Just for fun

Apr 17, 2015
Was doing some jewelry styling/visual examples and then could not help myself :), I think I will add to this thread every now then :-)

Hector 6.jpg

Hector 1.jpg

Hecor 2.jpg

Hector 4.jpg

Hector 9.jpg
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Heeelllooooooo Hector!!! Hector is seriously one of my favorite octos!
Thanks for indulging me ladies :) I figured my pearl buds would appreciate the pictures I was playing around with!
I know right? Just like a real one would do...camouflage. A testimony to Sheri's eye for color combos!

So Cute ..he's well hidden in those matching pinky lavenders !
It was for mom originally. She liked the octo but not the pearl, she said it was too pink. When she thought lavender she really thought it would be a deep lavender...so who knows maybe one day. For now Hector is part of my pearl zoo, and I've become quite fond of him LoL

He's a sweet looking octo.
Hello, Hector - it's been a while! Glad to see you are enjoying life with your (sweet and charming) human! XOX
It would be exquisite on a display case!
Love that idea it is too perfect!!!

Absolutely love the smooth stylings of your Hector. I believe his voice is just like Barry White's.
I have to come clean. I am in love with nature and animals so I collect, the "Collecta" figures. Occasionally I remove all the Animals and I place my Amethyst geodes on the window sill and will put Hector there because colors are cool together. I tell you he really did blend in like camo on the one pile of pearls in my previous pic. He stayed on the dining table that way for a few days...just to see if anyone noticed. It got me thinking Hector should just show up in surprise places. I removed the pearls and put the empty sugar bowl & lid, inside Hector rested, he was discovered shortly there after and returned to his place on the shelf. Somehow he found his way into an eyeglass case...but I am not telling how.

It would be exquisite on a display case!
I'd blush, but that would be insincere because I like hearing this ;) (Charming is the Southern in me, though sweet is debatable in some circles lol). Thank you and I hope you had a blast on your Birthday, can't wait to see you!

Hello, Hector - it's been a while! Glad to see you are enjoying life with your (sweet and charming) human! XOX
I like interesting small figures especially made with gemstones.

If I'm a good metalsmith like you, I'd do an entire sea garden. Lol. Pearl in a clam, corals and fishes with gemstones....Hector with babies....geodes and crystal clusters....just for fun. :p

I have to come clean. I am in love with nature and animals so I collect, the "Collecta" figures. Occasionally I remove all the Animals and I place my Amethyst geodes on the window sill and will put Hector there because colors are cool together. I tell you he really did blend in like camo on the one pile of pearls in my previous pic. He stayed on the dining table that way for a few days...just to see if anyone noticed. It got me thinking Hector should just show up in surprise places. I removed the pearls and put the empty sugar bowl & lid, inside Hector rested, he was discovered shortly there after and returned to his place on the shelf. Somehow he found his way into an eyeglass case...but I am not telling how.