Big Honking Pearls


Well-known member
May 13, 2015
OK, who bought the really big freshwater pearls that PP just posted for sale?

Please post neck shots. I need to live vicariously, since my pearl budget is nil right now. I have to save up for my plane ticket to Ruckus.
I was so tempted to purchase...and I think these are an exceptional price for their size...BUT I really want a GSSP necklace and that's next on my list of "must haves". Ok that and a cool jade bangle. I too will be living vicariously through others.
I too looked at those, and was very tempted, but not sure if Wilma is right for me especially given my preference for ropes at the moment. They sold out VERY fast and is officially COMPLETELY SOLD OUT as of now! Crazy!

A few ladies posted on PS about purchasing those, and can't wait to see neck shots, too!
It was during one of these Mother's Day sales that I got my original Edison strand...I recall they only had maybe a half dozen or so and I always felt very lucky to have one. I almost didn't bite, but a wonderful note from a pearl queen helped to push me over the edge! So moral of the story, always grab if it grabs you!!
I'm one of those who posted on PS. I dunno when PP/Jeremy will find giants again so I figured to grab before they r gone. Plus I'm on a serious PSS streak. I need giant strands to match my giant studs lol.

I asked on PS but no harm asking again I guess... Anyone has solutions (and pics) to lengthen the strands? 17.5 is way too short for me. I need 19 or 20 inches so that's a good 1.5 to 2.5 inches to add. Pp doesn't have matching pearls. Orbit clasp is too short... I looked at clasps on etsy and the longest are also just around 3 cm (a bit over one inch).
Could you restring them, adding small seed pearls or gemstone beads between the giants?

For example,


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I'm one of those who posted on PS. I dunno when PP/Jeremy will find giants again so I figured to grab before they r gone. Plus I'm on a serious PSS streak. I need giant strands to match my giant studs lol.

I asked on PS but no harm asking again I guess... Anyone has solutions (and pics) to lengthen the strands? 17.5 is way too short for me. I need 19 or 20 inches so that's a good 1.5 to 2.5 inches to add. Pp doesn't have matching pearls. Orbit clasp is too short... I looked at clasps on etsy and the longest are also just around 3 cm (a bit over one inch).

Boy, those went fast. I didn't even have to time to sleep on it and think about it. Just as well.

What about a chain? Something like a larger gold chain between the smallest pearls and an orbit clasp. The orbit clasp gives you about an inch. And inch on each side of gold (yellow or white) chain would give you an extra 3 inches, more or less. It would be hidden behind your neck, and it might also keep the strand centered.

I also agree with Lady_Disdain, and maybe adding small pearls between the big ones. Didn't Coco Chanel wear her pearls that way?
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I've ordered one as well (#18). I just really like them. Besides the size, they seem to have nice luster -- can't wait to get them.

Icy, didn't you order two strands? Then lengthen the nicest one with pearls from the second and make a bracelet with the rest... Or a tin cup? Or dangle earrings for your huggies...
Congratulations ladies, by the time I checked the sale pages there were 3 or 4 strands left, then I totally forgot about it! I agree getting 2 or 3 strands for those that likes long ropes. Those pearls are gorgeous, and there was a metallic strand as well!
These are mine:


Right corner pic is a filler cos that strand didn't have a bust pic.

Thanks Lady D, Bweaves n Tucs!
I prefer to have two strands to play with... Plus I think they won't match in terms of color n luster?

Looks like I'll go with a normal extender with lobster claw clasp... (Asked Erin n that's her suggestion) That's the more economical option too since I've totally overspent this month.
I hope more of these giants went to folks on pg/ps so that we can still see them. If anyone missed out, I think you can ask to be waitlisted in case there are returns.

Yeah I got the metallic (yay!).
Woah. ... the pearls were out fast! I woke up on my side of the world and everything was sold out.
Can't wait to see the neck shots Icy Jade
Wow those are stunning!! I was already off on a project when the email came in. By the time I checked my emails everything was gone... Congratulations to all who got one, or two...
IcyJade - If you don't want something spaced between each pearl.. which is an excellent way to add on any number of could always look at adding in either White Gold or Yellow Gold beads at the back by the clasp. One large one on either side would add an inch plus the large size orbit clasp..they do come in different sizes and you can easily get two inches. Or just add in the large gold at the back between the pearls so it's All White Edisons around to the back and then go Pearl..Gold..Pearl..Gold .. Pearl...Clasp. Use beads the size of the pearls.
I picked one up too. I got one of the smaller giant strands (11-14.1 mm). I told Chenai my priorities were smooth ovals and high luster over size. My plan is to make a tin cup like Newberry's.


Design inspiration -- Newberry's necklace that she was nice enough to let me borrow:

Cynde tin cup 2.jpg
Icy, for my SS strands, I had PP special order Orbit claps with added "cups" at the ends to add extra length. I don't have the re-strung strands back yet, but the clasps are a combination of the cup pieces shown below with the standard size, non-diamond Orbit clasps. These clasps should add at least 1.5" more length than a standard ball clasp.

Orbit with end caps (use 10x31 mm clasp with no diamonds).jpg