clasps and throwing out the pearls. But for $10, not a big loss. But they are dishonest...

I would not be surprised if the piece received looks like their other "akoya" pearls for sale here:

Or here:

Their Tahitians are amazing as well:

It always amazes me to see all positive feedback from a seller like this. Maybe because the junk doesn't cost anything...?
I am awake now and looked closely at the pictures. the one with the 2 clasps is the most informative to me. The "akoya" to the right of the clasp is not shaped like a pearl plated bead, it is shaped like a cfwp. The grey and gold are both dyed. My opinion--- cultured freshwater pearls
The clasp may even be gold plated considereing how fake the rest of the ad is.

I was going to check out their feedback, byt when I saw this one adsvertised as 11+mm AKOYA I wouldn't go near these guys with any money.
quote Jeremy
It always amazes me to see all positive feedback from a seller like this. Maybe because the junk doesn't cost anything...?

the feedbacks show private sales and no feedback on pearls sales so :rolleyes: absolutly clear, that's where ebay is not so bad and feedbacks useful !
Aycee was looking for educational pieces and I think this would be good for education. So what if the clasps turn out to be plated, that's pretty much what he'd pay in the states for plated clasps. He could cut these pearls in half and inspect the dye job, see what a pearl looks like on the inside. I understand there are bead nuked FWs, is that correct? There could be a bead inside. If they are tissue nuked, he could see that too. He could inspect the drill holes. I think he'd have fun inspecting them and the $11 is worth the price of admission. He could also write a scathing review on what he finds and maybe get this vendor off the e-bay streets. Poetic justice.
Yes, there are bead-nuked freshwaters. But those are not bead-nuked. Bead nucleated freshwater pearls are almost always large, and have tails. The stories of the round, bead-nuked freshwater were an urban legend propagated by Matlins and Ward about 5 years ago. Very few rounds actually exist, although they keep trying to produce them.

The reason bead-nuked are large is because of the way they are produced, which I will write about soon, and because of financial considerations.
Just a thought.. Do you think they keep the bidders I.D. private out of shame or to keep others from contacting the buyers and warning them about the bogus pearls?