Ruckus 2015 Red Ginko Cortez Pearl Pendant


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2014
Hi all,

My first pearl purchase at Ruckus 2015 was this hand made Silver Red Ginko Pearl Pendant, set with a lovely silvery Cortez pearl. The gracious artist is Carlos Cabral from Mexico, and a friend of Douglas McLaurin of Cortez Pearls. I fell madly for this pendant when Carlos posted it on Douglas' facebook page, and Douglas was VERY kind to bring it up to the Ruckus for me. Love at first sight :) The pearl is a silvery grey baroque, with a few fascinatingly soft ripples and rainbows on the right side. The silver is hand forged, then colored in mysterious shades of reds, and it goes anywhere from bright and fiery reds to dusty, muted burgundies in soft light. The pendant is not big; just a little larger than a quarter, and for now I have it on an oxidized double silver chain, although I'm looking for ... a red suede cord :) Earrings to coordinate are in the design stages !

The first photo is from Carlos, who's clearly a much better photographer than me. The next 2 are mine, and the pendant is all these colors and more, depending on the time of day, weather and lighting. (

the tahitian rope in action!  and it works with my nice tahitian strand as well.RedGinkoCarlosCabral.jpgRedGinkoCarlosCabral2.jpg
Are you kidding? I like YOUR photos! What a gorgeous pendant - and earrings too. You are going to look adorable in them. :)
Oh, if you only saw the 40 other photos I took to get 2 good ones LOL ... Late this afternoon the pendant was silvery with dusty burgundy ... the colors change with every light change. And while substantial, it wears light as a feather :) And Sr. Cabral was a delight to work with! Thanks Blaire :)
What a lovely piece. I can't even imagine a pearl with such colors!
Thank you so much, Newberry and lary007 :) I'm sure more of Carlos' work will find it's way into my jewelry box in time!
Thank you Cees :) Carlos does very nice work and I feel very lucky to get this piece ... and with one of Papa Douglas' babies in no less!
Good point, Katbran ... Thanks, and I'll proceed with caution LOL. Even the oxidized silver chains can leave marks on clothing ...
I remember that pretty pendant from the ruckus. The dark room we were in at the mansion did not do it justice.

As far as your photos go, it is only the ones that you publish that count and those are gorgeous. Worthy of GemGeek's special pearl exposure treatment. Remember, you have no idea how long it took the pros to get their photos.

I, too, have found that oxidized silver chains can leave marks on clothing. That is the main reason I am wearing my new octopus, Candi, on a stainless steel chain.

Thanks for putting up pictures of your ruckus treasures!
Thanks Red, and so true about the number of photos taken even by the pros! I learned the hard way about silver chains, wearing my next beloved jewelry ... silver and turquoise mostly from New Mexico. Gorgeous turquoise pendant on long chain + white tee shirt = big black mark on shirt at the end of the day ... no matter HOW much I clean those pieces, sigh. The chain on the Red Ginko right now is short, 18" so it's up at my throat and shouldn't do damage :)
I love the colors and organic nature of this piece -- both pearl and setting. I'm so glad you got this little work of art, Cathy.
Thank you, KaySD ... I do feel lucky to have gotten this ... and it is really a work of art :)
Cathy, your photos look down right professional to me! You have captured the colors and spirit of that gorgeous pendant even better than the original photo (IMHO) :)
Aw thanks, Marianne ... taking dozens of photos and being obsessive/compulsive helps LOL. I've worn the pendant all day, and while it's a well crafted piece, it just floats in an indescribably comfortable way. I've heard a rumor :) that earrings are progressing ... yippee :)