Rare and Heritage Basra Pearl Necklace


New Member
May 11, 2015
Dear All,

I have a few family possessions which have been kept in locker for around 50 yrs. These, are in the possession of my family from around 100 years. I needed to know about them from a long time and finally got a platform to discuss it with experts here.

First I am sending a few photographs of one necklace made of exclusive basra pearls (I have got them tested recently from Mumbai). It contains around 450 small size pearls. The size of the pearls is 3.5mm by 2.5mm in general. They have a good luster and creamy yellowish in color.

Since, I don't much idea regarding the price kindly, make an assessment of it. I will be highly thankful of your opinions and advice.


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Welcome to Pearl-Guide!

Do you know what the metal and stones are? Have you had them tested?
I doubt we will be able to help you with information about prices though we do enjoy seeing unique pieces like this. I suggest you take the necklace to an auction house. It will probably be worth more if you had it restrung.

- Karin
Thanks Karink.......................... I have not done anything yet to its originality, but if you suggest i will surely get it restrung. Also, if you could direct me to some auction houses I will be thankful
Pretty necklace. :) Because the pearls are small and irregularly shaped, being natural may not bring a high price. It might be a good idea to send a photo to an auction house to see what they think. Try google-ing Bonhams.
First I am sending a few photographs of one necklace made of exclusive basra pearls (I have got them tested recently from Mumbai). It contains around 450 small size pearls. The size of the pearls is 3.5mm by 2.5mm in general. They have a good luster and creamy yellowish in color.

Since, I don't much idea regarding the price kindly, make an assessment of it.

Do you have a copy of the lab certificate?

There's definitely value to this piece, but modern auctions being what they are could mean fetching high or low returns.

As Blaire (GemGeek) suggested, once the piece is restored try auction houses for estimates although they'll likely mirror what I mentioned about risk.

Recently, many strands of Basra pearls graduated from 2mm to 6mm rollers fetch mid four figures in premium retail. Your's being somewhat smaller halves the value. Mismatched baroque shapes also halve the value again.

Supporting documentation will add some value. I'd suggest including a paragraph of historical information on it's original owner, location of purchase or any other points of interest supporting provenance. Again, some value added.

Here at P-G, we're wary of appraisal because we seldom have adequate information and rarely handle the pieces for rigorous analysis. Without considering the value of the stones, I gather you'll assume by my suggestions what too high or too low might be.

I'd suggest a private sale rather than brokerage, where high commissions might greatly effect your final reward.
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