what do you think of those ???

  • Thread starter Thread starter imanit
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are they worth 90$ per strand ???
far from perfect, but BIGGGGGG...



are they shell pearls?? thos are considerably cheaper.
Those look allot closer to perfection than the price is to reasonable reality!
Thanks for all your input.
I think, I'll risk my money and ordre them. To me they look better than the price is suggesting they do... I
Once I get them, I'll let you know and see what they realy are...
Where is the seller selling from?

I hope if you get it, you will receive the one in the picture. :o
I like it and pearls that size & shape would likely sell for more than that at the Gem and Mineral show so it raise my too good to be true alarm bell.

Is the seller really trustworthy?
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They are on Ebay (China?). And for the price, if just one pearl in the strand is usable, is still OK! There are a few such things with pearls from 13 to 17mm on list including semi-round and circlee - not the greatest pictures and substantial visible marks nonetheless. I sure' hope this is the start of a trend! :cool:
imanit said:
Thanks for all your input.
I think, I'll risk my money and ordre them. To me they look better than the price is suggesting they do... I
Once I get them, I'll let you know and see what they realy are...

Hi Imanit!

Do tell us what you get and post a picture (whatever the outcome)! They do look like freshwater klonks!

Good luck!:D

Valeria101 said:
They are on Ebay (China?). And for the price, if just one pearl in the strand is usable, is still OK! There are a few such things with pearls from 13 to 17mm on list including semi-round and circlee - not the greatest pictures and substantial visible marks nonetheless. I sure' hope this is the start of a trend!

Hi Valeria,

I think it's too rare to be a trend. Even in Asia, large FW klonks are very few and a lot barely have luster. South Seas will fill up the trend for klonks, I think.:o
perlas said:
Even in Asia, large FW klonks are very few and a lot barely have luster.

Hm... yeah... bar some neglijable exceptions, the ones I came across remind of polished chalk :o The exceptions made SSP look like a bargain :rolleyes:
Zeide Erskine said:
Hi Ash,

They look like freshwater klonks to me and they are worth far more than that if they are at all attractive. If they are dull, they would be still be much more rare and greatly preferable to all the South Sea dullards on the market but only worth about 10% of comparable PPBs.


The more I look at them the more I agree with your Assessment of these... I was asking beacasue perfectly round shell ones here in windsor I have seen in B&M stores go for $125.00 CDN adn up.. Sizes similar:)

imanit, ,
Good Luck with the purchase and please do give us an update
I should get them within10-14 days.
You will be first ones to see my pictures of what I got and.... be happy or sorry for me - depending what I will get : klonk or a slug..... I'm not holding my breath and I am rather prepared to see a slug....... As some of you said: price is too good.....
imanit said:
I should get them within10-14 days.
You will be first ones to see my pictures of what I got and.... be happy or sorry for me - depending what I will get : klonk or a slug..... I'm not holding my breath and I am rather prepared to see a slug....... As some of you said: price is too good.....

I would not pay that much unless I was 100% sure of what I was getting! but I for one do not have that kind of money to burn either

I Disagree with Valeria if one of those is useable its still okay.. NO its a waste IMO.. Still I am curious to see what happens And I commend you for being willing to take the "risk" you are way braver than I am.
Well, It doesn't look easy to obtain even a single round-ish pearl that size for $90... at least not for as much as I looked until now, which isn't all that much though.
Valeria101 said:
Well, It doesn't look easy to obtain even a single round-ish pearl that size for $90... at least not for as much as I looked until now, which isn't all that much though.

Hi Valeria,

You're right. When the fw pearls reach 14mm they tend to be bullet-shaped. Only few are really round, or even fall under the 5% off-round category. I've noticed that they also have a tendency to be lustrous in one side and have dull spots on the other side.

At USD90, if the goods are as pictured, they are a steal.
I received those 90$ pearls today. I got almost what I paid for.
I guess you were right : if it sounds too good to be true....
Pearls are 11-12mm. One or two are maybe 13mm. They are ridged, three have pits, most have decent shine....
I got the necklace from the second picture that I posted, so pictures were of the "real thing" - he send me high resolution pictures, so it's easy to compare.
Would I pay 90$ for those if I would know the real size of them? No.
Well..... I had to make this mistake to learn the lesson. I guess in a way it was money well spent......
I think you did fine with $90. David Nemani from Bella Findings in Los Angeles buys a lot of those strands in the 11-12mm range, and usually pays in the range of $80-110. So $90 means you got a decent, wholesale deal. There is a company out of Zhuji that seems to specialize in them, Huamei Jewellery.
If the pearls really were 14-15mm they would have been a steal regardless of quality. That seemed a little hard to believe, considering even the lowest end in that size typically run more than a thousand dollars in China (wholesale).




this is to give you close-ups. On last picture you see the worse one - two black pits !
Thanks Zeide, I feel better now. 14 pearls have really nice luster there is 5 with dull areas, but none of them is "chalky"... Now I have to wait for inspiration what to do from them..... Any ideas are welcomed....
This is what I thought I'll do. I should have enough decent pearls from this strand for a nice bracelet. The rest I'll use when I make my "mix pearls / semiprecious stones" necklaces.
imanit said:
"mix pearls / semiprecious stones"

Bracelet sounds great :) Glad to hear that the good ones came out in sufficient number. Clasp?

Between your asking and the answering I was leafing the Net after a certain address for earthy stone beads (Africa Jones') thinking that the pearls should look great next to some other beads that would make them look tame, airy and polished by comparison ;)
Hi Imanit,

They're still a steal at 90 bucks. Congratulations!:)
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