This is a link to the natural pearls below. Are they Naturals. I think they are but would like it confirmed. I also think they are SW but not positive. If they are FW would they be from the USA do you think. I have seen a few Tennessee pearls listed on eBay. But as you have a lot of rivers and creeks I suppose FW Mussel pearls could be from many places in the US. I am not planning on buying them but just find it interesting to see photos of possible naturals and discuss their merits or lack thereof. Not sure I have attached the link properly.
Same seller had these up when I asked about the big 12 mm and over CFWPs as she had them listed too. Still listed but the price on both has dropped. Still I can't afford them

Caitlen, when you do searches on eBay it is not really a good idea to try to limit your searches by listing things that you don't want to see. Many sellers put in "not imitation", not faux" and so on so by limiting your searches you end up not getting what you actually are looking for. You do get loads of rubbish but there is just no way around that from what I have found.