Hi Ivona,
Welcome to the club, but I am not sure you qualify as a "lowly" beader. Your creations are quite classy. My goodness! You take the club to another level. You have such an eye that you must have done something before you emerged as a beader full blown out of the scallop shell..... I like the sense of rhythm in all of your pieces; it is complex and nuanced.
Now you must tell us about your work. How did you do the ones with wire? Are they pre-made chains or did you make all those links? If so, what is the background on that? Are those seed beads in the first pictures, tiny moonstones or tiny pearls?
Also I wish you would put the pictures one at a time into many posts, so we can see them laid out on the page and don't have to click between them to see one at a time.
Nice to see the club growing like this.