Hi Bernadette et al,
I saw some generic spectra line for sale for parachute cords
here. The price was good, but I did not buy it because the specs were different than the power pro brand fishing line. The 30 lb test was a mere .006 in diameter! That is too small for good knots on most pearls, even doubled, as I do it. The power Pro 30lb test is .01, quite a difference. It does not fit through most pearls twice, whereas the powerpro 20lb at .009 in diameter, does. It does not unravel at the cut and I can use it as a self needle, even with 2 threads, and that is handy at times.
I will watch for self cutting in the knots. When I was researching, I found threads made from kevlar that were even stronger. But it was not recommended for knots because it cut itself when knotted. The same sources did not mention the problem in the powerpro though both were reviewed on the same page.
I have been giving knots 2 good yanks, one when I tighten the knot, another to the necklace. So far, it's ok. I will keep this in mind for the final test, however. How long until it cuts itself.......

see pic below
I am wearing my 72" long 5mm AA+ white cfwp everyday, since I reknotted it. I'll give it a good yank every day too and let you know.
In any case I have stated that I think anyone should buy the small size (25m) until they find out how much they like it.
One thing I have noticed, the only downside so far, is that it is ever so slightly rough on the skin when, but only when pulling the knots tight, It's not even to the point of discomfort, but just not smooth, like silk.