Rare fancy color CFWP


Pearl Paradise
Jun 22, 2004

Peacock coloration with gold overtones. Selected from materials factory, completely untreated freshwater. I collected enough to make one strand with slightly varying overtones, and a few multi's with exotic combinations.


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Hi Jeremy,

Beautiful !!!! How big are those pearls ??? Definitely multi-tone strand would be my choice !! I love looking at different tones on a strand and every time I do so - to discover another unexpected color in the mixture....
They are in the 7mm range. The lot was a 7-8mm lot, but by this year's standards that means 6.5-7.5mm... dropped .2 this year:mad:
Hmm, if they're that color I wouldn't mind if they were small. Pity, you wouldn't have enough to sell would you? It's so pretty, untreated no less! Pray stop whetting our appettites with the untreated CFWPs - it's almost Mother's Day and Fedex doesn't deliver on weekends in Australia!
Definitely not enough to sell, that is for sure.

We did some calculations while in Zhuji to determine the rarity factor of pieces like this by discussing percentages with several factories (farmers have no clue on this point). What we determined was that the true gems, pearls that are round with high luster, orient, and good color, are approximately .05% of production. Pearls with exotic color such as those in the picture are only a very small fraction of that.

No, these are not a marketable item, they are a collector's piece.

I drilled and matched them at a friend's factory. I will post the finished picture soon.

The untreated baroques should be ready by Thursday!
Woah... they have some really nice colors in them. I've never seen that color(s) in pearls before. Can't wait to see what else you have.
Hi Jeremy

Those are fantastic! Are there enough for a necklace? I only see 31 and the nifty bead wizard says it will take 50 6.5 beads with knots to make 16"

If not, I'll bead you up one of my pearl-gemstone-pearl--gemstone, pieces with them. (I'll even use silk!)
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Wow, what a find!! I love the tones. Like the others, I never imagined such colors in CFWP. I can't wait to see the finished strand. Too bad they couldn't increase the production of that color variation. If it could be marketed, especially at a reasonable price, sales would be through the roof. Even high-end would probably sell well. They certainly look gorgeous just in the photo. Thanks for posting!
Hi Jeremy,

You have us all drooling!!!! Those are out and out Fantastic!!!

so many pearls, so little time
Those are amazing - we certainly do enjoy them!! Thanks for sharing your treasures with us :)
What a teazer!

A pair of missmatched earrings with colors like that would be quite a treat... :cool:
The colour makes me want to dive into it.
Like melted chocolate, but better.
If only I could see those in person ;( They really are quite beautiful.
very nice pearls in deed! - Although its funny how when we talk about chocolate pearls everybody says they hate them, get the "golden" CFWP and everybody loves them to death.

Its curious how our tastes change when they suite our preferences.

Not to take anything away from the "golden" FWP's, but they look a heck of a lot like chocolate tahitians that were less then a hit:
...they look a heck of a lot like chocolate tahitians that were less then a hit

Sure! Bronze, chocolate, cinnamon, copper - some sort of pleasantly tinted brown: gold doesn't register looking at the picture that starts the thread.

Of course the color is nice - otherwise no one would forgive the treatment just to get it, methinks. Even better when natural :)

Hope a couple of those freshwater might be found somewhere for earrings. Can't get the things out of my head now... Better on than in, LOL :rolleyes:
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Brown is my favorite color. I might be the only one out there who thinks chocolate pearls are pretty. :)
xeresana said:
I might be the only one out there who thinks chocolate pearls are pretty.

You, and every jewelry mag on the land :cool: Brown gold, brown stones, brown... everything.

All the ho-hum for the treated brown pearls blurrs the record, but... wasn't it a dramatic, news-worthy strand of 'chocolate' pearls with natural color that started the craze? Coincidence-coincidence with a 'failed' new treatment initially intended to blacken not brown the pearls, and voila - fashion trend. Good one at that [too bad for the chocolate & cofee breakfast :o ]
Amazing strand Jeremy. Would love to see it on someone! Can you get one of the ladies in your office to model it and snap some photos for us all?
Unbelievable! Can't wait for the picture of the finished strand.

very nice pearls in deed! - Although its funny how when we talk about chocolate pearls everybody says they hate them, get the "golden" CFWP and everybody loves them to death.

Its curious how our tastes change when they suite our preferences.

Not to take anything away from the "golden" FWP's, but they look a heck of a lot like chocolate tahitians that were less then a hit:

The chocolate pearls are all over Greenhills. Definitely gorgeous except that they are not of natural colour. However, if we talk about aesthetics alone, all else being the same, I'd definitely go for the chocolate pearls compared to the goldens.
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Just to show you how rare Jeremy's browns are, I've only seen one with that color and in a multicolor strand. A whole strand will be unbelievably gorgeous.

Usually the browns have a dark purple hue, or a dollar-green hue, or a salmon pink hue. I've been interested in these browns for quite a while. In fact, my fave ring is a pinkish brown one, bi-colored as it is cream at the back and it's not even round. 10.2mm.


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