Finally, the only pearls I bought. I didn't see any Tahitian strands with any vendors that were worth buying, all of them had a lot of yucky pearls on them. But as I was getting ready to leave, I found one dude with trays of undrilled pearls out, also super cheap (understandably so, as they weren't fantastic quality). But picking through them, I found some that I liked. BEFORE I BOUGHT THEM I asked him if he'd be able to drill them and he said yes, but of course once I had paid, he told me he could only half-drill. He swore I would be able to get them drilled somewhere at the show, but of course I couldn't find anyone to do it. I still kept them, because they were pretty and you can't beat $10 each, but now I need to figure out how to get them drilled. I'll post this question elsewhere, too, so it doesn't get missed here. At any rate, they're pretty and I like them.
Another point on the Tahitians, the ones I saw at the fair were less expensive than before, and I saw a lot of really small ones (some looked like 6-7mm drops) at the ends of graduated strands. So I think maybe these are some of the Tahitians we were talking about before, with thinner nacre? My PP Tahitians, where they have marks on the surface, don't show the bead. But most of the pearls at the show that had pits showed the white bead, even when the pit wasn't very deep. I typically don't mind a little bit of pitting on circled Tahitians, I think it adds to their character, but not when the bead is showing! I'm not sure if that's how you spot thin-nacre Tahitians but these seemed like they might be that.