Egg shaped pearl vintage platinum ring.


New Member
Mar 17, 2015
Hi, my mother bought it in a second hand jewelry shop during a trip in Japan in the 1950'.
No further informations...
Gritty to the tooth
Perfect egg shape
Platinum mount with 2 diamonds, wonderfully engraved
Size: 12 millimeters high, 8.5 millimeters wide.
See pics! 20160115_161517~2.jpgnatpearlbpl20160115_160642.jpg20160115_160708_004.jpg20160115_163035~2.jpg

I must say I love watching it, but find it too high on the finger :-/
Thank you for giving your opinions :-)
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Hi JerseyPearl! Thank you for loving it :-)
I'm amazed the maker dared to prong set the pearl!
My mother passed without telling me how much she paid for it, but I guess it was not a huge price as 10 years after WW2 Japan was poor...
You really won't appreciate shopping with me... I'm a tiger on the hunt, LOL :-D
Hi JerseyPearl! Thank you for loving it :-)
I'm amazed the maker dared to prong set the pearl!
My mother passed without telling me how much she paid for it, but I guess it was not a huge price as 10 years after WW2 Japan was poor...
You really won't appreciate shopping with me... I'm a tiger on the hunt, LOL :-D
I am so sorry that your dear mother has mother also had a love for pearl jewelry...I miss her every day, but wear pearls as a reminder. Your comment about "the hunt" also has special mother would often buy pieces for me as part of her "catch and release" program! That is truly an exceptional pearl and setting...
Moms are wonderful. I would have "borrowed" her rings, but we are two whole sizes different, so she was safe from my teenage clutches! That, and she didn't have pierced ears, so I rarely snagged her clip-ons. Later, I was the one who found jewelry and gave it to her. I treasure my time with her and count myself lucky that she is a fairly healthy 82 year old. :)
Again, thank you kyratango for candled images.

This pearl presents as cultured. There is uniform contrast and geometry at the nucleus in all of the images, even the view from the bottom. Being an early piece, it has thick, mature nacre.

Nonetheless, it's yet another magnificent piece of antique jewelry.
Dave, thank you for your specialist opinion, I was sure it was cultured even in an early setting :-)
Thank you too for your appreciation of antique jewellery!
Pattye, JerseyPearl, GemGeek, our Moms are generous persons! So much beautiful jewels sharing stories with them :-)
Thank you Pearl Dreams for your nice comment!
Beautiful pearl, magnificent millgrain work ... I'd put millgrain on every piece of jewelry I own if I could, LOL. Best is your story and memories of your mother though :) My mom liked a bit of jewelry here and there, but didn't wear much. My Dad on the other hand, loved to buy her little treats, which she wore to please him on occasion ... nothing fancy or grand. But Dad was the Tiger on the hunt, antique shops, malls, markets ... always hunting for the big treasure he never found ... but I have tons of memories of hunting with him. One of the days he took hubby and me along, many years ago ... chilly, grey day ... me 8+ months pregnant ... following Dad around the antique mall, looking for treasure, under tables, benches, chairs, back of picture frames for HOURS, and I'm pleading to go home ... get home to find we're 2.5 hours LATE for my surprise baby shower because Dad couldn't tear himself away from the antique mall LOL. The guests were shivering on the back porch :), party was immediately moved inside, and Dad was banished to the porch in shame, with a big plate of food! YEP, I'd go hunting with you Kyratango Tiger :)
Cathy, your father's hunting fever story made my day! You were a very patient pregnant daughter ;-))
Millegrain is such an embelishment to any setting, it is a shame they can't do it as fine anymore...
Thank you for your comment and great hunting story :-D
Seriously, I keep coming back to the photos of this really is a work of wearable art! Given the size of the pearl, I wonder if it is a south sea pearl. I'm no expert, so I leave that opinion to others...regardless of the type, the pearl is also very pretty!